What is your dog afraid of and how can you help her

A loving owner is always ready to lend a shoulder to his pet. To do this correctly, study the main dog fears and recommendations for dealing with them.
There are several reasons why your dog is afraid of thunderstorms . The most obvious is the noise. Even a person can flinch from a thunderclap, and a dog's hearing is several times sharper. But then why does the pet strain even before the start of the "light music"?
It's the static electricity that accumulates in the air. Some dogs feel it through their fur, and they may have an unpleasant tingling sensation long before a thunderstorm. And the pet can also be nervous because of the atmospheric pressure changes that are characteristic of bad weather.
How to help. A cozy and safe place will help to survive the stress of a thunderstorm — and most often the dog chooses it herself. You just have to check that it's not very dusty under the bathroom or bed, and leave a treat there. And to reduce sensitivity to thunder, you can use audio recordings — over time, the sounds of nature will become a familiar background for the dog.
Dogs are afraid of fireworks no less than thunderstorms. The main frightening factor is the same noise. In addition, the dog may feel an unpleasant smell or go blind for a moment from bright flashes. It is not surprising that during the New Year holidays, the number of lost pets is growing rapidly — after hearing the sounds of fireworks during a walk, they break off the leash and run wherever they look.
How to help. If you know the approximate start time of the fireworks, close all the windows tightly and try to distract the pet. Treat him to a treat, get out your favorite toy or just arrange a cuddle session. And if the fireworks caught you on the street — hold the leash tighter, but do not show anxiety.
Dogs are social animals, however, they may also be afraid of new acquaintances. If fear or aggression is manifested to individual representatives, it's too early to worry. Such a reaction in a dog can be caused by a specific trigger — active gesticulation, tart perfume, hoarse barking... Well, or just someone not her type.
But if the dog is afraid of all strangers or animals, it's time to sound the alarm. In this way, heredity or traumatic communication experience may manifest itself.
How to help. You should actively engage in the socialization of the puppy — for example, often travel and communicate with new people, play with new objects. So he will almost certainly grow up curious and sociable. But it is better to deal with fears in adult dogs together with professionals. Loving owners often worsen the situation and try to protect the dog even from fictional threats — for example, forcibly take away from all the animals they meet. But they could have become friends!
Veterinary Clinic
The stress of visiting a clinic consists of several stages: the road, an unusual environment and medical manipulations. Even a healthy animal is unlikely to like fixation, probing and injections. And for a sick dog, attempts to cure it look like additional torment. She is unlikely to understand that it became easier for her after a visit to the doctor, but she will remember the pain and fear.
How to help. Train your dog to regular checkups and procedures. Independently check the condition of your teeth, clean your ears and eyes, bathe and comb your pet. Try to visit a veterinary clinic from an early age — and not only if there are complaints. And if the dog is afraid of sounds, smells and clinic patients, try to invite a doctor to the house.
Some dogs show longing for their owner more like aggression: they gnaw furniture, bark at the whole house and mark the territory. And others simply demonstrate suffering with their whole appearance — and it is still unknown that it is easier for the owner to survive.
How to help. Practice being out of the pet's access zone, for example, close the door to the room for a while. Before leaving, take the dog for a walk or exercise to reduce its activity and anxiety levels. And when you leave, leave. Do not regret and do not persuade the pet, standing on the threshold.
And come back soon! You miss me too.