Cystitis in dogs

Inflammation of the bladder in dogs rarely goes unnoticed: frequent urges to the toilet should immediately alert the owner and cause immediate treatment at the clinic. Timely diagnosis and treatment of cystitis will save the pet from the development of serious complications, and the owner from additional time and material costs. How cystitis manifests itself in dogs, how to treat pathology, and whether it is possible to prevent its development – more on this later.
Features of the disease
With cystitis, the pathological process is localized inside the bladder, while not only the mucous membrane of the organ, but also the muscle layer may be involved in it. In the vast majority of clinical situations, inflammation also spreads to the urinary tract. The disease is caused by the penetration of pathogenic microbes, among which there may be staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and others. They penetrate into the organ, have a destructive effect on the inner shell, provoke the formation of ulceration, ulceration, wound surface.
Cystitis can occur in dogs of any age and breed. Most often, pathology is observed in females, which is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the urinary system. In addition, frequent hormonal changes (childbirth, pregnancy, estrus) contribute to a decrease in immunity, which leads to an increased proliferation of bacteria.
Small-breed, short-legged, hairless dogs are susceptible to bladder inflammation. Their body is unstable to the effects of low temperatures, which provokes hypothermia and the development of the disease.
Classification of cystitis in dogs
There are several classifications of cystitis in dogs. Thus, primary (develops independently) and secondary (is a consequence of another disorder in the body) inflammation are isolated. The disease can be descending or ascending. In the first case, the infection penetrates into the urinary system with blood flow or from the kidneys – it is rarely observed, mainly it is a consequence of pyelonephritis. Ascending cystitis develops in most cases, the source of infection can be the urethra, vagina, anus.
In addition, the following types of cystitis are distinguished by the type of inflammation:
- hemorrhagic – a consequence of injury to the bladder;
- eosinophilic – reaction to allergens, helminthiasis, microbes;
- ossifying – the result of metastasis of bone tissue neoplasms;
- polioploid – provokes the formation of polyps;
- emphysematous – develops due to the activity of microorganisms that emit gases.
Cystitis can also occur in acute or chronic form, characterized by periodic exacerbations.
What complications can there be
Untimely treatment of the acute form of cystitis leads to its chronic course. In four-legged friends, pathology can lead to the development of a number of complications:
- high blood pressure;
- pyelonephritis;
- heart failure;
- urinary incontinence;
- kidney failure.
Causes of cystitis
Cystitis in dogs often develops against the background of weakened immunity – microorganisms begin to multiply intensively and penetrate into the tissues of the urinary system. The following factors may be the causes of the disease:
- hypothermia (bathing in cold water, sleeping on tiles, draught, prolonged exposure to frost, and so on);
- kidney and bladder stones, inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
- helminthiasis;
- neoplasms of different nature;
- females have vaginitis;
- drug therapy;
- genital tract infections;
- vascular disorders in the organs of the urinary system;
- injuries.
Improper dog nutrition, for example, abuse of low-quality industrial feed, can also cause inflammation in the bladder.
Clinical picture
Urinary incontinence is a specific symptom of acute cystitis. Due to severe damage to the mucous layer and the spread of inflammation to the muscle layer, the bladder cannot fully perform its function and retain accumulated urine. As a result, the dog often asks to go to the toilet, and sometimes urine flows out involuntarily. The same is observed during the exacerbation of chronic inflammation.
In addition, pathology can be recognized by other signs:
- pain, because of which the dog whines during urine excretion, and the males change their posture when urinating (they sit down, because it hurts to lift the limb);
- urine is excreted in small portions;
- mucus, blood, purulent inclusions can be found in the liquid;
- the urine is cloudy, has a sharp unpleasant smell;
- thirst;
- decreased appetite;
- feverish state;
- strained abdominal wall.
The dog becomes indifferent to everything, but at the same time apathy can alternate with irritability and aggressiveness.
Diagnostic features
To diagnose cystitis, it is necessary to conduct a dog examination. You will need to bring your pet to the clinic in any case, even if the signs are not too intense – inflammation of the bladder is similar in symptoms to other pathologies, which requires a completely different treatment.
The doctor will definitely take blood and urine for general and biochemical tests. In addition, bacterial examination may be required to identify the type of infection. It is possible to conduct:
- Ultrasound (reveals the prevalence of the process, the presence of sand, stones, shows the condition of neighboring organs);
- X-ray (shows stones, neoplasms);
- cystoscopy (examination with a cystoscope makes it possible to directly examine the bottom and walls of the bladder, simultaneously perform therapeutic manipulations, for example, the introduction of antiseptic solutions).
