Tartar in dogs

The problem of tartar in dogs existed before, but recently this ailment has been registered more often, and in a complicated form. What causes deposits on the teeth of a dog? How to treat, and is it possible to prevent this phenomenon? What can neglected dental growths lead to? Knowing the answers to these questions will help to preserve the health of the pet, avoid additional worries and troubles, as well as waste of time and material resources.
- Why do dogs form tartar
- Symptoms of tartar
- What is the danger of dental deposits for animals
- Cleaning dental deposits in dogs in the clinic
- How to remove dental deposits from dogs at home
- When is it better to contact a veterinarian
- How often do I need to clean
- Which way to remove tartar is better
- Prevention of tartar formation in dogs
Why dogs form tartar
The formation of tartar in dogs, as in humans, is based on the mineralization of soft plaque. The latter is formed from rotted food residues, bacteria, salts and other components. Gradually, the plaque hardens and is firmly fixed on the enamel.
Most often, tartar develops in areas that cannot be cleaned on their own, for example, between the teeth, at the root neck and others. Growths can affect several teeth at the same time, be located both near the gum and under it, have different thicknesses and shades of yellow or brown.
Several factors mainly lead to the appearance of tartar in dogs.
- Mistakes in the choice of food. Soft food (including dry) they do not contribute to prolonged friction of dental surfaces against each other, which leads to plaque deposition.
- Excess carbohydrates in the pet's diet. If the owners often pamper their pet with "yummy", sooner or later he will form stones on his teeth. This is due to the increased proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity.
- Diseases of the digestive tract. Some gastrointestinal diseases contribute to the development of heartburn, changes in the pH of the stomach, as well as the oral cavity of the dog. The pH shift leads to the formation of stones.
- Changes in the structure of the jaw (long, narrow, pathologically altered), malocclusion, narrow gaps between teeth and others. Incorrect placement of teeth in a row leads to insufficient self-cleaning.
- Age. In elderly animals, due to age-related metabolic changes, the process of hardening of the soft plaque occurs faster.
Note: such dog breeds as dachshund , chihuahua , pekingese and the like, belong to the risk group. For the condition of their teeth, prevention of tartar is important first of all.
Symptoms of tartar
Of course, the main symptom of stone deposits on the teeth of a dog is their direct detection. However, not in all cases it is possible to do this visually and at home. In addition, not every owner will examine all the pet's teeth daily for the presence of stones, so you should pay attention to the accompanying signs of the development of dental growths:
- rotting smell from the mouth;
- swelling, redness of the gums, the appearance of traces of blood on pieces of food;
- refusal of food (due to pain in the gingival tissues).
If at least one of them is present, the animal must be taken to a veterinary specialist.
What is the danger of dental deposits for animals
Tartar tends to build up, so gradually it puts more and more pressure on the surrounding soft tissues. In addition, pushing the gum away from the tooth, the growth may eventually reach the root, which will require serious intervention.
Among the complications of a stone on the teeth in dogs, such as:
- caries under a stone;
- stomatitis;
- gingivitis;
- tooth loss;
- malocclusion;
- sepsis;
- digestive problems;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
The constant release of toxins by multiplying bacteria leads to the strongest intoxication of the pet's body. This, in turn, greatly weakens the immune system, promotes the addition of other infections. In particularly severe cases, the case may end with the death of the animal.
Cleaning dental deposits in dogs in the clinic
You can clean the teeth of a four-legged friend in any veterinary clinic. Before the procedure, a specialist will inspect the dog's oral cavity, assess the condition of not only the teeth, but also the soft tissues for the presence of inflammatory processes. In some cases, you will need to undergo a laboratory examination – to donate blood. X-ray examination may be necessary if the stone deposits are poorly visible, or there is a need for additional examination of the tooth root, jaw. If the cleansing is planned to be carried out under anesthesia, then the list of preparatory measures will necessarily include an ECG.
How the procedure goes
In general, the removal of dental deposits in dogs follows the following algorithm:
- antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity is carried out;
- remove the stone;
- disinfect the treated surface.
If necessary, teeth are ground, polished, fluoridated.
It should be noted that the actions of a specialist depend on the degree of pathology detected, as well as on the characteristics of a four-legged patient. For example, with a small growth, it is possible to use a mechanical cleaning method using special devices or ultrasound (at the owner's choice). If the tartar has an impressive size, then first it is filed mechanically, and then ultrasound can be used. Or the specialist chooses a different combination.
