Which dog is better to have in the apartment

Any dog, even the tiniest one, would probably prefer to live in a spacious country house with an extensive yard, where she could manage with taste. But not every owner can offer such conditions to a pet. "Landless" city dwellers, who cannot imagine life without a person's best friend, create a comfortable atmosphere for their pets in ordinary apartments, sometimes quite small. Many dog breeds, from small to large, adapt wonderfully to living in a limited living space. But to potential dog owners thinking, which dog is better to have in the apartment , do not forget that it should be comfortable not only for the dog, but also for all household members.
Important points when choosing a dog for an apartment
When looking for a four-legged companion for living together in an apartment, most people adhere to the generally accepted opinion that its size should be the deciding factor when choosing. The dimensions of the dog are certainly important, but no less important are the temperament, physiology, and character traits of the breed to which it belongs. German Shepherd , for example, in a spacious apartment, you can immediately not notice, which can not be said about the restless dachshund , busily scurrying from room to room with the intention of doing something "useful".
Some dogs from the room-decorative group, in the name of which, in fact, their purpose is contained, sometimes require more careful care than medium and large dogs, who feel quite comfortable in a city apartment. Do not forget that representatives of dwarf breeds can easily be injured.
Pet size
Many dog lovers are skeptical of small breeds, considering only representative dogs a worthy company. Owners of spacious city apartments, where each household has enough personal space, a medium or large-sized pet, of course, will not be embarrassed. The living space will allow you to share square meters even with a very impressive dog, which solves the most important household issue concerning providing him with a personal place.
It should be a cozy, non-cozy corner with a couch where the dog could retire without fear that her peace would be disturbed. The couch can not be arranged in the aisle, in a draft or at the battery, near closets or beds, where someone will certainly stumble upon a peacefully sleeping pet. It is clear that in small-sized Soviet-style apartments, the choice of a suitable resting place for a large dog is extremely limited. What can we say about the possibilities of such an animal to stretch, play, and just move from one room to another without disturbing anyone. You can forget about a comfortable life in such conditions.
Miniature dogs need less spacious housing. Even in a small apartment, they will have enough space to run, play, play pranks, splashing out their energy. For these kids, it is also necessary to arrange their own recreation area, although they usually prefer a sofa, an armchair or the knees of the owners.
When determining the size of the future pet, it is worth considering the features of the neighborhood in which you live. Representatives of medium and large dog breeds usually need long walks. The dog will be happy if there is a large park or a forest plantation near the house, where the owner could safely let him off the leash. With a lap dog, it is quite possible to take a walk in the yard or in the nearest square. In addition, many elderly people, who find it difficult to regularly take their pet outside, successfully teach kids to the tray.
Character and temperament of the dog
Even a well-trained, well-mannered pet retains the behavioral characteristics inherent in the breed to which it belongs. Service and combative it is easier for dogs to adapt to the conditions of limited space than for representatives of hunting breeds . The former are less active and, as a rule, have a restrained character. And the latter need an outlet for their exuberant energy, and if they are not provided with physical activity, they are able to turn the entire apartment into a playground, especially when the owners are not at home.
It is important to ask how noisy the future companion may be. Representatives of a number of breeds tend to loudly notify the entire entrance about the return of the owner, others will begin to whine endlessly, left alone. Such vocal performances are unlikely to earn the applause of neighbors, and it is quite difficult to wean pets from voicing. Most indoor decorative dogs, as well as terriers, especially small ones, love to make noise.
Physiological nuances
In an apartment, especially a small one, the physiological characteristics of the breed can be a decisive factor when choosing a dog. So, not everyone will like to relax to the accompaniment of the snoring of a dog sleeping nearby. This feature is inherent in short-faced dogs – pugs , pekingese , and bulldogs and boxers , who, moreover, often suffer from flatulence.
For some breeds, the ineradicable smell of a dog is characteristic. Its intensity can be reduced with proper care of the dog's fur, but it will not be possible to completely eliminate this characteristic feature. People who are not ready to put up with such a "fragrant nuance" in an apartment should pay attention to almost smelling bichon , Pekingese , chihuahua , poodles , bedlington terriers , Dalmatians , on rare hairless dogs .
Dogs with pronounced bryli (hanging lips) are characterized by increased salivation, so it is better not to choose squeamish citizens as a pet bulldog , boxer , sharpea , St. Bernard .
Room-decorative and other small breeds of dogs for the apartment
This category includes dogs whose height at the withers does not exceed 40 cm.