Treatment of cystitis in dogs
The treatment of cystitis in dogs is started immediately, without paying attention to the severity of the signs, since the development of the disease occurs very quickly. At the beginning of therapy, antibacterial drugs with a wide spectrum are used, and then (if necessary) a drug acting on a specific pathogen is selected.
The complex of therapeutic measures includes medications of different groups, folk remedies, diet therapy. Treatment of cystitis is carried out completely, without stopping even with the improvement of well-being and the disappearance of symptoms. After it, a control diagnosis is made. The dog owner needs to be prepared for the fact that the process may take 3 months or more.
Drug therapy
The following medications are indicated for cystitis in dogs.
Average – 1 t .
Small – 0.5 t .
Application of Stop Cystitis
A series of medicines called "Stop cystitis" has gained great popularity in the treatment of cystitis in dogs. It is presented in two forms: tablets and suspension. In addition, there is a suspension of the drug with the prefix "Bio", which can be used to prevent inflammation of the bladder.
The use of Stop cystitis allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease and reduce inflammation. Thanks to the active components, represented by both herbal and medicinal compounds, the remedy has a multifaceted effect:
- eliminates the inflammatory process;
- removes sand from the bladder;
- prevents the reproduction of microbes;
- promotes urination.
The drug Stop-cystitis does not cause adverse reactions of the body and has no contraindications. Only occasionally you can see reviews that the dog has an intolerance to the drug. To obtain a guaranteed result, the manufacturer recommends monitoring the timeliness of taking the drug and conducting a course of treatment until the end.
Folk medicine products
At the same time with medical treatment at home, it is permissible to use folk remedies. But it is impossible to use them as an alternative, especially without confirming the diagnosis. Also, when choosing a particular collection and method, you should first consult with a veterinarian. Some herbal compounds can enhance the effect of drugs or, conversely, weaken them.
With cystitis in dogs, experts recommend using decoctions and infusions of diuretic plants: bearberry, horsetail, knotweed. Herbs such as melissa, mint, chamomile perfectly cope with pain. Anti-inflammatory effect have: parsley, marshmallow rhizome, St. John's wort, licorice.
To prepare the infusion, vegetable raw materials (dry and crushed) are taken in the amount of one tablespoon and pour ¼ liter of boiling water. After the composition cools down, it is passed through a gauze or a sieve, while the remains of the raw material need to be squeezed out. You can store the infusion in the cold during the day. You need to give it to your pet twice a day in a dosage corresponding to the size of the dog (on average, 2-4 tablespoons). During treatment, it is necessary to ensure that the four-legged friend does not have an allergic reaction or other symptoms that indicate intolerance to the herbal composition.
Diet compliance
Diet is a mandatory component of the treatment complex for cystitis. From the very beginning of the disease, the dog needs to be "put" on hunger and given only water, observing its condition. As a rule, in the acute form of the inflammatory process, the animal refuses to eat itself, but if the appetite is present, then after 1-2 days it is permissible to give lean broth (fat should be excluded from the diet for the duration of treatment).
In the future, the dog's diet should consist mainly of vegetable and protein (to a lesser extent) products. Cereals, bread, pastries are excluded. It is advisable to add vitamins to food, especially C, in the form of fruit drinks or syrups based on cranberries, rose hips, currants. The pet may refuse such a "treatment", in this case, the syrup is poured with a syringe deep into the root of the tongue several times a day.
Dogs accustomed to dry food should also follow a diet. After starvation, they can be given special mixtures little by little. Such large manufacturers as Purina, Royal Canin and the like include in their product line feed intended for animals with a particular disease.
It is important that during the treatment of cystitis, the pet drinks a lot of water. This will accelerate the elimination of toxic metabolic products from his body.
Prevention of cystitis in dogs
In most cases, the development of cystitis in dogs can be prevented. There will be several preventive measures.
- Do not allow dehydration of the pet's body. The dog should always have clean water.
- It is necessary to take the animal to the toilet as often as possible (as far as employment allows), at least three times a day. If this is not possible, you should put a tray for it.
- Do not allow the dog to be in a draft, tile or concrete floor. Make sure that when walking in frosty weather, the animal does not get overcooled.
- Prevent accidental mating of dogs, as well as walking in places where stray animals gather.
- If a four-legged friend has a long coat, you need to trim it in the anal area. This will prevent infection from entering the urethra, and will also serve as a prevention of self-infection when licking.
- The condition of the pet's oral cavity should be checked periodically. An infection focused on the teeth can cause cystitis during licking.
- At least once a year it is necessary to visit a veterinary clinic, undergo a preventive examination and donate blood and urine for tests.
Cystitis in dogs has a favorable prognosis with timely access to a doctor. Even isolated cases of urinary incontinence should be a reason to contact a veterinarian. It is better to get rid of the pathology at the initial stage than to treat its consequences for a long time.