Russian kashtanka

The Russian chestnut is a group of compact companion dogs of red–chestnut color, bred in Vladivostok in the 2000s.
- Brief information
- Highlights
- Breed characteristics
- History of the Russian chestnut breed
- Standard of the breed group Russian kashtanka
- The character of the Russian chestnut
- Education and training
- Maintenance and care
- Health and diseases of the Russian chestnut
- How to choose a puppy
- The price of Russian chestnut
Brief information
- Breed name: Russian Chestnut
- Country of Origin: Russia
- The time of the birth of the breed: the beginning of the XXI century
- Weight: 8-12 kg
- Height (height at the withers): 30-40 cm
- In the Russian Federation, as in the world as a whole, the breed is considered authorial and extremely rare, so attempts to find breeders who put its representatives up for sale often turn into a quest from the category of "mission impossible".
- Russian chestnuts are not officially recognized by cynological organizations and still remain in the status of a breed group.
- At the peak of the breed's popularity, in the early 2000s, there were about one and a half hundred Russian chestnuts in Russia, and those who wanted to get a fashionable pet had to wait their turn for a puppy for years.
- The exterior of the representatives of the family, although pretty enough, but it is quite difficult to suspect the "result" of purposeful breeding in animals. Namely: at the first acquaintance, the Russian chestnut is easier to classify as mongrels than as purebred individuals.
- Paradoxically, but the fact is that chestnut dogs have not only an army of fans, but also opponents who blame animals for their not the most noble origin.
Russian kashtanka is a smart girl, an entertainer, and also a born athlete, ready to impress with the power of her love anyone who agrees to become her friend. Understanding the owner at a glance and willingly joining in the training process, representatives of this glorious family will overwhelm you with victories in sports disciplines if you give them a chance to develop in this direction. The only caveat is that it will be long and difficult to hunt for Russian chestnuts. But, according to the happy owners of the breed, the goal fully justifies itself.
Breed characteristics
History of the Russian Kashtanka breed
Miniature dogs with reddish fur and soulful eyes owe their appearance to Svetlana Olegovna Belogurova. In the early 2000s, a cynologist and an experienced instructor-trainer of the RKF conducted her main and sensational experiment - she tried to create a dog with the exterior of a four–legged character in A. P. Chekhov's story "Kashtanka". And before that, Belogurova was known in cynological circles as a professional shepherd and did not deal with small breeds of dogs tightly.
As for the genetic heritage of Russian chestnuts, they took part in its formation dachshunds , chihuahua and Pomeranian spitz . Subsequently, the breeder took a step that angered many specialists – she diluted the "noble blood" of purebred dogs with genes suitable for the phenotype of mongrels. Belogurova's specific approach caused a lot of discussions at zooforums, but the interest of dog breeders in the breed was not greatly affected.
The standard of the breed group Russian kashtanka
Official standardization procedure relatives tax and spitz were not awarded, so breeders still make do with general descriptions of the exterior of their wards.
The head of Russian chestnuts is distinguished by a clearly drawn transition and a shortened, emphasized rounded muzzle.
All representatives of the chestnut clan should have a brown iris. The shape of the eyes is preferably rounded, and neither an obvious bulge nor a deep fit are welcome.
Rather short, strong, abundantly overgrown with thick hair.
The tail should be of medium length, classic saber-shaped.
The reference Russian chestnut has a chestnut-red coat, blackened on the ears and muzzle. It is mandatory to have white markings on the chest, the ends of the paws and the muzzle. Alternative acceptable options are red with black, white with red spots.
Since the exact limits of growth for Russian chestnuts are not defined, breeders focus on average dimensions, that is, in the area of 35 cm.
In addition to the general exterior characteristics, it is worth noting that externally, Russian chestnuts are closer not to purebred, but to yard relatives. So, walking with a pet on the street, answer questions in style: "What kind of breed is this?" – most likely, you won't have to.
The character of the Russian chestnut
S. O. Belogurova described her wards as companion dogs with the makings of athletes. The classic Russian kashtanka is a pet focused on close emotional contact with the owner who supports an active lifestyle. Accordingly, if you are looking for a cute pet "for retirement" and joint gatherings on the summer porch, you need to consider the Russian chestnut last of all – the temperament of the restless Pomeranian spitz in this breed is fully manifested.
Hypertrophied self-esteem and an unquenchable thirst for independence inherent in relatives - dachshunds , Russian kashtanki did not inherit. However, it is also impossible to blame them for their weakness of character. The dog responds to provocations from other "tails" like a born hunter – by barking and lightning attacks. There is also a distrust of strangers, which is innate and by and large ineradicable in Russian chestnuts.
The breed builds relationships with other pets in different ways. It all depends on the upbringing and individual characteristics of the pet. Some Russian kashtanki are able to come to terms with the presence in their lives of even a few kotofey. There will be no hot friendship between the "tails", but there will also be destructive conflicts over territory. Others will harass the "matroskins" to complete physical and emotional exhaustion.
With the owner and his family members, the Russian kashtanka has a complete understanding. With timely socialization and proper upbringing, red dogs are obedient, easily manageable and willingly support all human endeavors. Taking a Russian chestnut into the house with children is not only permissible, but also desirable – the pet will easily join the children's team, where it will receive the necessary physical discharge by participating in games.
Education and training
What principles should be followed in the training and upbringing of the Russian kashtanka? The answer is unequivocal: the same ones that would be used in working with her relatives – dachshunds and pomeranian . Don't be afraid to be strict when it comes to prohibitions. Russian kashtanki are aware of what manipulation is, so if you once let the dog feel your indecision, she will quickly take advantage of the situation.
