Criminal Cats

The most common pet is a cat. They are happy to get them both in private homes and in city apartments. This is a rather unpretentious animal that does not require special care and conditions. Taking a cat, you need to take care not only of his health and appearance. Pay attention to the upbringing of a pet. It's no secret that many feline representatives, in particular, cats, have criminal talent. They are prone to theft. The passion to pull everything that can be carried away is the motto of many domestic cats. What is the tendency to steal from cats? First of all, it is the desire to steal food from the table. It doesn't matter if the cat was fed before or not. Seeing something edible on the table, the cat will try to pull it away. Some representatives of this family do not know the limits of their arrogance and professionally steal not only from the table. But they also manage to steal from the refrigerator or saucepan. There are some animals that steal not only food. The habit of stealing is part of their character. They pull almost everything: underwear, socks, jewelry, toys. At the same time, the cats manage to create a hiding place somewhere in the house, where they demolish everything stolen. What is the reason for the cat's ability to steal.
The first reason is the feeling of hunger. If the animal is hungry, it is not fed on time, then instinctively it begins to look for food. It is for this reason that cats and cats begin to steal food from the table, and then from the pan and refrigerator. The first manifestation of this criminal talent may be rustling and rumbling in the kitchen at a time when all family members are in another room. It is impossible to scold, and even more so to beat the cat for the manifestation of these qualities. First you need to find out the reason that prompted the animal to steal. If an animal has a feeling of hunger, then first it is necessary to revise its diet. It may be to increase the number of feedings. If the owners and breeders of fuzzies are sure that they eat quite enough, this is not an indicator. It often happens that cats do not get enough of the food that they buy and feel underfed and offended. To compensate for this, they start stealing.
The second reason for theft can be considered natural curiosity. Cats are exactly the animals that have a well-developed sense of curiosity. If the cat is well-mannered, he still will not be able to resist and not look at what is on the table or covered with a lid. Curious cats often steal small things. They are attracted by the rustling of packages, the glitter of jewelry. In order to wean a curious cat from the owner's food, show them that human food is tasteless. If the cat asks for a piece during lunch, give him some vegetable with a sharp sharp taste, for example, a clove of garlic or a piece of onion. This animal will scare away and discourage the desire to eat human food for a long time. To prevent cats from stealing personal belongings, try not to scatter them around the apartment. Put them away in the designated places. In addition, in order not to be tempted to steal, remove leftovers from the table.
If the cat is caught stealing wardrobe items, try to stop it right away. At first, it causes a tender smile and interest from the owners. But if the owners can calmly react to the theft of underwear and socks in the house and calmly sort out caches, then when the cat starts stealing things from neighboring balconies and houses, this is already a cause for concern. This addiction can become a big problem.
For the information of the owners, currently there are several cats in the world who suffer from real kleptomania, which complicate the life of their owners. A cat named Oscar. He lives in England. The cat specializes in stealing underwear, socks, gloves. Stealing these things, he brings them to his owners, in gratitude for being accepted into the family from the nursery. In Switzerland, there is another criminal authority named Speedy. This is a real repeat offender. He steals everything that is bad. Everything he finds on the street, Speedy carries into the house. Desperate owners of the cat are forced to periodically put up leaflets and warn neighbors about the criminal tendencies of their pet.
Zoopsychologists believe that stealing is the desire of an animal to attract the attention of its owners, the desire to satisfy the animal instinct of a hunter, sometimes it is just a manifestation of the fight against boredom. If a thief cat has appeared in the family, then try to distract him. Learn to spend more time with him and just love your pet.