Stronghold for cats

Stronghold - a drug for the destruction of external and internal parasites in cats. Its active active compound is selamectin. The product can be used for preventive purposes and to combat insects and helminths. About what a Stronghold for cats is, how it works and how to use it – further in the article.
How Stronghold Works
Selamectin is a modern semi–synthetic broad-spectrum avermectin. Applying Stronghold to the pet's skin leads to the ingress of the active component into the bloodstream, and then into the tissues, causing the death of parasites. Paralysis of insects and helminths is caused by increased permeability and polarization of nerve cell membranes. In addition, the remedy affects the reproduction of some parasites, reducing egg laying or causing mutations in them. For cats, selamectin is not dangerous as a rule, avermectins do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, so the neurons of the animal's central nervous system are not affected.
Stronghold easily enters the cells of the epidermis and sebaceous glands. The bioavailability of the drug in cats is about 75%. The drug begins to be excreted from the body after about 69 hours, while most of the selamectin comes out with feces, and only a small amount – with urine. Complete elimination of Stronghold occurs 8 days after application.
Form of release and dosage of the drug
Stronghold for cats is available in the form of a colorless or yellowish solution, which is based on isopropyl alcohol. Drops for external use are offered in single pipette tubes equipped with color coding (cap). Each of them contains a different amount of the active component, which corresponds to a certain body weight of the pet.
If the pet weighs more than 7.5 kg, then two tubes are used for processing – 15 and 45 mg each.
When to apply Stronghold
Stronghold drops are recommended for treatment and prevention:
- otodecosis;
- dirofilariasis;
- toxocarosis;
- hookworm;
- vlasoeda;
- fleas.
Instructions for using Stronghold for cats
In accordance with the instructions for use, before applying the Stronghold, press the cap against the seal on the tube and pierce it. A click will confirm that it has been successfully punctured. After that, it is necessary to place the tip of the tube on the desired area of the body and squeeze it 3-4 times, completely emptying the contents at one point. It is recommended to avoid contact of the solution with the fingers.
The treatment regimen of a Stronghold cat will differ depending on the disease.
- Fleas. Before using the drug, it is necessary to divide the hair on the withers of the animal at the base of the neck in front of the shoulder blades (where the cat will not be able to lick the medicine) so that the skin is visible. You do not need to rub the medicine. In addition, due to the alcohol content, it is not applied to damaged skin and wet wool. Stronghold should be applied once every 30 days, starting a month before the period of increased insect activity. The remedy not only leads to the destruction of parasites, but also helps with allergies to flea bites.
- Tocoscarosis and hookworm. The drug is used in the same way as described above. For the treatment of diseases, a single application of the product is sufficient, and for preventive purposes, drops should be used once every 30 days.
- Otodectosis (ear mite). The medicine is applied once. To achieve a greater effect from the treatment, it is necessary to clean the pet's ears beforehand. With concomitant otitis media, Stronghold is used in parallel with prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy. If the result of treatment is unsatisfactory, the drug can be used again after 30 days.
- Dirofilariasis. The remedy is used to prevent the disease by applying to the withers. The frequency of use is once every 30 days. It is important that the pet is treated with the drug a month before and a month after the onset of the season of activity of mosquitoes that carry the infection. The drug has an effect only on microfilariae, preventing the development of adult individuals. If earlier another drug was used to prevent dirofilariasis, then at least 30 days should pass between their use.
Side effects and contraindications
Many users in reviews of the drug claim that Stronghold quickly solves problems with external and internal parasites of cats, is absolutely safe for purebred, pregnant and lactating animals. The drops dry quickly, do not have an unpleasant smell, so there is no need to keep the treated pet separate from other pets or people.
Side effects of Stronghold occur in rare cases and are expressed in the form of:
- redness of the skin;
- mild itching;
- moderate hair loss at the place of application of drops or the appearance of strong stiffness in it;
- cosmetic defects (greasiness, white deposits, discoloration of the coat) associated with the local application of the drug.
Reactions are usually observed during the first day after application.
Stronghold is not recommended for kittens younger than 6 weeks, animals suffering from other diseases (especially in acute form), weakened or underweight for their age. Cats expecting offspring can use drops.
Signs of overdose
If the dosage is exceeded, Stronghold can cause the following symptoms:
- movement coordination disorder;
- disproportionality of movements;
- disorientation;
- increased sensitivity to touch;
- shaking paws;
- pupil dilation;
- inability to rise;
- depression;
- blindness;
- to.
In addition to the erroneous dosage, poisoning with the drug can occur due to the ingestion of the drug into the gastrointestinal tract (after licking).
Is it possible to give Stronghold to kittens
Some owners write negative reviews about the drug Stronghold, associated with poisoning and death of kittens after its use. In fact, the problem is not in the medicine (provided the dosage is correctly selected), but in the strongest intoxication by the decay products of dead parasites.
By the age of one and a half months, when it is allowed to use a Stronghold from helminths and external parasites, most kittens have a large number of worms. Under the influence of the drug, their mass death occurs, which is accompanied by the decomposition of the remains and the absorption of toxins into the blood. Since the kitten's immune system is not formed, poisoning leads to vomiting, diarrhea, rapid dehydration, and death.
The way out may be a preliminary increase in the immunity of the pet, for example, Gamavit. Also, during deworming, it is necessary to give the kitten and the adult animal absorbents (Enterosgel), make sure that the water is in sufficient quantity and freely available.
When can I wash the cat after applying the drug
It is not recommended to wash and comb the pet after applying the Stronghold during the first two hours. If necessary, after this time it is allowed to wet the animal's fur and skin. Moreover, even the use of shampoo does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.
How to buy the drug
You can buy Stronghold for cats without a prescription in vetapteks and pet stores. The average cost of drops in a set of 3 or 5 tubes is 1200-1500 rubles, depending on the volume. The price of one pipette will cost 250-350 rubles.
Despite the free sale of the drug, before using it, you still need to consult a veterinarian and take tests for infections. This will guarantee a safe and complete recovery of the whiskered pet.