- Work "for interest": do not conduct classes with a puppy if he is tired, sluggish, sick or has just had a hearty meal.
- Don't skimp on delicious incentives – Russian chestnuts love to work for treats more than for verbal encouragement.
- Use emotions to your advantage. The breed is good at distinguishing intonation in the voice, so more often give prohibitive commands a demanding tone, and verbal encouragement – soft and friendly.
Special literature will be a useful help in the work, for example, the books "Don't growl at the dog" by Karen Pryor, "Dog without Problems" by Vladimir Gritsenko. Also consider the breed's ability to sport. Russian chestnuts are incomparable in agility, freestyle and a number of other disciplines. Moreover, it is possible to prepare animals for such tests both with the help of a dog handler and independently. For example, using the books "100 preparatory games for a puppy", "Hoopers agility", "How to teach a dog to dance" and others.
Maintenance and care
The breed adapts equally quickly to life in a country house and to the conditions of apartment living. At the same time, it is not only impractical, but also cruel to focus on the "noble roots" of Russian chestnuts and settle them in a booth in the yard. As befits a companion dog, the Russian kashtanka feels discomfort, remaining without close emotional interaction with the owner. Yes, representatives of the red-haired family are not averse to barking and sometimes include gambling hunters, but the breed is not able to engage in security and watchdog activities in principle.
Hygiene and grooming
Russian kashtanka is a rather "economical" pet just because visits to the groomer with her are not so necessary. The breed's coat, though thick, is quite combable with a single-row comb or massage brush. If you do not run the dog during seasonal molting, giving combing from 5 minutes a day, then there will be no problems with tangles and a matted undercoat.
Monitor the hygiene of the ward's ears, once every 1-2 weeks freeing them from accumulated sulfur. The best option is to use cleansing drops that are instilled into the ear canal to soften the secretions, after which the inner part of the ear is wiped with a soft cloth. The eyes of Russian chestnuts are trouble-free, so just inspect them daily and, if you find dust in the corners, remove it with a cotton napkin. For prevention, you can also periodically wipe the eyelids with a decoction of chamomile.
Clipping of claws and bathing are carried out as necessary. In actively engaged in sports and many walking chestnuts, the claws have time to partially wear off when in contact with the ground and asphalt. The animal's coat has a feature of self-cleaning, so it is necessary to wash the dog only in the most difficult cases, for example, when the pet was doused with dirt by a passing car. The rest of the time, the standard wiping of paws after a walk will be enough.
Adult Russian chestnuts are fed twice a day. You can feed your dog during the day only during a period of intense physical exertion, for example, when you are actively preparing for freestyle competitions. The main source of protein for an adult is meat and offal. Remember that the proteins obtained by the animal's body from cereals are absorbed only by 40-60%.
Puppies up to 3 months need to be fed five times a day; from 3 to 5 months - four times; from 5 to 8 months - 3 times. From the age of 8-9 months, it is allowed to switch to two meals a day. However, provided that the puppy does not have a body weight deficit, and he is completely healthy.
List of products allowed for dogs on natural feeding
- lean meat, including poultry;
- offal;
- chicken and quail egg (mainly yolk);
- cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
- sea fish (fillet);
- low-fat dairy products;
- unrefined vegetable oils – olive, pumpkin, linseed;
- raw non–starchy vegetables (not allowed - potatoes and legumes);
- greenery;
- unsweetened fruits and dried fruits (as a treat);
- bran.
Some breeders practice a mixed type of feeding (drying + natural products). Someone prefers not to bother with a separate menu for pets, using exclusively dry food. But if you care about the health of your ward, then the ideal option is to be examined by a veterinarian, who will give you the right recommendations for feeding and tell you how suitable a particular diet is for your dog.
Health and diseases of the Russian chestnut
It is generally believed that the infusion of mongrel blood strengthens the immunity of the breed, relieving its representatives from the tendency to congenital diseases. But do not forget that in addition to the "nobles" , Pomeranians participated in the breeding of Russian chestnuts , chihuahua and dachshunds , often inheriting the following ailments:
- knee joint subluxation;
- colitis and gastritis;
- intervertebral disc dysplasia;
- hypoglycemia;
- hydrocephalus;
- dysbiosis;
- retinal atrophy.
It is impossible to protect yourself from buying a sickly individual with a 100% probability, but it is always possible to insure yourself. Do not take a puppy from producers whom you have not seen and whose veterinary cards, as well as the results of testing for genetic diseases, the breeder prefers not to show.
How to choose a puppy
The Russian chestnut is a breed whose representative is not so difficult to choose as to find. There are no official kennels dealing with the sale of puppies. Therefore, fans of red dogs, as a rule, have two ways – to look for amateur breeders who continue the work of Svetlana Belogurova, or try to contact the creator of a rare breed directly. By the way, please note that a few years ago the dog handler left Vladivostok and now lives in another city.
As for choosing the best puppy in the litter, then we will have to be guided by general principles. The reason for this approach is banal – the lack of a clear breed standard. To begin with, evaluate the living conditions of the kids – cleanliness in the nursery, the process and quality of feeding. The puppies themselves should be neat, moderately well-fed, without umbilical hernias, suppurating eyes and flowing noses. The mental health of dogs is also an important sign. Little Russian chestnuts should remain moderately curious, not show signs of being downtrodden and psychological oppression.
The price of Russian chestnut
At the time of the announcement of the breed, in the early 2000s, the price tag for particularly successful individuals could reach $500. Today, on virtual bulletin boards, it is really possible to meet only mestizos (only one of the animal's parents is a Russian chestnut), who are offered for a symbolic cost – from $50-$75.