Thai Ridgeback

Brief information
- Breed name: Thai Ridgeback
- Country of Origin: Thailand
- Weight: 23-32 kg
- Height (height at the withers): males 61-66 cm, females 56-61 cm
- Thai ridgebacks are famous for their independent and stubborn character, which can only be tamed with love and boundless patience.
- Dogs cannot stand loneliness and prefer to take an active part in the life of their family.
- A "Thai" can make a good watchman, but you don't need to expect zealous protection of the territory from him.
- Ridgebacks manage to get along with most pets, with the exception of decorative rodents and birds.
- Representatives of the breed are patient with children and rarely show aggression towards them.
- Thai ridgebacks need regular physical activity, but do not require walking at a strictly set time.
- Despite their intelligence, "Thais" are hard to train because of wayward behavior.
- Pets are not suitable for keeping by novice dog breeders.
Thai Ridgeback - one of the oldest and rarest breeds. To accidentally see such an amazing dog on the street is luck, out of the ordinary. These animals are not often found outside their homeland, but that's why they are only more appreciated by dog breeders around the world. Equally important to the breed is the character of its representatives: strong, fearless and unconditionally loyal. Thai ridgebacks cannot imagine life without two things: long walks and communication with the owner. It follows from this that it is easy to please a dog, just by going for a walk in the city park with her and allowing her to stretch her paws in pursuit of a ball or frisbee.
Breed characteristics
History of the Thai Ridgeback breed
The four-legged inhabitants of eastern Thailand are among the original breeds whose development took place without the intervention of breeders, according to the laws of natural selection. The history of ridgebacks began about 3-4 thousand years ago – it is this period of time that the first mentions of the breed are dated. They are represented by ancient drawings of Thailand and Cambodia, where similar dogs are depicted – presumably the ancestors of Thai ridgebacks. They can be recognized by their erect ears and crescent-shaped tail. In some places, a characteristic ridge (a comb made of wool) is also visible on the backs of animals.
The progenitors of the "Thais" have found their place in written sources. The Ayut manuscript, dating from the first half of the XVII century, mentions dogs that have a lot of similarities with modern ridgebacks. There are no more precise "clues" that would help trace the history of the breed, so the origin of these dogs is a mystery behind seven seals. Most breeders adhere to the following version: Thai ridgebacks are the result of the union of Aboriginal dogs and wild dingoes.
The share of uncertainty is inherent in the homeland of animals. Officially, the area of distribution of ridgebacks is considered to be island and mainland Thailand, but increasingly Indonesia is called a possible habitat for the first representatives of the breed.
In some way, dogs belong to mongrels, if you put a generally accepted meaning into this word. During the history of their existence, Thai ridgebacks have not interbred with other breeds and appeared in the wilderness. The hot climate of the country forced the animals to get rid of their massive physique and thick coat. Each generation of Thai mongrels acquired more and more similarities with modern representatives of the breed.
The insignificant distribution area of dogs caused forced inbreeding – mating of closely related individuals. Animals unsuitable for survival died, giving way to strong and hardy brethren. Then they were noticed by local residents who needed universal working dogs for hunting and property protection.
The first attempts to tame wild animals have begun. Like all four-legged aborigines, the ancestors of Thai Ridgebacks were distinguished by a freedom-loving and independent disposition. For this reason, the animals were dangerous even for their owners, not to mention strangers. However, attempts to domesticate wild dogs have not stopped. Ridgebacks were valued for their intelligence and dexterity. These qualities allowed Thais to use animals as shepherds and draft force.
Ridgebacks were no less useful when hunting. Dogs accompanied the aborigines in baiting deer, tapirs, large wild boars and even birds. The lightning-fast reaction of the animals made them indispensable companions of hunters. The courage with which dogs could rush at dangerous snakes and thereby save the owner from death was also useful.
The symbiosis of humans and Thai ridgebacks lasted until the XIX century. Along with technological progress, colonizers came to the lands of Phu Quoc Island (Phu Quoc), who liked charming and unusual dogs. A similar reaction was caused by ridgebacks and European merchants who traded with Thai aborigines. The rumor about, perhaps, a new breed reached the leading dog handlers of that time. Having organized an expedition to Thailand, dog breeders were amazed: a previously unknown variety of dogs appeared before them!
It was impossible not to notice a characteristic feature – a ridge growing along the spine. There were no similar dogs among the known breeds, so dog handlers decided to popularize the discovered animals.
