In the year of the Rat, do not buy rodents spontaneously

2020 will be held under the sign of the White Metal Rat. This animal has outstanding tactical abilities and is highly revered in Eastern culture. According to legend, the rat was the first to come to the clearing to the Buddha, for which he was honored to open the cycle of the rule of the zodiac animals. To appease the rodent, many families think over the New Year's menu in advance – cheese cuts and a variety of meat dishes are welcome, decorate the apartment with figurines of a totem animal, pick up silver or white outfits. Some people are not ready to limit themselves to standard recommendations and get a miniature symbol of the year at home.
Rats, as well as hamsters and mice, are liked by children and become an excellent compromise if the child asks for a pet, and the workload of parents at work and the size of the apartment do not allow keeping a dog or cat. Nevertheless, the doctor of the Krasnogvardeysky district veterinary hospital Alexey Smirnov dissuades from spontaneous purchase of small pets in honor of the year of the Rat.
The Doctor reminded that future owners of rats and mice should remember about the nocturnal activity of rodents. In addition, they are quite noisy animals. It is also important to provide the pet with comfortable conditions, to choose a sufficiently spacious house, with several levels, ladders, a treadmill. You should first read the thematic literature, talk with the owners of such animals. The decision should be balanced, because, despite the compact dimensions, fluffy will become a new member of the family.
The veterinarian reminds that you need to buy rodents only in proven places – in pet stores or from breeders with a good reputation. "A young animal should be active, mobile, well–fed," says Smirnov. After the purchase, the doctor recommends going to the veterinary clinic and showing the pet. Then the New Year and a new friend will bring only joy!
This article is on our channel Yandex.Zen .