Without anesthesia, it is possible to remove dental deposits from small dogs that are calm about the procedure, as well as if the teeth only need to be "repaired". If the problem is serious and requires several manipulations, or when a four-legged patient has an impressive size and unstable psyche, then general anesthesia is used when removing the stone.
How to remove dental deposits from dogs at home
Removal of dental deposits from a pet can be done independently at home. The animal should be accustomed to such procedures from puppy age – in this case, the dog will adequately treat cleaning, and the time spent on the process itself will be minimal. To clean teeth at home, two methods are used: chemical and mechanical.
Chemical removal
For the chemical removal of tartar in dogs, various formulations are used, the mechanism of action of which is based on the dissolution of deposits. Such funds are produced in several forms.
- Elixir (solution). They are impregnated with a gauze swab, which is applied to the animal's tooth. To achieve the result, the tampon must be held in one place for several minutes (according to the instructions). At the end of the procedure, the teeth are wiped with a clean cloth. An example of such a tool is Xident.
- Gel. Gel preparations do not need to be kept on the surface of the teeth, which greatly facilitates the process of removing tartar. After applying a certain amount of gel to the enamel surface, its active components are mixed with the saliva of the animal and fall on all units of the dentition. After some time (specified in the instructions), softened deposits can be easily removed by conventional mechanical means, including a brush. As an example of such a remedy, we can call Tropicline gel.
- Spray. It is also easily applied to the surface of the teeth, where it has a splitting effect on the hard plaque for an hour. Experts recommend not to feed or water the animal during this period. At the end of the spray, you can brush your dog's teeth mechanically.
Mechanical removal
The mechanical method of removing tartar, most often, involves the use of a special dental device – a scaler. It has the form of a small handle, at the end of which there is a shovel, or a scraper. The use of scalpels and other items is highly discouraged, as there is a possibility of injuring the dog's gums. In some cases, they resort to using a hard brush, but this is justified only when the stone is small and has been previously softened with a chemical agent.
Attention: the use of a scaler at home requires preliminary preparation – you will need cotton-gauze swabs, hydrogen peroxide (for antiseptic teeth before cleaning) and Lugol solution (for gum treatment after the procedure).
When is it better to contact a veterinarian
Although there are enough funds on sale to rid the dog of tartar, with large deposits, as well as for the first time it is better to consult a veterinarian. Self-removal of the stone threatens the penetration of infection into the tooth cavity (especially in the presence of a carious process), damage to the gums, the inflammatory process of soft tissues and the oral cavity. In addition, the animal may suddenly jerk and get injured. And finally, the specialist will not only properly clean the teeth of the pet, but also carry out sanitation, ensure the consolidation of the result, give recommendations for further care.
How often do I need to clean
The frequency of the procedure for removing dental deposits depends on the rate of their formation. This is influenced by many factors, for example, the composition of the diet, the type of feed, the frequency of meals, the breed of the dog and others. A general recommendation is to visit a clinic for professional cleaning once every 6 months. At the same time, the owner of the animal must periodically remove the soft plaque on his own.
What is the best way to remove tartar
It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the ways to remove deposits from the teeth of a dog is better. Each of them has pros and cons. So, the price of mechanical cleaning at home and even in the clinic will be much lower than the ultrasound procedure. However, such removal spoils the enamel, which can subsequently lead to the development of caries and other pathological processes.
Today, most experts recommend ultrasound removal of dental deposits. Among its advantages:
- minimal risk of tissue injury;
- no pain;
- high efficiency;
- requires less time.
Of the disadvantages of ultrasound, only a fairly high cost can be noted.
Prevention of tartar formation in dogs
It is possible to prevent the formation of tartar in a four-legged friend by following certain rules.
- Bones must be included in the animal feed. It is important that they are beef, but not comminuted (so-called mosles), preferably containing cartilage tissue.
- It is necessary to avoid feeding the dog with sweet treats, excessively nutritious compounds, canned products.
- It is worth monitoring the condition of the digestive tract of the pet.
- From puppy age, you need to use a special brush and paste to clean the dog's teeth.
- Periodically wipe your pet's teeth with a gauze flap soaked in soda solution.
- Visit a veterinarian every six months for examination and sanitation of the oral cavity.
Such measures are quite enough to ensure that the smile of a four-legged friend is always flawless, and the teeth are healthy.