Thailand and Japan were among the first countries to officially recognize Thai Ridgebacks (1989 and 1990, respectively). Other states did not rush to hasty conclusions about the uniqueness of dogs. Only three years later, the international cynological organization FCI registered a new breed and approved its standard. At that time, Ridgeback studbooks numbered more than five thousand dogs.
Although two decades have passed since then, the "Thais" still remain one of the least numerous breeds. Thai ridgebacks are bred not only in their historical homeland, but also in America, as well as in Europe and Asia.
Video: Thai Ridgeback
Appearance of a Thai ridgeback
Thai Ridgeback is a large dog. The geographical isolation of the country and, as a consequence, the impossibility of incest with other breeds led to a logical result. These animals managed to preserve their original appearance without drastic changes. The proportions of the ridgeback's strong body are slightly incorrect: the height of the animal at the withers is less than the length of its body (the ratio is 10:11). Musculature is developed.
The breed standard determines the height of bitches and males: 51-56 and 56-61 cm. The exact parameters for the weight of dogs are not specified, but it should be proportional to the height at the withers: about 23-34 kg for males and 16-25 kg for females.
Head and skull
The shape of the Thai ridgeback's head is attributed to the wolf type. When examining the animal from the side, a sloping forehead line is noticeable. Periodically, small skin folds appear on it when the ridgeback is alert or interested. The skull is rounded, flattened in the area between the ears. Its length and the front part are in the ratio of 3:2.
The wedge-shaped muzzle is slightly shorter than the upper part of the ridgeback's head. The stop is expressed quite moderately, but at the same time it is clearly visible from any angle. The smooth back of the nose narrows to a lobe of black or bluish shades (the latter is acceptable only for "Thais" of blue color). Expressive cheekbones contrast with flat cheeks. The dog's tight lips do not create a feeling of bryliness, because they are adjacent to the teeth and completely hide them.
The head of the Thai ridgeback is "decorated" with triangular ears of medium size. They are placed on the sides of the skull, slightly tilted forward. The tips are not rounded, the auricles are open. Cupping is prohibited.
The dog's large eyes are almond-shaped, set rather deep in relation to the muzzle. The eyelids are dry, close to the eyeballs; the incision is oval. Brown pigmentation of the iris is preferred (the richer the shade, the better). Amber eyes are acceptable in blue-colored animals.
Jaws and teeth
The strong and strong jaws of the Thai ridgeback form a scissor bite. The teeth sit tightly in the gum and make up a complete set. The dog's tongue is notable for black pigmentation or the presence of spots of the same color.
The strong neck of the "Thai" is set high and proudly, characterized by a slight bend and lack of suspension. The developed musculature is well felt through the skin of the animal.
The body of the Thai ridgeback is characterized by a moderately elongated format. The straight line of the back turns into an even loin, and then into a rounded sloping croup. Elongated ribs form a developed, oval in section chest, reaching the elbows. The stomach and groin are tightened.
The relatively long tail of the ridgeback is curved with a sickle and tapers from the base to the tip. It mainly rushes vertically upwards.
Shoulder bones and shoulder blades are directed backwards. Straight forearms turn into pasterns, the slight inclination of which is noticeable when examining the dog in profile. The paws of the Thai ridgeback are distinguished by an oval shape and crowded fingers. The pads are harsh to the touch. The claws are strong, pigmented in dark or light shades (the second option is less preferable).
Hind limbs
Ridgeback hips have developed and strong muscles. The angles of the knee and hock joints are pronounced, while the latter are located quite low. Parallel metatarsals are strictly straight, which is especially noticeable from behind. The crowded fingers form elegant oval-shaped paws. Both dark and light pigmentation of the claws is acceptable. The pads are elastic and stiff.
Manner of movement
Thai ridgebacks observe a clear rhythm, moderately stretching each step, but not allowing "wagging" of the body. The front and rear limbs of the animal are not thrown out in any direction, providing a strong push. The movements are harmonious and free, with a proportional arrangement of the joints relative to each other.
Wool cover
Ridgebacks belong to short-haired breeds of dogs. With their softness, the hairs resemble expensive velour. The undercoat is almost completely absent. The coat of animals is divided into four categories.
- Super–short velour (hair length - 0.1-0.3 cm). It looks the least presentable, because from a distance the dog seems bald. At the same time, the short coat does not protect the ridgeback from insect bites, which "decorate" the body with spots and blisters.
