Otitis media in dogs

Otitis media is a disease that is an inflammatory process in the ear. To identify ear otitis in a dog at the initial stage is a certain difficulty. The animal cannot inform the owner about painful or uncomfortable sensations, and it is impossible to notice the pathology under normal conditions, without a purposeful examination of the ear. The owner needs to be very attentive to the pet, to know what symptoms the disease manifests itself in order to ensure timely treatment of otitis media and prevent the development of complications.
- Why does otitis develop in dogs
- Photos of otitis media in dogs
- How otitis media manifests in dogs
- Types of otitis media in dogs
- How to diagnose
- Treatment of otitis media in dogs
- Medications for the treatment of otitis in dogs
- Complications of otitis media in dogs
- Features of treatment at home
- What can be done before a visit to the vet
- Prevention of otitis media in dogs
Why does otitis develop in dogs
There are a number of main causes of otitis media in dogs.
- Decreased immunity. Low activity of the pet's immune system leads to a weakening of the protective function of the skin. As a result, there is an increased reproduction of numerous microorganisms and fungi in the ears, inflammation develops.
- The presence of fur in the auricles. Too thick hair in the dog's ears has several negative effects: it interferes with the removal of excess sulfur from the ear canal, blocks air access (it stagnates and waterlogs), irritates the skin, leading to increased work of the ear glands.
- Neoplasms in the ear. Growths in the auditory canal can disrupt ventilation, bleed, and fester, causing an active increase in the number of pathogenic microbes.
- Allergy. Allergic reactions cause otitis media by increasing the release of sulfur, a decrease in local immunity.
- Ear mite. Damages the skin of the auditory canal, causing inflammatory phenomena.
- Growth of cartilage and skin folds. This feature is typical for dogs of certain breeds, for example, sharpeys. As a result of an excessive increase in the size of the folds in the auditory canal, gas exchange is disrupted in it.
- Water penetration. Stagnation of fluid in the ear promotes the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Foreign body hit. If a foreign object gets stuck in the dog's ear, air access will stop, irritation of nerve endings will begin, the release of sulfur in excess, the growth of bacteria.
- Hormonal failure. Any endocrine disorders can cause excessive secretion of sulfur, a decrease in local defenses.
- Improper nutrition. An excessive amount of simple sugars (sweet) in the pet's diet leads to their presence in the sulfur produced. Released in an increased volume, it becomes a breeding ground for infection.
- Heredity. Animals with hanging ears (spaniels), an excessively open shell (sheepdogs) and prone to allergies are more likely to develop otitis media.
Photos of otitis media in dogs
How otitis media manifests in dogs
The symptoms of otitis in a dog can be diverse, the degree and form of their severity depends on the type of disease, immunity, individual characteristics of the pet, the neglect of the process. The owner should contact the clinic if he notices the following manifestations:
- the animal shakes its head or often scratches its ears;
- pet does not let you touch the ears;
- there was a discharge from the external auditory canal;
- the dog whines when he tries to scratch his ears;
- too much sulfur in the aisle;
- at the beginning of the ear canal, wool falls out, sores, redness, wounds appear;
- lymph nodes under the jaw of the animal are enlarged;
- the ears are hot to the touch, while their puffiness is observed.
As the pathological process develops, the overall body temperature of the pet increases, he refuses to eat.
In some cases, the predominance of one or another symptom may indicate the cause of otitis media.
Types of otitis media in dogs
There are several classifications of ear otitis in dogs.
By origin
- Primary. Develops independently (hypothermia).
- Secondary. It is a consequence of any disorders, for example, hormonal.
By localization
- External otitis media.
- Otitis media of the middle ear.
- Internal otitis. The most dangerous, as the tympanic membrane and cartilage tissue become inflamed. There is a threat of sepsis and the spread of the process to the brain.
By the nature of the secretions
- Purulent.
- Exudative (a lot of sulfur is released).
- Sharp. It is characterized by severe pain, a sharp development of symptoms.
- Chronic otitis media. It has washed out symptoms. It is characterized by a long course with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission.
By the source of inflammation
- Fungal. The reproduction of the fungus is very intense, so the disease quickly passes to the inner ear. The symptoms are pronounced vividly, which brings anxiety and pain to the pet.
- Bacterial. Accompanied by an increase in temperature, the formation of crusts on the surface of the auditory canal.
- Malassezionny otitis. It belongs to the fungal types of otitis media. The causative agent is Malassezia. It is present on the surface of the skin of the dog's ear, but manifests itself only with a decrease in the body's defenses. It is often accompanied by the addition of a bacterial infection.
- Allergic. It manifests itself in swelling, itching, redness of tissues. It does not react to antifungal and antibacterial drugs. You can suspect an allergy if you find similar symptoms in other parts of the body.
- Verrucous otitis media (warty). Numerous warts and growths form on the surface of the dog's ear skin, which gradually block the ear canal, leading to inflammation.