Yorkshire Terrier
This dog is rightfully considered one of the best four-legged companions, ideal for apartment maintenance. The dog has a serious character inherited from its larger relatives. He is absolutely fearless, intelligent, active. The Yorks have the most tender feelings for the household, while they consider themselves the owners of the dwelling. They are characterized by cleanliness, the absence of the smell of a dog. These beauties practically do not shed, and they are easy enough to get used to the tray.
The smallest dogs on the planet are divided into long-haired and short-haired. Compared to other dwarf breeds, Chihuahuas are quite calm and balanced. However, it is very easy to annoy this crumb in the event of a real or imaginary threat to its beloved owner. The most tender feelings for the owner of a chihuahua are accompanied by excessive jealousy. The dog constantly needs manifestations of the owner's love, care, attention, loneliness is unbearable for her. Safe conditions should be created in the apartment for a fragile pet.
French Bulldog
Devoted, affectionate, calm and at the same time brave, this miniature heir of fighting dogs does not need special care and long walks, but requires training. French bulldogs are very smart, they do not bark over trifles, but they will warn the owner about the danger. It should be borne in mind that these dogs do not tolerate heat at all, so you need to equip a room in the apartment where it would be cool in the stuffy summer. It is better not to start a representative of this breed for neat and fastidious people, or at least not to allow him to reign in the bedroom: French bulldogs are prone to flatulence, often snore, drool.
Maltese lapdog (maltese)
A charming long–haired representative of one of the oldest European breeds is a friendly and affectionate creature with a fairly docile character. However, when they try to educate lapdogs, they begin to act up. These dogs are characterized by excessive suspicion of strangers – at the sight of a stranger, they usually burst into hysterical barking. Maltese are sociable, inquisitive, able to easily adapt to the character of the owner. They love to eat delicious food, and it is not possible to train them to execute commands without a tasty reward. The silky straight coat of Maltese lapdogs is practically devoid of undercoat. Dogs almost do not shed, but it is desirable to comb them daily.
Russian Toy Terrier
Even in the most spacious apartment, this touching crumb manages to fill the entire living space with itself. Toy Terriers are incredibly energetic, playful and playful. Anything can excite these dogs, but it's not easy to calm them down. Those who choose such a breed will often have to "enjoy" the animal's barking. This disadvantage is offset by the incredibly positive energy of the toy terrier, which can improve the mood of any household. The advantages of the breed also include courage, ingenuity and exceptional memory.
Welsh Corgi pembroke
Extremely active and devoted pets of the British royal family are the heirs of shepherd dogs. Instincts make themselves felt, and even in the apartment corgi always try to get into a "strategic position" that allows you to keep all the household under control. If someone from the younger generation of his "herd" moves erratically, the corgi may well bite the intruder slightly by the leg or heel. This does not pose a danger, but it is better to wean the dog from such a habit right away. Welsh corgis have authoritative vocals – they bark no less loudly than their large relatives. The owners have to put up not only with the expressive barking of their pet, but also with the fact that he expresses his thoughts and demands by whining, grunting, snuffling and muttering. The corgi's characteristic "talkativeness" is offset by its virtues such as love of life, fearlessness, endurance, frolic, love for children and, of course, a charming appearance with a smiling muzzle.
Intelligent, fearless and somewhat arrogant Pekingese are one of the most popular representatives of indoor breeds. The main difference between this dog and most miniature relatives is a pronounced sense of self–esteem. Pekingese are independent, independent, do not claim constant attention from their owners and easily tolerate loneliness. They will not disturb the peace of their owners with intrusive harassment and unreasonable barking, so elderly people often choose them as companions. Pekingese treat their owners with love and respect, always feel their mood and behave accordingly. The former favorites of the Chinese emperors will not make a mess in the apartment, spoil the furniture and spin under their feet. They do not differ in increased activity and may well do without regular walks. However, this is fraught with puddles on the floor – fluffy aristocrats do not favor the tray.
Medium breeds of dogs for an apartment
This group includes pets whose height at the withers is 40-56 cm.
Small Poodle
A smart and cheerful dog – average in size in a noble family of poodles. Companionable small poodles are very playful, they love sports games. At the same time, they are very kind and can easily adapt to the character of the owner with laziness or the lifestyle of an elderly person. Poodles cannot be left alone in the apartment for a long time, as loneliness causes them a feeling of anxiety. Molting does not happen in small poodles, but their curly and thick fur needs daily combing, otherwise tangles form on it.