- Velvet (the length of the hairs is 0.5-0.8 cm). Gentle and pleasant to the touch. Perfectly copes with the performance of a protective function, unlike the previous type.
- Short (the length of the hairs is up to 1 cm). It is regarded as an intermediate type between velvet and standard.
- Standard (the length of the hairs is 1-2.5 cm). The coat protects not only from annoying insects, but also from adverse climatic conditions.
The key feature of Thai ridgebacks is a clearly contoured ridge on the back. Among its common forms are:
- violin;
- guitar;
- arrow;
- pin;
- saddle;
- igloo;
- sheet;
- pen.
The comb should not go on the sides of the dog. Curls at the tips of the hairs are acceptable, and their symmetry is more than desirable. Ideally, the length of the ridge is ¾ of the length of the back. Minor deviations within 2-3 cm are not considered a defect of the breed.
The standard recognizes solid colors of the following shades:
- light fawn;
- blue;
- red;
- black.
A white spot on the animal's chest is acceptable.
Possible vices
Common defects of the Thai Ridgeback breed include:
- zigzag or torn ridge;
- straight and wedge-shaped bite;
- light pigmentation of the iris;
- rounded ear tips;
- atypical muzzle shape;
- full fleshy lips;
- abundant undercoat;
- round eye shape;
- short tail.
Among the disqualifying vices are:
- obvious deviations in appearance;
- fearful or aggressive behavior;
- non-descent of the testicles into the scrotum;
- complete absence of ridge;
- white and brindle colors;
- long hair.
Thai Ridgeback photo
Character of Thai Ridgeback
Communication with a Thai ridgeback resembles the famous movie "The Taming of the Shrew". Only experienced dog breeders can find the key to the heart of a pet. Extravagant appearance is not the only difference between Thai ridgebacks from other dogs. The character of these animals is characterized by resilience bordering on stubbornness. Ridgeback cannot be reeducated, and a rare success in this case will turn into problems with the dog's psyche. For this reason, representatives of the breed need an experienced and patient owner who is not afraid of difficulties in communicating with his pet.
Remember: males tend to be more dominant and independent than bitches, so it is important to take this point into account when interacting with an animal.
However, you should not give up on Thai ridgebacks just because of their independent nature! The owners of these dogs speak of them as the most devoted friends and companions. "Thais" can not stand loneliness and prefer to bathe in the rays of universal love and attention from the family. At the same time, it is important not to raise your voice to the pet if you are annoyed by such a strong obsession. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a subtle mental organization, and rudeness on the part of the owner will cause them irreparable offense.
The developed intelligence of Thai Ridgebacks combined with their observation gives an amazing result. Dogs carefully analyze what is happening, listen to people and distinguish their intonations. In response to his nickname, ridgeback will demonstrate an extreme degree of interest and will not take his eyes off the speaker. At the same time, characteristic folds will appear on the forehead of the animal, which can not be more clearly indicated by direct participation in the "dialogue".
Representatives of the breed are quite contradictory in their desires: now they need an active walk, and five minutes later they are already snuffling comfortably on the litter and dreaming of juicy meat bones. Thai ridgebacks tend to adapt to the lifestyle of their owner. "Going out" can wait until a certain moment: ridgebacks will not jump on the door with loud barking and walk behind you with a leash in their teeth. However, the lack of fresh air and new impressions will negatively affect the balanced psyche of your pet.
Communication with strangers does not please the dog. Thai ridgebacks are wary of strangers, do not allow themselves to be stroked and do not respond to affection with a friendly wagging of the tail. This distrust is the key to the successful performance of the role of a watchdog. However, ridgebacks lack aggressiveness for an ardent and selfless guard. The animal is more likely to issue a warning growl than to rush into an attack on a person who has illegally invaded his possessions. Loud barking and an attack are the last thing you can expect from a ridgeback. However, only a madman will encroach on the possessions of a serious and handsome handsome man, resembling a representative of fighting breeds, so the appearance of a "Thai" only plays into the hands.
And let your friends call ridgeback an unsociable "grouch": you know how affectionate and loving a pet can be! Representatives of the breed get along well not only with family members, but also with other pets. In the company of a Thai ridgeback, it's not scary to leave even a cat: he would rather share a litter with a meowing fellow than give chase. Ridgebacks leave the last lesson for walks, where they will not miss a single yard cat, pigeon and sparrow. Loyal attitude to other dogs persists only up to open aggression on the part of the opponent.
