Sedative for dogs

Severe stress in a dog, and even more so if it is repeated repeatedly, can lead to a nervous breakdown, the development of mental and somatic diseases. Depending on the individual characteristics of the pet, the environment and other factors, even insignificant moments from the point of view of people can become stressful situations. It can be moving, leaving the animal at the time of the owner's departure with other people, a thunderstorm, the hum of an airplane, even children's ringing voices on the street. Sedatives will help to preserve the dog's health and mitigate the situation.
How to find out that a dog needs a sedative
The following changes in pet behavior may indicate stress:
- fast eating (especially if the pet usually eats slowly);
- increased excitability;
- refusing to eat;
- unwillingness to go out for a walk;
- indifference to what is happening around, apathy;
- sleep disorders (at night the dog often gets up, walks around the house, tosses and so on);
- pet often howls;
- there is a tremor in the limbs;
- the animal is looking for a place to hide, gets "into a corner".
These and many other symptoms require the intervention of the owner.
Groups of drugs to calm the dog
Ideally, the owner should contact a veterinary specialist if the above symptoms appear repeatedly. The veterinarian will definitely prescribe a sedative, based on the characteristics of the dog. Medicines have a sufficient number of contraindications and side effects (even of plant origin), so you should not select them yourself. Taking into account the state of health, age, body weight of the pet, the doctor will select the best option for drug treatment, tell you how long to take, set the maximum dosage. This is especially important, since sedatives come in different groups.
Sedatives for dogs belonging to this group exhibit sedative and hypnotic effects, eliminate seizures. They are shown if the pet has a strong fear and anxiety. As a rule, they quickly relieve symptoms, but the effect of the reception disappears just as quickly.
Benzodiazepines should not be used often – the animal may get used to them. In addition, they can only be appointed by a specialist. An example of sedatives of this group is Diazepam, which copes well with epileptic seizures, but because of its strong effect on the nervous system, it is used only in an extreme situation.
Non-Benzodiazepine drugs
The products of this group have a milder effect on the body. As an example, you can take Spitomin. The drug does not cause drowsiness, effectively eliminates anxiety, helps with various phobias, as well as fear-induced urinary incontinence. The medicine can be given to a dog for 1-1.5 months. Spitomine is often used for small breeds.
Tricyclic antidepressants
Gratuitous aggression of a dog against the background of panic, fear is a reason for prescribing sedatives related to tricyclic antidepressants. Due to possible side effects, these medications are prescribed by a veterinarian after making sure that there are no contraindications.
This group includes, for example, drugs such as Clomicalm, Amitriptyline. The course is quite long (up to 35 days), since the effect becomes noticeable only by the third week of admission, as the active component accumulates in the pet's body. Periodically, you will need to do a blood test – these drugs suppress hematopoietic processes in the bone marrow; also, the owner needs to be prepared for the likelihood of "side effects": most often there is a refusal to eat and increased thirst. Tricyclic antidepressants begin to be given to the pet with a small dosage, gradually bringing it to the optimum.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
The dog should take medications of this group systematically. They are considered safe for the pet's health, but they can lead to disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Most often prescribed drugs such as Fontex, Solax. Indications for admission: panic, intolerance and fear of loneliness, aggression, anxiety.
General narcotic and muscle relaxants
Drugs of this group are used to calm dogs infrequently. They act on the central nervous system of the animal, eliminating pain, relaxing muscle tissue. These are strong drugs that are used mainly in the clinic to prevent or eliminate negative reactions from the dog to stress, for example, for medical manipulations and interventions. Such sedatives with inept use can provoke the death of a dog, so most of them are sold in specialty stores or by prescription.
Plant-based products
Herbal sedatives are the safest drugs for four–legged friends. As a rule, they have a small number of contraindications. At the same time, the calming effect can be expressed indistinctly – the susceptibility to plant components in all dogs is different, in some cases there is no result. Products containing herbal components are not recommended to be combined with the above–mentioned drugs - this can lead to a sharp increase in side effects.
Pheromone-based remedies
Pheromones are volatile compounds secreted by the external mammalian glands. These are chemical signals that have a peculiar smell, perceptible at a very fine molecular level. They are a source of information about the animal, control its behavior.
