Kinophobia – how to make a friend out of a dog, not an enemy

Every morning, hundreds of dog walkers walk their pets, and movie phobes watch this picture with horror and wait for everyone to go home so that they can go outside. The article describes in detail how a healthy fear of dogs differs from film phobia, as well as how to get rid of it.
Causes of fear of dogs
The dog is perceived by most people as a friend, but some consider it a real enemy. At the mere sight of a quadrupedal, they panic. As a rule, kinophobia does not arise spontaneously, its formation is preceded by various events, mainly related to dog bites and attacks.
Sometimes this fear arises in children because of the negative attitudes of their parents, who interpret the appearance of any dog to the child as a danger. For example, quite often on the playground you can hear: "Do not approach the dog, otherwise it will bite", "Do not touch it, it is contagious", "Get away from the dog, or suddenly it is rabid". After that, the child's brain automatically begins to perceive a person's friend as a danger, an enemy. Then the child will try to avoid contact with any dogs, thereby reinforcing his fear.
How do I know if you or your child has kinophobia?
People who are afraid of dogs may feel panic when meeting an animal. There is sweating, trembling, tension, palpitations, a possible reaction of numbness.
For the sake of justice, I would like to note that there is no such person who is not afraid of dogs at all, but this fear is absolutely healthy. For example, if you are walking down the street and a huge dog rushes at you from around the corner, it is unlikely that you will be able to remain calm. The reaction of the body will be unambiguous – the release of the hormone of fear, that is, adrenaline, in order to preserve life. As you know, the release of adrenaline can endow a person with inexplicable possibilities, for example, the ability to escape from a dog, bull or other animal.
Also a natural fear appears in a situation when a pack of stray dogs runs towards you. Perhaps they are just running about their dog business, but, nevertheless, the occurrence of fear in this case is understandable and rational.
Healthy fear differs from film phobia in that a person who has experienced any dangerous situation related to dogs will get scared and forget about it, and the next time he meets any dog on his way, he will simply pass by. The kinophobe will avoid all dogs in the neighborhood, experience a strong and inexplicable fear of them, up to panic and physical ailments.
In the case of kinophobia, a person is afraid of all dogs, and not a single individual, which, for example, once bit him. He may be afraid of absolutely all stray dogs, or only large ones, or feel fear of a particular breed. In other words, such a person generalizes all dogs into the word "danger".
If your child says at the sight of a dog that he is afraid of her, be sure to ask: "Why?" A logical answer, for example, that this particular dog or one similar to it rushed, bit, speaks of a normal natural fear. If the child answers: "What if she bites me", "What if I get rabies from her and die", and other fantasy options, then in this case it is recommended to contact a child psychologist.
How to get rid of film phobia?
First you need to learn to control your thoughts. Let's say you were bitten by a dog, and now you are terrified of everyone. Try to find an image of a dog as similar as possible to the offender, and looking at the picture, explain to yourself that this dog is possibly dangerous, but this does not mean that others are also dangerous. Make friends with the source of your fear. Remember the moment of the bite, close your eyes and scroll through this episode several times. At the same time, it is important to keep breathing evenly. After that, add positive moments to the negative episode. For example, imagine how the dog that bit you also runs in your direction, but as a result does not bite, but on the contrary, joyfully jumps, licks.
After you learn how to "work" with pictures and stop being afraid of the image of dogs, you need to start communicating with puppies. It is worth noting that at the time of such contact there should be no aggression on your part. Exclusively positive emotions! If fear appears at the moment of communication with the puppies, then do not leave the animals, continue stroking them, playing with them.
When puppies cease to be a source of danger for you, go to a dog service or to guide training centers. There you will be able to observe how big and scary – in your opinion – dogs turn out to be real helpers for employees, the military, people with disabilities. Ask the instructors for direct contact with one of the dogs. And again, if at this moment you feel fear, it is important to stay in place and not stop contact.
And of course, one of the best and radical ways to consolidate the skills of getting rid of film phobia is to get a dog. Thus, you will be in contact with your fear, and after a while the enemy dog will turn into a real friend and family member!