Staphylococcus in dogs

Staphylococcus in dogs leads to acute damage to the integumentary tissues, and then to the internal organs. In the absence of treatment and a strong weakening of immunity, pathology can bring an animal to a fatal outcome. Knowledge of the symptoms of pet infection, features of diagnosis and therapy of staphylococcus will help prevent a tragedy.
- Features of the disease
- What contributes to the development of staphylococcus in dogs
- Symptoms of staphylococcus in dogs
- Complications of the disease
- How to identify pathology: diagnosis
- Treatment of Staphylococcus
- Can a person get infected
- Home security measures
- Is there a vaccination against staphylococcus
- Preventive measures
Features of the disease
Staphylococcus in dogs is caused by spherical bacteria – representatives of the genus Intermedius. They are present everywhere, so they are on the surface of the body of animals and humans and are normal. Any lesion of the skin leads to increased reproduction of microbes. If the body's immune system is strong, its cells quickly cope with infection. Otherwise, the activity of bacteria causes an acute inflammatory process, accompanied by necrotic phenomena, the formation of pus.
Staphylococci are characterized by:
- resistance to external environmental factors due to the special structure of their cell wall;
- the ability to synthesize enzymes and toxic compounds that facilitate penetration into the body of an animal or human;
- resistance to many antibiotics.
Most often the disease occurs in the hot season. The risk group includes young, elderly and weakened dogs.
What contributes to the development of staphylococcus in dogs
The cause of the development of staphylococcus in dogs can be any disorder in the body, leading to a decrease in protective forces, for example:
- inadequate nutrition with minimal vitamin content;
- damage to the skin and/or mucous membranes;
- liver malfunction;
- high blood sugar content;
- internal and external parasites;
- transferred diseases;
- hormonal changes.
If staphylococcus develops independently, it is called primary. If it is the result of another violation, then they speak of a secondary form.
Symptoms of staphylococcus in dogs
At the very beginning of infection, the symptoms of staphylococcus are concentrated on the skin or mucous membrane. These include:
- round spots of pinkish or red color;
- pus;
- hair loss in the area of spots;
- severe itching;
- bleeding of damaged areas (pet chews spots due to severe itching);
- boils (when bacteria penetrate into the deep layers).
Staphylococcus aureus is especially dangerous – in addition to the above symptoms, it causes a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. The clinical picture is manifested in vomiting, intestinal disorder, rapid onset of dehydration.
Complications of the disease
If even a minor infected area is detected, urgent measures must be taken. Ignoring the disease can cause serious complications.
- The development of inflammation in the ears. The animal has an unpleasant smell from the ear canal, and pressing on the auricle leads to the appearance of a squelching sound. Simultaneously with the ears, the organs of vision and the nasal mucosa may become inflamed: characteristic discharge, swelling, redness appear.
- In females, staphylococcus is complicated by vaginitis, endometritis, pyometritis. Males suffer from inflammation of the prepuce. Pathologies quickly turn into a chronic form, which further complicates treatment.
- The spread of staphylococcus through the bloodstream is fraught with the formation of numerous boils, carbuncles, inflammation of follicles. Being located in the area of the interdigital folds on the paws, they especially worsen the condition of the dog.
How to identify pathology: diagnosis
Examination is considered to be the basis for the diagnosis of staphylococcus in dogs. After determining the symptoms and receiving information from the owner, the veterinarian can take swabs for back-sowing. However, in most cases, the results of the study of the material do not provide accurate information about the microorganism, since, in addition to staphylococcus, it contains other microbes. Among the additional methods used are allergy tests, detection of systemic disorders.
Treatment of staphylococcus
Treatment of staphylococcus in dogs is carried out comprehensively. First of all, it is necessary to destroy the pathogen. To do this, the pet is injected with a staphylococcal bacteriophage. In addition, they activate the animal's own immune system using non-specific and specific methods. In the first case, the use of immunostimulants that cause an increase in the number of immune cells is shown. With specific treatment, staphylococcal toxoid (active immunotherapy) or antistaphylococcal serum (passive immunotherapy) is administered. The latter option is applicable only at the beginning of the development of pathology. You can't use both at the same time.