English Bulldog
This balanced, docile and brave dog will feel wonderful in the apartment, becoming a real find for the stay-at-home owner. The cozy walls of his home and spending time on the couch, the English bulldog will always prefer exercise, especially for a long time. It is quite enough for him to take a little walk once a day not far from home. The dog will be deeply attached to his master, without hesitation will rush to protect him in case of danger, forgetting about his laziness and demonstrating excellent fighting qualities. It is better not to start an English bulldog in a one-room apartment, since it is desirable to allocate a separate corner for recreation. Because of their physiological characteristics, these dogs often make grunting and gurgling sounds, snore at night and suffer from flatulence. In addition, they are characterized by profuse salivation.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
More compact and socialized than ordinary bull terriers, Staffordshire feel quite comfortable even in small-sized apartments. They become wonderful companions for people with a strong character, who love sports and have time for joint runs, games, and workouts. Representatives of this breed shed moderately and practically do not smell. The advantages of dogs include intelligence, loyalty to the owner, courage. They are very sociable, but this quality does not allow them to cope with loneliness. It is highly undesirable to leave them alone for a long time – this can lead to a pogrom in the apartment. People who decide to have a Staffordshire bull Terrier will have to give up other pets, as the dog will most likely treat them.
Representatives of this breed, distinguished by their compact size, lack of demanding physical activity and vast spaces, will become good companions for experienced dog lovers. Despite the fact that the sharpei look kind-hearted and lazy, they have a serious character. Stocky dogs have an independent disposition, and only an authoritative owner can properly educate them. Well-trained dogs demonstrate nobility, calmness, loyalty to the family. They never fuss and do not announce the apartment with loud barking for no obvious reason. However, for families where there are immature kids, this breed is not suitable. At the same time, the sharpei get along well with grown-up children.
Bedlington Terrier
Devoted and cheerful Bedlington, who looks like a sheep and a poodle at the same time, in a city apartment will not clearly show the hunting instincts inherent in all terriers. But released from the leash on a walk, he will not fail to demonstrate them by chasing the first cat that appears on the horizon or plowing a flower bed in the yard, despite the demanding commands of the owner. In addition, a dog who has received the will can easily arrange a fight with a relative if he angers him with something. Within the walls of the house, this dog is transformed into an obedient, respectable, intelligent pet. The Bedlington Terrier does not have the habit of annoying the household, although it is very attached to the owners and hard to tolerate their absence. If you leave the dog alone for a long time, his sharp teeth will certainly leave their mark on the furniture and the owner's shoes. Bedlingtons practically do not shed, but their thick wool, similar to cotton wool, needs to be combed regularly.
This breed is the average of the three types of Schnauzers. Like their closest relatives, mittels are not able to lie on the couch for hours in front of the TV with their owner. They need movement, so they will feel comfortable only in a spacious apartment, where they can make at least small runs. Only those owners who are ready to provide them with long walks and physical exertion will become worthy companions of Mittelschnauzers. These dogs are emotional, sociable, do not like to be left without the attention of the owner. At the same time, they are able to curb their ardor if they feel that he is not in the mood. The tough, wire-like coat of the Mittelschnauzers does not crumble during molting actively and is almost devoid of a specific smell. However, it tends to get very dirty – mainly in the area of the "beard" and between the fingers. It is necessary to rid the animal of dirt stuck on these areas regularly.
The elegant dog belongs to the greyhound group and is the fastest among small-sized breeds. At the same time, the whippet, unlike its closest relatives, feels great in even a small city apartment. He reveals his sprinting talents during walks and forays into nature, but it is possible to release a pet from a leash only after he learns to strictly fulfill the requirement to return. You will have to get used to the fact that it is extremely difficult to force a whippet doing exercise to walk sedately next to it – the dog will constantly pull the leash and drag the owner behind him. At home, the dog does not demonstrate hunting instincts, preferring to follow the household tail everywhere, trying to be useful. The Whippet is extremely loving and affectionate, and it is not worth denying reciprocity to this graceful and gentle creature with a delicate mental organization.
Large and very large dog breeds for apartment
Large and very large breeds include dogs whose height at the withers is, respectively, from 56 cm and from 60 cm.
Labrador Retriever
This breed of dog was originally bred to assist humans during hunting. But over time, Labradors have earned fame as the most popular companion pets for a wide range of people. Dogs are distinguished by their excellent character and lack of aggression. They are cheerful, playful, but not fussy, not noisy. Dogs are able to feel comfortable in a spacious city apartment. The Labrador does not need any special care, the only necessary requirement for the owner is to provide his pet with long walks and decent physical activity.
