Category: Interesting articles about animals
Milbemax for cats: instructions for use, price, reviews
A cat can get infected with worms after eating raw meat, contact with infected
Lichen in cats – important information, signs, photos, treatment
Lichen is a skin disease in animals caused by a fungus. Previously, the disease
The smartest dog breeds: TOP 10 with photos
Once in the house, the dog becomes a family member and a devoted friend to his
Top 3 most popular Russian cat breeds
On the eve of the New Year, I would like to sum up the results of the outgoing:
How to help a dog in the heat
Unusual behavior of dogs in the heat sometimes bothers owners. The pet can
Animal allergy: is it possible to have a cat or dog and not suffer from unpleasant symptoms
Allergy to animals, or sensitization, is a fairly common problem. Sometimes
How to teach a dog the command "Fu!": simple and clear
The "Fu!" command is not as simple as it seems at first glance. During
Estrus in dogs – features, how long it lasts, when it begins
When purchasing a girl dog, the owner must be prepared for the upcoming
How to teach a kitten to the tray – QUICKLY and SIMPLY
Kittens are angelic creatures, they can be endlessly admired when they study
The most expensive cat breeds with photos
Today, among wealthy people who adore cats, the trend is mustachioed-tailed
TOP 8 double bowls for cats and dogs
A double bowl is a great solution to provide one pet with food and water.
How to properly wash a dog: frequency and important nuances
Well–groomed dog hair is a real decoration and an indicator of a pet's good
Worms in dogs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Helminthiasis affects even the cleanest and well-groomed dog, therefore, the
Allergy in dogs: what to do, treatment, symptoms, photos
Unfavorable ecology, stress and an abundance of artificial additives in food
Castration of a cat – details about the procedure and consequences
The humanity of castration can be discussed up to a certain point. When the cat
Childbirth in a cat: signs, preparation, care after childbirth
Despite the fact that the birth of a cat is a natural process, the owner of the
Legends about cats
Cats have long been considered unusual creatures – cunning, insidious,
The list of 12 dangerous breeds in Russia has been approved: pit bull mastiff, ambuldog, North Caucasian dog, etc.
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has approved a list of potentially dangerous
The biggest cats in the world – TOP 10 with photos
If a large dog causes respect and even fear, then a huge domestic cat amazes,
The best films about dogs – TOP 10 rating
On a rainy evening, it's especially nice to pass the time watching an
Tiger in the package
We've all heard about people trying to mail strange things, but Mexican
Natural food for dogs
Making a choice in favor of natural nutrition, dog owners, on the one hand,
Distemper in cats: symptoms, treatment, frequent questions
Distemper in cats develops due to ingestion of an animal virus of the family
Aaron's Animals – funny videos about cats
Aaron's Animals is a series of videos describing the life of Aaron and his
Sinulox for dogs: instructions for use, reviews
For the treatment of infectious diseases in dogs, there are a large number of
Criminal cats
The most common pet is a cat. They are happy to get them both in private homes
Dog walking rules: the law of the Russian Federation, fines, comments
A dog in the house is a joy for every animal lover and his family members. But
What is your dog afraid of and how can you help her
A loving owner is always ready to lend a shoulder to his pet. To do this
Lichen in dogs – photos, signs, symptoms and treatment
Any spot found on the pet's body should cause an urgent appeal to the
Basics of raising cats and cats
Many people want to have their favorite animals and take care of them. But
Stronghold for cats – instructions on how it works and how to use it against fleas, ticks and worms
Stronghold - a drug for the destruction of external and internal parasites in
Urolithiasis in cats: symptoms and treatment at home
The presence of sand and/or stones in the organs of the urinary system is
What vaccinations to do to kittens and when to do the first one
When a kitten appears in the house, the owners must take care of it and protect
Dog Food Classes: lists, ratings, differences
The professional cynological literature offers ideal options for the selection
How to brush your dog's teeth: at home and with ultrasound
A dog's teeth are a distinctive feature of its exterior, and they are also
How to remove an ear mite in cats: symptoms of the disease, treatment with drugs and folk remedies
Ear mite in cats is a common and dangerous disease. It is rare to detect
Dermatitis in dogs: types, causes, symptoms and treatment
Inflammation in the dermis (deep layer of skin) – dermatitis – in dogs is a
How to trim the claws of a cat at home
The "cat manicure" has a lot of opponents and supporters. The former believe
What to do if the dog is injured?
The cause of bleeding in a dog may be a wound or a disease. Injuries
How cats and cats see our world
The cat's eyes have long been perceived as a kind of standard of excellent
When is it better to take a puppy from its mother?
The sight of a worried dog, who with wild eyes is looking everywhere for his
How to teach a dog the command "Sit!": simple and clear
The command "Sit!" refers to the basic in the general dog training course. Her
interesting articles about animals
Each of us has been in a situation when he met a lost animal on the street. But
The English kleptomaniac cat became famous by stealing money from a milkman
The kleptomaniac cat from the English city of Ipswich is known by all the
How to give a cat a pill – 5 ways and tips
In most cases, the need to give a pill to a cat arises when it is necessary to
How long does a cat carry kittens
As a rule, cats become sexually mature, that is, capable of giving offspring,
Do you want to live longer? Get a dog!
