Sinulox for dogs

For the treatment of infectious diseases in dogs, there are a large number of antibacterial drugs on sale. However, for a long time, one of the most popular remains Sinulox. A wide range of actions, two active substances in the composition, the possibility of using not only for dogs, but also for other animals, are not all the advantages of this remedy.
- Description of the drug
- How does Sinulox work
- In what forms are Sinulox produced
- What diseases are prescribed Sinulox
- Features of the use of medicine for dogs
- What to choose: pills or injections
- Contraindications and side effects
- Why is Sinulox better than other means
- Is it possible to give with other drugs
- Analogs
- The cost of the Synulox
Description of the drug
Sinulox for dogs is presented in two forms: tablets and a solution for injection (suspension).
- Tablet form. Pink tablets are packed in 10 pieces in blisters. Each of them has an inscription (the name of the product) and a dividing strip. They are available in three versions: 50, 250, 500 mg of the active component.
- Suspension for injections. It is an oily liquid of beige color. One bottle may contain 40 or 100 ml of the solution.
The active ingredients of the drug are amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Their content in one tablet unit is 9:1, and in 1 ml of suspension 140 and 35 mg, respectively. In addition to them, the composition includes various auxiliary components, including flavoring compounds (in tablets). Thanks to the latter, a four-legged friend will swallow the medicine, unaware of its bitterness.
How does Sinulox work
Both active substances of Sinulox for dogs have an antibacterial effect, but in the fight against infection, amoxicillin still holds the primacy. It destroys the enzyme systems of bacteria, causing the decay of their cell wall, and as a result, microorganisms die.
There are microbes that, when exposed to an antibacterial agent, release specific enzymes in response that destroy the medicine. The second active component of Sinulox, clavulanic acid, helps to prevent such a situation. It is under her protection that amoxicillin exerts its therapeutic effect.
This combination of properties of the active compounds of the drug ensures success in the fight against E. coli, Staphylococcus, salmonella infection and others.
In what forms are Sinulox produced
The amount of active substances in the antibiotic Sinulox for dogs varies depending on the form of release of the drug and its volume. The medicine is available in two versions: tablet form and suspension for injection.
Among the auxiliary compounds in the composition of the drug can be found: yeast, cellulose, erythrosine, silicon, Mg stearate and Na glycolate. The presence of flavors in the medicine will make its reception pleasant for the dog and, accordingly, convenient for the owner.
What diseases are prescribed Sinulox
The antibacterial drug Sinulox is indicated for the treatment of dogs with many diseases having a bacterial nature. These can be lesions of the skin and mucous membrane, diseases of the genitourinary and respiratory systems, digestive tract. Among them, for example:
- stomatitis;
- cystitis;
- tonsillitis;
- enteritis;
- abscess;
- pneumonia and so on.
Features of the use of medicine for dogs
Despite the universality of the drug Sinulox, its reception should be carried out only as prescribed by a veterinarian and comply with the instructions for use. In choosing the form of medication and dosage, the specialist focuses not only on the weight of the dog – other nuances are also taken into account:
- age;
- state of the immune system;
- comorbidities;
- severity of the disease and others.
If the drug is prescribed incorrectly, the pet's condition may worsen.
The key to the effectiveness of any antibacterial agent is the continuity of the course of treatment. In no case should you skip taking medication, stop the course ahead of time, replace one remedy with another without prior consultation with a specialist. Such actions will increase the resistance of the microorganism to the active ingredients, "plant" the immunity of a four-legged friend, increase the risk of side effects. This applies to both the tablet form of Sinulox and the injection form. In the case when, for some reason, the next medication intake was missed, the next time the dose prescribed by the doctor is set, without resorting to doubling it.
Sinulox in the form of tablets is given to dogs twice a day. It is allowed to take them both with food and on an empty stomach. In the first case, there is a risk of a gag reflex, and in the second, taking medication can negatively affect the condition of the animal's stomach.
How to give a pill to a dog is decided by each owner individually. The drug can be mixed into a small amount of food that the pet likes the most, placed in the oral cavity, and also use a tablet dispenser. If the pill is mixed into the food, then you need to make sure that it is eaten completely.