Ridgebacks dote on children and are ready to participate in their active games all day long. At the same time, dogs show complete leniency to the carelessness of small family members and never respond to them with a formidable grin. However, frequent communication of a child with a "Thai" can make the latter extremely disobedient: a ridgeback needs a firm hand and careful control, which cannot be expected from children. If possible, do not leave your pet alone with your child – this will avoid many incidents in the future.
Thai ridgebacks are real four–legged athletes. These animals cannot imagine their life without running and jumping since they were puppies. Adjust the daily routine so that your pet can throw out all the energy during a walk. Otherwise, the ridgeback will require the "continuation of the banquet" upon returning home. A ball, a frisbee and even a stick picked up from the ground are your best helpers.
The wild progenitors of the breed handed over hunting instincts to dogs, which still make themselves felt and make walking without a leash almost impossible. Any living creature of smaller size is regarded by the Thai ridgeback as prey, so it is important to control the pet at this moment. Please note: males run away more often than females, so you should not give them complete freedom of action.
Education and training
Raising a Thai Ridgeback is not an easy task. Ideally, you should start training with a dog at the age of one and a half months, but this is often impossible: kennels put puppies up for sale only after they reach three months. The adaptation of the baby to new conditions takes no more than a day: it is not necessary to give the pet indulgences from the first day of appearance in the house. Be persistent and diplomatic; passivity and cruelty in dealing with a ridgeback are unacceptable.
Having matured, the dog will not leave attempts to test your patience "for strength". Don't worry, the pet has not stopped feeling boundless love for you. The reason for this is the obstinate nature of the Thai ridgeback. When communicating with an animal, it is necessary to learn the following: the pet is always right, and only you can be considered the culprit of the current problem. It is quite difficult to come to terms with this idea, so do not deny yourself the opportunity to turn to a professional if the education of a Thai ridgeback has gone in the wrong direction.
Ridgebacks are prone to begging near the table – and it's not at all a constant feeling of hunger! In the eyes of a dog, the right to start a meal first is the main sign of leadership. Let the pet understand that you are not encroaching on his piece, but you are not going to transfer the reins of government either. The slightest compliance will result in the fact that Ridgeback organizes daily duty in the kitchen, and you will have to isolate the pet for the family dinner.
Representatives of the breed are smart and intelligent animals, so they are happy to learn new things, if, of course, they are in a good mood. Basic commands are irreplaceable, but no less attention should be paid to discipline and self-control training. By their nature, ridgebacks are not prone to impulsive behavior, but improper socialization can provoke cowardice or even aggression. Do not encourage the dog if it shows intolerance towards anyone. Aggressive behavior must be stopped even if the ridgeback rushed to your defense. Restrained praise is more than enough. The animal should not associate the animal grin with your boundless joy, otherwise a repeat incident is inevitable.
Praise, delicacy and motivation are the three pillars on which the correct training of the Thai ridgeback rests. Take the trouble to organize the dog's training in such a way that it resembles an exciting game. Otherwise, the dog will show unbreakable stubbornness. The animal will easily understand the principle of simple commands and will resist their prolonged study.
Representatives of the breed are great at dog sports – in particular, freestyle and agility – so it is recommended to dilute the monotonous training process with them.
Care and maintenance
Thai ridgeback is an ideal option for keeping in an apartment. He does not smell like a "dog", and the short coat of the animal does not cause unnecessary inconvenience even during molting, which occurs once a year. "Velour" dogs lose much less wool than in the case of a standard cover. Copious molting is a good reason to contact a veterinarian and take a scrape to identify the presence of a subcutaneous tick.
Ridgeback hair care is quite simple and is limited to regular combing twice a week. It is recommended to use a brush made of natural bristles or a rubber glove. They will not only remove dead hairs, but also give your pet a pleasant massage that will improve blood circulation. During molting, it is necessary to repeat the procedure every day.
The absence of an undercoat suggests the only possible option for keeping a Thai ridgeback – in a room where there are no drafts. In the cold season, take care of warm clothes for your pet. Otherwise, colds will become a common occurrence, and ridgeback's immunity will be significantly blunted.