The complex of therapeutic measures necessarily includes antibacterial agents. Staphylococci quickly develop resistance to antibiotics, therefore, as a rule, several drugs are prescribed one after another or in a complex (according to indications). Funds have become widespread in the treatment of staphylococcal infection: Enroxyl, Cyflox, Enrosept, Quinocol, Baitril. In some cases, taking antibiotics lasts about a month or more.
Symptomatic treatment is carried out in parallel.
- To dry the wound surface, it is irrigated with various solutions. For this purpose, enzymatic and antibacterial drugs are used: aluminum potassium alum, dermalot, tribask, lysozyme.
- Dimexide or novocaine lotions help to relieve itching. Suprastin or tavegil is used for the same purpose.
- If the infection has spread to the inner ear, injection of a powder mixture of novocaine and dermatol into the ear canal is indicated. With high intensity of symptoms, novocaine is used intramuscularly.
- Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa requires not only the intake of antibacterial drugs, but also microflora–restoring agents - probiotics, for example, lactobacillus.
- The introduction of vitamin complexes into the diet helps to strengthen immunity and increase the body's resistance.
If the cause of staphylococcus in a dog is diabetes, thyroid disease or allergy, then appropriate medications are prescribed in parallel.
Can a person get infected
Is canine staphylococcus dangerous for humans? Experts' opinions differ. Some argue that a sick pet is not contagious to the owner and animals living nearby. Others believe that the dog needs to be isolated from others.
Mainly, staphylococcal infection is a danger to weakened organisms. If there are small children in the family, elderly people, those who have recently suffered or have any disease, then, of course, the risk of catching an infection is much higher. The same applies to our smaller brothers.
Healthy people and animals have nothing to fear, as a strong immune system quickly copes with bacterial invasion. This explains the fact that staphylococcus is normally on the surface of our skin, but does not lead to the disease.
Home security measures
It is possible to reduce the likelihood of infection with staphylococcus of others from the dog, as well as to avoid the development of complications in her, if appropriate measures are taken from the very beginning of the disease:
- ensure the isolation of the pet;
- treat the room where the animal is kept with disinfectants several times a day;
- regularly replace the bedding with a clean one, use boiling for at least half an hour when washing;
- wipe the dog during the day with a solution of tar soap (lightly, on top of the wool), the same is done with nasal discharge – soap particles remaining on the surface of the animal's body prevent further reproduction of pathogenic microbes.
Is there a vaccination against staphylococcus
To prevent the development of staphylococcal infection, a vaccine is used – ASP (staphylococcal polyvalent toxoid). Injections are given to foaled females 3 and 6 weeks after delivery. This reduces the likelihood of infection of puppies and mothers.
Preventive measures
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely prevent the development of staphylococcus in dogs, since any injury to the integumentary tissues provokes the growth of bacteria. However, through preventive measures, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of illness to a minimum.
- In order to reduce the risk of microbes penetrating deep into the body, blood flow and lymph, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system in all ways: to provide a diet rich in vitamins (if necessary, give them additionally), and regular long walks.
- If there are sick animals in the house, it is important to limit contacts between them as much as possible. Dogs should not communicate with stray homeless relatives and cats.
- Carefully follow the vaccination schedule of the dog. Timely vaccinations will not only prevent many diseases, but also increase the immunity of the pet.
- Pay attention to the condition of the skin and fur of a four-legged friend: regularly carry out hygiene procedures, prevent the formation of crumpled wool, the appearance of stuck particles (grass, feces and others), inspect the skin for injuries, especially in the folds.
- It is necessary to identify and destroy external and internal parasites in time, use preventive measures against fleas, ticks, and regularly carry out planned deworming.
- If even minor damage to the skin or mucous membrane is detected, immediately treat them with antiseptic drugs.
- In the summer, do not allow the pet's body to overheat.
Stress can reduce immunity, so it is recommended to protect the pet from negative situations as much as possible.
Attentive attitude to the pet and quick response in case of detection of the disease will serve as a guarantee of the destruction of microbes and prevention of their spread to others.