Keratitis in dogs – modern treatment options

Keratitis is one of the most common eye diseases in dogs, which is an inflammation of the cornea. If you do not start treatment in time, the consequences can be sad, up to blindness. But fortunately, it is now possible to alleviate the suffering of the pet, thanks to the new regenerative drug Reparin-Helper®. The remedy quickly restores the cornea and reduces the duration of keratitis treatment. And most importantly, the drug is convenient to use at home! How the Reparin Helper® works, how it will help the dog and how to use it – more on this later in the article.
Causes of keratitis
Note several aspects that affect the occurrence of keratitis:
- injuries, burns, inflammation of the eye area;
- hereditary predisposition to inflammatory eye diseases;
- breed predisposition to mechanical eye damage (big-eyed, flat-faced breeds);
- metabolic disorders (enteritis, endocrine disorders, diabetes);
- weak immunity;
- allergies;
- young or old age;
- infectious agents;
- vitamin deficiency (vitamin deficiency).
Types of keratitis
Keratitis is divided into two types.
- Deep ulcerative. It has a severe manifestation, inflammation of the inner, deep layers of the cornea occurs. After treatment, vision may decrease, scars remain.
- Surface point. It flows easier, only the surface layers of the cornea are damaged. With proper therapy, a complete recovery occurs.
Predisposition of different breeds
Some breeds develop keratitis more often. These include:
- brachycephalic breeds such as boxers, Boston terriers, bulldogs, Pekingese, pugs. They are characterized by pigmented, ulcerative keratitis;
- shepherds (German and Eastern European shepherds and their mestizos), greyhounds, huskies, dachshunds, Dalmatians, etc. Sheep dogs often have blood vessels sprouting into the cornea and pigment deposition, which makes vision difficult. This disease is autoimmune in nature and is called "shepherd dog pannus". They are also characterized by superficial keratitis, which doctors call flickenulous.
Symptoms of the disease
Signs of the disease are as follows:
- photophobia;
- irritation, itching;
- lacrimation or purulent discharge from the eyes;
- opacification, corneal edema;
- loss of gloss, corneal opacity;
- fallout of the third century;
- blinking, general anxiety.
Diagnostics is carried out comprehensively, based on visual inspection, biomicroscopy using a slit lamp and other methods.
Keratitis therapy with Reparin-Helper®
The drug Reparin-Helper® heals and regenerates various damage to the eye area in dogs. The main active components in the preparation Reparin-Helper® are proteins cytokines. Treatment of animals with cytokines activates the protective functions of the body itself in the damaged area. Thus, the healing process is much faster. Reparin Helper® is especially effectively used for the treatment of ulcerative keratitis due to the good susceptibility of eye tissues to cytokines and rapid cell migration.
According to the instructions, the drug is used to treat:
- eye diseases (keratitis, conjunctivitis);
- all kinds of skin damage;
- after surgical operations;
- lesions of the oral cavity and in dental surgery.
Reparin-Helper® can be used not only for dogs, but also for horses, cats and other animals. The great advantage of the drug is that it can be used both in the clinic and at home. The main thing is to apply it immediately immediately after mechanical damage or detection of the disease – this will significantly accelerate recovery.
How does Reparin Helper® work?
The drug acts in several directions.
- The drug has a local immunomodulatory effect due to the fact that it attracts immune cells (macrophages) to the site of damage.
- Normalizes the inflammatory reaction, which facilitates the condition of the animal and promotes recovery.
- Stimulates the regeneration and production of collagen, attracting and activating fibroblasts, which significantly accelerates the healing and rehabilitation of the eye. This is very important for the elimination of ulcers, turbidity, as well as for the restoration of the cornea.
- Restores the transparency of the cornea and prevents the appearance of a scar (cataract).
Method of application
The tool is convenient to use in the clinic or at home.
- Before the procedure, you need to clean the eye from dirt, pus (if present).
- Apply a drop of the drug directly to the injury site (cornea, ulcer or eyelid) with a dropper (one drop – 0.05 ml).
- Dosage – 1-2 drops 1-3 times a day.
- The course of treatment is from three days to two weeks, depending on the type of damage.
In what forms is produced?
Reparin Helper® is available in the form of eye drops and spray.
- Drops. It is more convenient for the treatment of eye diseases, as it can be applied pointwise to inflamed areas.
- Spray. It is used for extensive skin damage.
Keratitis prevention
Keratitis, like many diseases, can be prevented. You just need to know about the right preventive measures and follow them.
- Daily hygiene, including eye hygiene. Wipe the eye area with a cotton pad moistened with plain warm (boiled) water.
- Vaccinations. Vaccination prevents the manifestation of infectious diseases, which, in turn, cause keratitis.
- Balanced diet. Nutrition should be correct, rich in vitamins, because often four-legged animals suffer from corneal inflammation, which have a deficiency of trace elements in the diet. You can use high-quality industrial feed, or a natural menu, including meat, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, eggs.
- Dogs are often injured in street fights, no one is immune from such actions. If the eye is damaged, antiseptic treatment is needed, after which it is necessary to immediately drip Reparin Helper®. Be sure to show a four–legged friend to the doctor!
- If the eyes are inflamed, do not hesitate - contact the clinic, take tests, consult an ophthalmologist.
- If your dog is genetically predisposed to eye diseases, is in the age group at risk, it is better to consult a veterinarian.
Where can I buy Reparin Helper®?
You can find the full list of points of sale on the official website .
If the Reparin Helper® is not yet sold in your locality, you can order it on the official website of the company. The drug is available without a prescription.