Dog Walking Rules

A dog in the house is a joy for every animal lover and his family members. But you should be aware that taking care of a pet is accompanied by responsibility to society and the law. Today, it is not uncommon to see dogs in courtyards, parks, beaches and playgrounds, even of very impressive size, which are freely worn in the wild without muzzles. It is quite natural that this dangerous neighborhood causes concern and indignation among most citizens. And they can be quite understandable, because even a well-bred four-legged family pet, kind, gentle, obedient within the walls of the house, can behave unpredictably on the street. The dog is able to show sudden aggression caused by an accidental sudden movement of a passerby, an unusual smell, the unexpected appearance of a cat and other factors. This applies to all breeds, and especially those that are potentially dangerous to humans.
What the legislation says
The rules of dog walking are regulated mainly by a separate article of the Federal Law of Russia on Responsible Treatment of Animals in force since 2012, several amendments to its text that entered into force on 01.01.2018, as well as the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (Code of Administrative Offences) and the Civil Code. There is no universal law on the rules of dog walking at the federal level, which in practice leads to the fact that some norms are blurred, and for their interpretation, if necessary, you have to contact lawyers. In our article, we will present the legislative norms, taking into account the amendments, and pay attention to some nuances.
- Going for a walk with your pet, the owner is obliged to provide him with standard safety accessories – a muzzle, a leash. The owner is responsible for protecting the surrounding citizens, other animals, and other people's property from possible encroachments by his dog.
- A muzzle is not required when walking puppies under the age of three months, dogs of decorative breeds whose height at the withers does not exceed 25 cm. They can move freely, without a leash, if the owner considers that it is safe for them.
- It is allowed not to muzzle the dog, but to use only a leash (but short, and in strict order!) if the route to the place of walking runs through the roadway, children's or sports grounds, house territory. The permit does not apply to dogs of fighting breeds, dangerous breeds (their list has been developed by the legislator, but has not yet been approved), as well as large pets whose weight exceeds 15 kg.
- The collar or bridle must be marked with a tag with information about the owner's contact details and information about the registration of the dog.
- The owners are charged with cleanliness in the area where the animal is walking. To do this, you can use special packages for the disposal of dog excrement, bags, containers, etc., or immediately remove the stool in any convenient way. Compliance with the requirement to clean up after a dog should not lead to a violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules prohibiting getting rid of animal excrement by throwing them into street urns. Universal dog boxes for such a purpose are not yet very common in the cities of the Russian Federation.
- Free walking of dogs is allowed. Without a muzzle and collar, the dog can run on the training ground, in a specially designated place (there are not so many of them in the cities of the Russian Federation), in fenced areas, within wastelands, in the forest.
- It is forbidden to walk with a pet in a 30-meter zone adjacent to playgrounds, entrances of apartment buildings, medical and educational institutions, cultural and sports institutions, places of mass gathering of people. It is forbidden to walk four–legged animals in cemeteries, their bathing in the area of public city beaches.
- Walking dogs is not permissible for citizens who are under the influence of alcohol, drugs. It is forbidden to go for a walk with pets on their own for children whose age has not reached 12-14 years (depending on the dog's belonging to a certain breed, its size).
- You can freely walk the dog at any time of the day, but from 23:00 to 07:00 the owner needs to remember the rules of silence.
- The execution of part of the norms should be regulated by regional legislative acts. So, local authorities, guided by the provisions of the article of the law, should themselves determine specific corners where it is prohibited, or, on the contrary, it is allowed to walk with dogs. Walking areas should be marked with information signs. The local authorities may also be responsible for the formulation of requirements for the owner when transporting a pet by public transport to the place of walking. You may need a carrier, a leash, a muzzle, a collar, including a strict one (depending on the type of transport, the size of the animal). The regional authorities can also determine the monetary equivalent of certain types of fines.
Dog owners who ignore the norms of the law will be fined. The range of their monetary expression is very wide. The category of infringing subjects also varies.
- For ordinary citizens, the fine will be 3000-4000 rubles.
- For officials – 30 000 - 50 000 rubles.
- For legal entities – 100 000 - 150 000 rubles.
Relapses recorded during the year from the moment of the first incident entail significantly increasing penalties in rubles.
- For ordinary citizens – up to 10 000 - 20 000 rubles.
- For officials – up to 50 000 - 100 000 rubles.
- For legal entities – up to 700 000 - 1 000 000 rubles.
For an intoxicated citizen, a walk with a pet can cost from 1000 to 5000 rubles.
Owners of dogs running around without a muzzle and collar in public places are punished with monetary penalties, the amount of which is determined by legal acts of the regional level. So, in the capital of the Russian Federation, penalties for such an offense amount to 1000-2000 rubles (the norm of Article 5.1, paragraph 3 of the Administrative Code of Moscow). The absence of a muzzle is allowed if the owner does not plan to go shopping with his four–legged friend to the store, to the market, does not provide for a trip on public transport and rest on the beach - these norms are prescribed in the "Temporary rules for keeping and walking dogs and cats on the territory of the city of Moscow."
If the dog showed aggression towards an outsider during a walk (attacked, scratched, bitten), the victim has the right to apply to the court with a demand for moral compensation. Incidents with serious consequences after a dog attack (injury, death) can lead to the fact that the owner of the animal will be responsible for his actions according to articles of the Criminal Code. Harsh sentences are rarely imposed, since serious evidence is required when considering a case that the owner deliberately set the dog on a person. In some cases, the owner may be threatened with the confiscation of a pet.
Dog walking by strangers
Wealthy or eternally busy citizens often entrust the walking of their pets to friends, neighbors or turn to firms specializing in the provision of such services. This is not prohibited by law. The main thing is to remember that all responsibility for the dog lies with the owner, and in case of an unpleasant incident, he will have to answer.
You should not entrust the walking of your pet, for example, to a neighbor who has not yet turned 15, especially if your pet is an impressive size. Walking with large dogs, dogs of fighting breeds can only be entrusted to a trainer or a person who has experience with such animals.