The amount of medication for one dose according to the instructions must be pre-calculated: 12.5 mg of medication is required for 1 kg of dog body weight. If the animal is very sick, with complications, a specialist can prescribe a large dosage, but not exceeding 25 mg / 1 kg. The duration of the course of treatment is also calculated individually, and can range from 1 to 2-4 weeks.
The duration of the course of injections of Sinulox is less – injections are given from 3 to 5 days. If the animal is in an extremely serious condition, a specialist may prescribe a longer course. The frequency of injections per day is once.
Injections can be done only in the dog's muscle or subcutaneously in the withers area, the drug is not suitable for intravenous infusion. The medicine is administered slowly so that bumps do not form. For the same purpose, after injection, the injection site of the suspension is lightly massaged.
As well as with tablets, the dosage must be calculated beforehand: 8.75 mg of Sinulox is taken for 1 kg of dog weight. Or: 1 ml of medicine per 20-kilogram four-legged patient. In order not to make a mistake with the dose of the drug, you can use an insulin syringe. Before you collect the suspension, you need to shake it a little.
Attention: The syringe and needle must be dry! Clavulanic acid, mixing with water molecules, loses its properties.
What to choose: pills or injections
It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since the choice of the form of the drug depends on the condition of the dog. If the disease occurs in mild or moderate severity, and the gastrointestinal tract allows you to take a tablet form, then it is quite possible to take Sinulox tablets. If the pet has a difficult infection, the disease is accompanied by complications, the pills lead to vomiting and are not digested, injections will be the best treatment option. The medicine injected into the muscle or connective tissue is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and leads to a rapid therapeutic effect.
Contraindications and side effects
Sinulox is well tolerated by dogs and has practically no contraindications. The drug is not given to animals that are allergic to antibacterial agents or individual components of the drug. You should not take Sinulox even if the pet is undergoing therapy with bacteriostatics.
Among rare adverse reactions, skin manifestations (rashes, itching), problems with defecation (constipation or diarrhea), increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes in the form of edema, lacrimation can be noted. Most often, such effects occur with an incorrectly selected dosage of Sinulox. If they appear, you should tell the veterinarian about it.
Why is Sinulox better than other means
Judging by the reviews on the web, Sinulox is at the forefront when choosing an antibacterial drug. Such a high assessment is based on the positive qualities of the drug.
- Efficiency. Many users note a noticeable improvement in the dog's condition after several doses of the drug. In addition, Sinulox is equally effective both in the acute form of the disease and in its chronic course or complications.
- Acts on many strains of bacteria, both gram-positive and gram-negative.
- Preserves the immunity of the pet, having a negative effect only on pathogenic microorganisms (if the conditions of the instructions for use are met).
- Has a minimum number of contraindications. There are no restrictions on the age of animals or for health reasons.
- Adverse reactions occur very rarely, mainly due to non-compliance with the instructions.
- If necessary, one form of the drug can be replaced by another. For example, if the dog's stomach does not take pills, you can use injections instead.
- Injections of Sinulox are easy to put: the injection fluid is already ready for use.
Is it possible to give with other drugs
Sinulox is not given to dogs that are being treated with bacteriostatic agents such as levomycetin. It is allowed to take the medicine simultaneously with vitamin and mineral complexes, immunostimulating drugs. In some cases, the veterinarian will recommend an additional intake of diuretics.
Other antibacterial drugs have a similar effect. So, the analogues of Sinulox include:
- Flemoclave;
- Amoxiclav;
- Medoclav.
It is possible to use amoxicillin without an additional active component in its pure form, but due to its excessive bitterness, problems may arise during the treatment of a dog.
The cost of the Synulox
The cost of the antibacterial drug for dogs Sinulox is in a wide range. The higher the content of the active ingredient, the higher the price of the drug. For example, for 10 tablets of 50 mg, you need to pay about 200 rubles, and 250 mg – about 400 rubles. A small (40 ml) bottle of Sinulox suspension for injection will cost about 1000 rubles, and a large one is twice as expensive.
When buying a suspension, you need to remember that the bottle from which the medicine was already taken can only be stored for 30 days. In addition, you should not purchase large-volume tablets, as they are intended for large horned animals (cattle). For the treatment of dogs with medium and large body weight, Sinulox 50 is quite suitable.