Golden Retriever
Golden retrievers, often referred to simply as golden, are not inferior in their popularity to Labradors, with whom they have common ancestors. But it is believed that this breed is easier to keep in a city apartment, since its representatives require less physical exertion. However, like Labradors, small-sized housing will not suit the Goldenes. These dogs are not as simple-minded as their close relatives, they are more restrained, reasonable and a little touchy. The sociability of golden retrievers does not allow them to calmly endure loneliness. A dog locked in four walls can make a mess in an apartment, so it's better not to start goldenov for eternally busy people. It should also be borne in mind that during the molting period, the pet will need to be combed twice a day, otherwise its fallen "curls" will occur at every step.
Airedale Terrier
For independent and "economic" airedales – the largest representatives of the terrier family – it is extremely important to have your own corner in the house. In a secluded place, the dog could not only rest, but also store his goods – toys, as well as the appropriated small property of the owners. In a small apartment, there will definitely not be enough space for him, but a spacious urban dwelling will suit the dog quite well. Funny, "loose", quick-witted and extremely inventive in their antics, airedale terriers become real friends to cheerful, life-loving people with a well-developed sense of humor. These dogs are absolutely fearless, always ready to stand up for their owner and housing. They need to be walked at least twice a day, providing an opportunity to have plenty of fun in the wild. At the same time, the pet must learn the command "To me!" well, otherwise his trail may get cold.
Irish Setter
Affectionate good-natured, handsome and everyone's favorite, the Irish setter has long been a companion of urban residents, although it belongs to a breed that was bred as a purely hunting one. It is not difficult for these dogs with their generous, peaceful nature to adapt to life in an apartment. But those who want to buy such a pet should take into account that caring for him will take time and patience. Short-term walking of a hyperactive setter will not satisfy. Walking will have to devote at least an hour and a half twice a day. At the same time, prolonged regular exercise does not exhaust the dog's energy reserve, he will still trot around the apartment after the owner, pouring out his love on him and demanding reciprocity in the form of caresses and hugs. The spectacular chestnut coat of the Irish Setter also needs constant care. It needs to be carefully combed daily in a special way, and the pet will have to be bathed at least once every 10 days. Fortunately for the owners, the setter almost does not shed, it does not have a pronounced specific smell.
These stately, powerful dogs, capable of adapting to any conditions, can be kept in a city apartment. It is only necessary to properly educate the pet and create opportunities for the realization of its natural physical activity. Boxers need to be walked for a long time, at least twice a day. It is also important to periodically give them the opportunity to run in the open space. But boxers are unpretentious in care: their short, smooth coat does not need regular combing, and it is enough to bathe dogs 1-2 times a year. The character of boxers is quite balanced, but sensitive. In the circle of the household, they feel like full-fledged family members, touchingly treat children, are ready to get along with cats. Boxers like it when the house is noisy and fun, but if the usual family atmosphere is disturbed, for example, by the appearance of a stranger, their complacency immediately disappears, and the apartment resounds with terrifying barking.
German Shepherd
The German Shepherd is a versatile dog, one of the smartest among its relatives. She will feel comfortable even in an average-sized city apartment, if you provide her with personal space. It is necessary to arrange a cozy corner with a soft bedding, for example, with a mattress-bed, where the dog would not be disturbed when he is resting or sleeping. A well–trained German Shepherd is a loyal, calm, obedient animal with a stable psyche. Her devotion to the owners knows no bounds, and she takes care of the kids no worse than their parents. These dogs are very sociable, but tactful, they are not obtrusive. Like most dogs, German Shepherds get bored alone, but they usually humbly wait for the owners, not arranging lawlessness in the house. "Germans" need long walks and solid physical activity. The owners will also have to regularly take care of the hard coat of the pet, which is characterized by a specific smell.
Irish Wolfhound
Surprisingly, this imposing giant of the dog world is quite adapted for living in a city apartment if its owner is the owner of a spacious living space, ready to walk the ward for a long time at least twice a day. A calm, unperturbed, friendly dog fully justifies the proverb that was put together in his homeland: "An Irish wolfhound is a lion on the hunt, and a sheep in the house." Such a pet is distinguished by independence, independence, lack of aggression. The Irish Wolfhound initially treats strangers kindly. Even if a stranger arouses his suspicion, the wolfhound will not attack, wisely preferring to scare him off with a menacing growl. Of course, there will be no trace of such restraint of the dog if someone shows aggression towards his master. Dogs are extremely attached to all household members, they yearn alone, expressing their emotions by barking and whining. In the apartment, the Irish wolfhound should have his own place with a soft couch, where no one would interfere with him to lie quietly, because he himself shows amazing tact towards people.