The life of dog owners, as a rule, is a little longer than that of people with
Vaccination of dogs – rules, features, scheme
Timely vaccination delivered to the dog will not only preserve her health, but
Tartar in dogs: removal, prevention, causes
The problem of tartar in dogs existed before, but recently this ailment has
Which dog is better to have in an apartment
Any dog, even the tiniest one, would probably prefer to live in a spacious
Sedative for dogs – recommendations and review of drugs
Severe stress in a dog, and even more so if it is repeated repeatedly, can lead
What do you need to know when choosing a dog
Each of us, when choosing a puppy, wants to be sure that his pet is the best of
6 myths that dogs would have debunked if they could talk
Myths about dogs began to appear several thousand years ago, when people only
Toxoplasmosis in cats: symptoms, treatment, prevention
Toxoplasmosis in cats is a serious disease that poses a danger to the health of
Sinulox for cats and cats: instructions for use
Infectious diseases are dangerous not only for people, but also for our smaller
Recommendations for the care of maine coons
In order for your Maine Coon to be healthy and please you for a long time, he
Kinophobia – how to make a friend out of a dog, not an enemy
Every morning, hundreds of dog walkers walk their pets, and movie phobes watch
Milbemax for dogs: instructions for use
Among the variety of anthelmintic agents for dogs, Milbemax stands in a special
How to make friends with a cat and houseplants
Don't sacrifice plants to animals! If the cat disliked &40; or really loved
Worms in cats and cats
For all its cleanliness, sooner or later any cat can get sick with a worm
Why is my dog sick
Why is my dog sick? My dog has diarrhea. My dog doesn't eat. Most owners, if
Cystitis in cats: why it occurs, how it manifests itself and how to treat
Cystitis in cats cannot be called a rare phenomenon. The reason for the
Why the dog howls: reasons, at home, in the yard, on the moon, signs
Dogs are distant relatives of wolves. The similarity of these animals is
A series of Nobivac vaccines for cats: what are and how to use
Even if a mustachioed pet does not leave the house for a second, the risk of
How to wean a cat and a cat to shit in the wrong place
A cat or a cat that starts regularly shitting in the house anywhere is a real
How to give an intramuscular and subcutaneous injection to a cat on your own
When a veterinarian prescribes a course of injections for pets, not all owners
Dandruff in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment
When a dog gets covered with dandruff, the owner immediately has two questions:
How long do cats and cats live? Conditions, recommendations, breeds
You've probably heard that 1 year of a cat's life is equivalent to 7 human
Otitis in dogs – causes, symptoms, types, treatment
Otitis media is a disease that is an inflammatory process in the ear. To
The Adventures of Aspen from Colorado
A famous traveler lives in Colorado, who has traveled 8 countries and gathered
How to find a dog if it ran away
Any dog can run away from the owners – a thoroughbred and a terrier, old and
How to teach a dog the command "Nearby!": simple and clear
The command "Nearby!" is a valuable skill that a dog of any breed should
Castration of dogs: pros and cons, frequent questions
12 video for the article Castration of the dog protects against the appearance
How to divide a cat or dog in case of divorce??
All the property that the husband and wife acquired in marriage is considered
Kanikvantel for cats from worms: instructions for use, dosages and the benefits of the drug
Having settled in the body, worms do not immediately indicate their presence.
Ear mite in dogs: symptoms, treatment, photos
Ear mite in dogs and other animals leads to the development of the disease
Shiba Inu became famous thanks to their curiosity
On the Japanese island of Kyushu, in the city of Shimabara, there are three
Cat Food Classes: lists, ratings, differences, prices
Most people on the planet are united by the belief that among all pets, a cat
Vitamins for cats: which to choose
Every cat owner wants his beloved animal to be distinguished by beauty, good
Dogs understand human language better than previously thought
Dogs understand human language at a high level. Scientists set out to find out
Gamavit for dogs: how to use, instructions, dosages, contraindications
Gamavit for dogs is an immunomodulatory drug that is used for therapeutic and
7 differences between cats and dogs
The belonging of cats and dogs to different biological species is obvious. And
how to teach your dog to go to the toilet on the street
Many dog owners are faced with the fact that their pet relieves himself at
Staphylococcus in dogs: treatment, symptoms, danger to humans
Staphylococcus in dogs leads to acute damage to the integumentary tissues, and
Sterilization of cats: pros and cons, how to carry out and what to do after it
If the owner does not plan to periodically receive offspring from his cat, then
Molting in dogs – how long it takes, tips and recommendations
Owners of dogs of various breeds inevitably face molting. This is a completely
How to choose the right puppy: detailed instructions
Some people decide to get a dog under the influence of circumstances, for
Cough in dogs: what happens, causes, treatment
It's one thing when a dog coughs while drinking or eating – she could just
Distemper in dogs: signs, symptoms, treatment at home
Distemper in dogs is a dangerous and common disease of a viral nature. The lack
TOP 8 automatic feeders for cats and dogs
The autocormer for cats and dogs is needed for the following purposes: 1) feed
How to train a puppy to a leash: instructions with tips
10 video for the article The dog should be accustomed to the leash, walk calmly
How to quickly remove fleas from a dog with home remedies and medicines
Regardless of the conditions in which the dog lives &40; on the street or
Pregnancy in dogs: signs, how long it lasts, periods by days and weeks
Despite the fact that pregnancy is a natural process, the task of each owner is
Keratitis in dogs – modern treatment options
Keratitis is one of the most common eye diseases in dogs, which is an
Anandine for cats: composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications
One of the most popular medications for the treatment of cats and dogs is
Why do cats have a rough tongue – find out the answer
Cat owners, no doubt, have been licked by their pet more than once. At this
Cystitis in dogs: symptoms, treatment at home, pills
Inflammation of the bladder in dogs rarely goes unnoticed: frequent urges to
Pancreatitis in dogs: symptoms, why it develops and how to treat
Pancreatitis in dogs is an inflammation of the pancreas. When the first
Dog for a child: the best breeds for children, recommendations
A child's dream of a dog is quite constructive and is evidence for parents that
In the year of the Rat, the veterinarian advised to refrain from spontaneous purchases of rodents
2020 will be held under the sign of the White Metal Rat. This animal has
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