Important: to diagnose the type of otitis in a dog, it is better to consult a specialist. Only laboratory tests can accurately indicate the cause of the disease. Independent selection of medicines can provoke complications, up to deafness or inflammation of the meninges and the death of a pet.
How to diagnose
In the veterinary clinic, the owner will need not only to show the dog to a specialist, but also to answer a number of questions. Of great importance for the diagnosis are: the diet (the predominant product or feed), the peculiarities of walking, the presence or absence of vaccinations, chronic diseases. You will need to remember when the symptoms appeared, what is the nature of the disease, the behavior of the animal and other nuances.
For diagnosis, the veterinarian can prescribe the following types of examinations:
- blood tests, discharge from the ear canal;
- ear scraping;
- X-ray (if a foreign object is suspected);
- tomography (to assess the condition of the inner ear, meninges).
Treatment of otitis media in dogs
Treatment of otitis media in dogs is complex. The conservative approach includes a number of directions:
- elimination of the cause (if possible);
- relieving puffiness, itching, pain;
- getting rid of crusts, secretions, external treatment;
- detoxification of the pet's body;
- destruction of pathogenic microbes in the ear and throughout the body;
- strengthening the immune system.
If we are talking about overgrowth of the auditory canal, tumors, a foreign body, then surgical intervention is possible.
Due to the variety of forms of ear inflammation in dogs, therapy will vary. So, in chronic otitis, in addition to antibacterial drugs prescribed during an exacerbation, it is recommended to use drops to prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria. Fungal otitis requires the use of antimycotic agents, and bacterial inflammation is treated with antibiotics. When diagnosing allergic otitis media, first of all, a strict diet and antihistamines are prescribed.
Drugs for the treatment of otitis in dogs
The following medications have successfully proven themselves in the therapy of otitis media in dogs.
Complications of otitis media in dogs
Untimely referral to a veterinarian or a sharp and rapid development of infection can lead to dangerous complications, which is especially characteristic of bacterial otitis. In addition to the transition of the disease to a chronic form, the dog may have such consequences as:
- hearing impairment, deafness;
- inflammation of the membranes of the brain;
- neurological disorders;
- mental disorders;
- swelling of the inner ear;
- eye lesions of purulent nature, strabismus.
Features of treatment at home
Even if the owner knows how to treat this or that type of otitis in a dog, it is necessary to carry out ear therapy at home only after the pathogen has been identified. Do not immediately stuff your pet with antibiotics or bury the first drops that come to hand. Such "treatment" can lead to deterioration of the animal's condition.
What other rules should be followed when treating an animal at home? Firstly, ear cleaning should be carried out using a tampon, not a stick. Due to its small size, it is completely impossible to carry out hygiene of the auricle and ear canal.
The owner must have the skills to clean the ears of the animal, especially if the breed has a tortuous ear canal, there are numerous folds and cartilaginous growths. There is a high probability of inept actions to cause pain in the dog. In addition, in the presence of outgrowths and folds, it will not be possible to properly see the surface of the skin and conduct hygiene.
Some owners believe that hydrogen peroxide needs to be instilled into the animal's ear so that it "dissolves" deposits, which can then be easily removed. In fact, the solution is intended only for the treatment of the sink. Penetrating into the ear and binding with pus, damaged surface, sulfur, peroxide foams, leading to specific sounds in the ears. The animal may get scared.
All that is required from the owner is to provide the dog with peace, adequate competent treatment, proper nutrition and attention.
What can be done before a visit to the vet
If it is not possible to immediately seek help from a veterinary specialist, you can take several independent measures that will ease the condition of the dog.
- Inspect the shell and the external auditory canal. This should be done carefully so as not to hurt the animal.
- If there are damages, treat them with a swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
- Inside the ear, you can drip Otinum. This remedy is not dangerous for the dog's health. It will help eliminate pain, itching, and soften deposits. It is better not to use other drops or ear ointment before the doctor's examination and diagnosis, so as not to accidentally contribute to the resistance of microorganisms to further treatment.
- With a feverish pet, you can give him an antipyretic, for example, paracetamol.
Prevention of otitis in dogs
Minor restrictions and rules of dog care will help prevent the development of otitis media.
- The better the immunity, the less susceptible the dog is to infections and parasites. A full-fledged diet and walks will help strengthen the body's defenses.
- Regular cleaning of ear shells 1-2 times in 7-10 days is indicated not only as a hygienic procedure, but also as a preventive one (detection of the disease at an early stage).
- Hypothermia of the animal should be avoided.
- After water procedures (at home or in a pond), excess water should be removed by soaking the ear with a tampon, tilting the dog's head to one side.
- It is undesirable to let a pet go outside alone. The animal may get injured, as well as "get acquainted" with other dogs infected with an ear mite, fungal or other infection.
Attentive attitude to a four-legged friend and, in case of otitis media, a timely visit to the veterinary clinic will guarantee the health of the ears and the whole body of the dog.