To calm dogs, an artificial analogue of a substance is used, which is secreted by the body of a female feeding puppies. This pheromone causes a feeling of peace, removes anxiety and fears. The most popular means containing a pheromone are: Adaptol, Help dog. On sale, you can find sedatives with a pheromone in the form of a spray, an electric or ultrasonic diffuser, a collar.
Sedatives with amino acids
Some sedatives for dogs contain amino acids that reduce anxiety, improve the mental state of the animal due to direct participation in specific reactions in the central nervous system. Such amino acids include, for example, glycine and tryptophan. They are given courses, with a mandatory break. The dosage and duration are set by the veterinarian.
Popular soothing remedies
In veterinary pharmacology, sedatives for dogs are presented in a huge assortment. Below are brief descriptions of the most popular drugs.
- Antistress. These are pills, the sedative component of which is motherwort. In addition, they include ascorbic acid, seaweed extract, baker's yeast fungi. They help with nervous breakdowns, calm down in stressful situations, and help strengthen the pet's immune system.
- Beaphar no stress. The drug is available in the form of drops on the withers and a diffuser. The anti-stress effect is due to valerian.
- Stop stress. It is presented in a tablet form and drops. The composition contains phenibut, as well as extracts of medicinal plants. Suitable for large breeds of dogs, medium-sized animals and small pets. It acts quickly; the drug is indicated for increased arousal provoked by fear, sexual desire, panic.
- VetSpokoin. The suspension contains extracts of plants. Effectively "removes" aggression and barking for no apparent reason, helps with excessive sexual arousal. The drug can be taken with you on the road, used before going to the hairdresser, to the veterinarian.
- Cat Bayun. The manufacturer has included extracts of medicinal plants in the composition of the product, which eliminate not only fears and anxiety, but also pain and spasms. In addition, the Bayun Cat has a sedative effect. In the appropriate dosage, the drug is suitable for small and medium breeds, as well as large dogs.
- Fitex. These plant-based drops eliminate muscle spasms, soothe, normalize blood pressure in the pet, support the work of the heart in stressful situations.
- Fospasim. A homeopathic preparation created on the basis of passionflower extract. It is successfully used for neurotic conditions of the dog, phobias, improves the behavioral factor. It also strengthens the immune system and promotes adaptation to stress.
- Pillcan 20. The active substance is megestrol acetate. It is effective for excessive sexual activity of dogs of both sexes, calms, normalizes behavior. Delays estrus if for some reason it is not necessary, for example, if an exhibition is planned, and pregnancy is not needed. The product is available in the form of sugar briquettes, soluble in water.
- Sileo. The active ingredient is dexmedetomidine hydrochloride. Copes well with panic and anxiety if the pet is susceptible to strong noise. The drug is sold in gel form in a syringe dispenser; injected into the oral cavity on the mucous membrane.
- Nutri-Vet Anti-stress. The product contains tryptophan, taurine, hops and other plant components. It is available in tablet form intended for chewing. Judging by the reviews, it helps to overcome anxiety, panic, fear of moving, visiting a veterinarian or carrying out hygienic procedures, effectively in heat.
In addition to the listed sedatives, in order to eliminate fear and anxiety, prevent aggression and excessive activity of dogs, strong means such as Xylazal or Xyl are used for medical manipulations, examinations, surgical interventions. They are available in the form of solutions for injection, are used to eliminate pain, muscle relaxation, immobilization of the animal.
What medicinal herbs can be used at home to calm the dog
What can be given soothing decoctions and infusions prepared at home? Folk recipes offer the following options.
Non-drug sedatives
In addition to pharmacological drugs, other means can be used to calm the pet. For example, collars impregnated with special compounds: valerian and lavender essential oil (Beafar Antistress), pheromone (Sentry Good Behavior). Also on sale are sanitary napkins with lavender, which help to calm the animal when visiting a veterinarian or at an exhibition (Perfect Calm wipes), and special soothing shampoos on a natural basis (Perfect Calm lavender).
Whatever it was, no matter what products the veterinary pharmaceutical industry produces, the best sedative for a dog is its owner. Love and attention to the pet, willingness to support him in any situation, to protect him from stress is the key to the health of the nervous system of a four–legged friend.