How to give a cat a pill

In most cases, the need to give a pill to a cat arises when it is necessary to cure it of worms. There are other situations, for example, during sexual overexcitation or during illness. There is hardly a mustachioed pet who would calmly take the medicine, swallow it, and then drink some water, so cat owners have to resort to all sorts of tricks to achieve a positive result. Below are 5 ways to give a pill to a cat with 100% guaranteed success.
Method 1. Add to food
Many owners try to "trick" the cat by slipping her a pill with food. If the drug is in its whole form, then, most likely, the animal will spit it out or leave it in a bowl, and eat the rest safely. The solution may be to grind the medicine to a powdery state. In addition, two conditions must be met:
- wait for the time when the cat gets very hungry (this will slightly dull her taste buds at least for the first few seconds);
- mix the powder with a small amount of food (after satisfying hunger with the first portions, a mustachioed friend can leave part of the medicine in a bowl).
Attention: not all medications can be taken with food!
Method 2. Give in powder
Most cats perfectly feel the admixture of foreign substances in food and refuse to eat, up to a hunger strike. If this is your case, then try to grind the tablet to a powder, and then pour it into the cat's mouth.
Of course, there is no need to wait for the voluntary opening of the mouth – it is enough to put a palm on the pet's head and squeeze her cheekbones from both sides (from the molars). The animal will reflexively open its mouth, at this moment you need to quickly pour the powder deeper, close the mouth, hold for 2-3 seconds.
Method 3. Dissolve the tablet in liquid
The cat can spit out a tablet in the form of powder, albeit partially, so it is better to pre-dissolve the powder in a small amount of liquid. It is not necessary to add it to drinking water or milk, it is enough to dissolve it in 5-7 ml of ordinary water.
In liquid form, the medicine can be given with a spoon, opening the cat's mouth in the way described in the previous paragraph. Or dial it into a clean syringe (without a needle), push the nozzle of the syringe into the mouth from the side between the molars and pour the contents.
Method 4. Shove in the mouth
There are medications that cannot be crushed or given in parts. There is only one way out here – just open the pet's mouth and put a pill in it. What actions will be required for the cat to open its jaws reflexively is described above. It should only be added that the tablet should be placed as far as possible on the root of the tongue to stimulate the swallowing reflex. After that, just close the pet's mouth and hold it in this position for 2-3 seconds.
Method 5. Use a tablet reader
A special device – a pill dispenser, or piller, will help to facilitate the task of swallowing the medicine. In appearance and principle of operation, it resembles a syringe, but instead of a needle it has a long soft tube. To give a pill to a cat, it is enough to insert the medicine into the tip of the tube, open the mouth of the animal, and then press the plunger. Under the influence of air, the drug will be at the destination.
Note: such a device is sold in a veterinary pharmacy or pet store. However, it can be made independently by cutting off the bottom of a plastic syringe of the desired diameter.
In what position is it best to give a pill
Few owners know how to properly give a pill to a cat. There is an opinion that you just need to tilt or lift her head. This should not be done, since the medicine – even in the form of liquid or powder – can get into the respiratory tract, and the animal will choke.
What to do if the cat scratches and breaks out
If the pet behaves aggressively, it is better to enlist someone's support to hold the animal's limbs. Another option (if everything is completely hopeless) is to wrap the cat in a towel, a sheet or a large fabric. You need to wrap it up so that only the head remains outside (very carefully, if it concerns a pregnant cat).
How to make a cat swallow a pill
Some mustachioed quadrupeds manage to hold the pill in their mouths for a while, and then spit it out, so, closing the cat's jaws, you need to make several stroking movements along the esophagus - from top to bottom along the front surface of the animal's neck. Another way is to blow your pet's nose. This will also lead to the appearance of a swallowing reflex. Be sure to check the result by examining the cunning man's oral cavity.
After the treatment is successfully completed, do not forget to caress your pet and please with something delicious. If, for some reason, it is not possible to give the medicine, you need to contact the veterinary clinic.