Representatives of the breed do not tolerate dampness and abundant moisture, so you should not intentionally arrange a romantic walk in the rain for your pet. If the bad weather caught you far from home, be sure: the Thai ridgeback with its inherent pedantry will bypass all the puddles on its way. After such a walk, it is enough to wipe the paws of the animal: its cleanliness will not allow it to get completely dirty in the mud. Bathe the ridgeback no more than once a month: this is more than enough. Besides, these dogs don't like water. For them, a sultry day is not a reason to swim in the nearest pond. On the contrary, the animal will bypass his tenth road and try not to get his paws wet.
Important: For bathing Thai ridgeback, use only special pet shampoos with a mild formula. They will help to avoid the aggressive effects of surfactants on your pet's fur.
Open dog ears are a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and the accumulation of dust. To avoid infections, regularly clean the ears of the Thai ridgeback, armed with a cotton pad and a special hygiene product that can be found in most pet stores. Alternatively, use weak boric acid.
The animal's eyes deserve no less attention. Morning discharge in the corners is a common phenomenon: thanks to them, there is a purification from accumulated dust particles. These lumps are easily removed with a damp, lint-free cloth. At the same time, it is important not to wipe your eyes with the same side of the rag. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to use a decoction of chamomile once a week: this will prevent excessive "souring".
Thai Ridgeback teeth need to be cleaned 3-4 times a week. Use special pastes for dogs: "human" hygiene products have a sharp taste and smell, foam strongly and therefore are not suitable for the oral cavity of a pet.
Representatives of the breed are energetic and active animals that grind their claws during long walks. Nevertheless, it is worth stocking up on a claw cutter for large breeds of dogs and shortening the ridgeback claws once a month. It is recommended to hold the paws in warm water beforehand: this will greatly facilitate and speed up the procedure.
Do not ignore the pads of the pet's paws. Inspect them for wounds or cracks. Antiseptic will cope with the first problem, with the second – fatty baby cream or sunflower oil.
The Thai ridgeback diet can be divided into two types: natural food and dry food. In no case can you combine them (for example, add pellets from the package to the freshly cooked porridge): this will lead to problems with the dog's digestive system.
The animal's nutrition should be balanced, with a full content of essential macronutrients and vitamins. Since ridgebacks are not inclined to choose tidbits on their own, you will have to monitor the quality and freshness of the products. At the same time, it is important to avoid:
- generously seasoned food;
- river fish in any form;
- boiled or raw fat;
- chocolate desserts;
- dairy products;
- fruits with pits;
- raw meat and eggs;
- yeast dough;
- tubular bones;
- legumes;
- raw mushrooms;
- pork.
The gastrointestinal tract of ridgebacks has increased sensitivity, so you should not treat these dogs with new products in huge quantities. Introduce them gradually, while not forgetting to monitor the reaction of the pet.
The bowl should always be filled with fresh water. The ideal option is purified bottled water, but tap water, pre–infused for 6-8 hours, is also suitable.
Physical activity is a necessary condition for the proper maintenance of Thai ridgebacks. Young dogs need two-hour promenades, adult animals need half an hour in the morning and evening. Try to extend the walking time as much as possible, and on weekends – even go out of town, where the ridgeback will be able to run around and explore new territory.
Health and diseases of Thai Ridgebacks
Natural selection, which played an important role in the millennial formation of the breed, helped to keep dogs in good health and immune to traditional diseases. Most of the vices of Thai ridgebacks are associated with their specific structure. Among the most common diseases are:
- digestive system problems;
- hip dysplasia;
- hypothermia and colds;
- dermoid sinus;
- dermatitis and eczema.
In addition, Thai ridgebacks are prone to overweight, which can cause cardiovascular diseases.
How to choose a puppy
All dogs require attention and love from the owner, and the Thai ridgeback is a good example. This bundle of indomitable energy needs proper upbringing, training and daily walks. Are you ready to give your pet every free minute? Now it's a small matter – to choose the right puppy!
The first step on the way to acquiring a four–legged friend is the selection of a specialized nursery. Look for organizations that provide the necessary information about the puppy's parents. If they don't have a single title at their disposal, think about it: most likely, the reason lies in the defects invisible to the eye, which will certainly affect the kids.
A professional breeder provides a veterinary passport, a memo for the future owner of the ridgeback and FCI documents. The puppy must be promptly branded, vaccinated and proglistogonen. When getting acquainted with the litter, pay attention to the most active and moderately curious baby – it is he who is destined to become your companion! And do not be repelled by skin folds, as in sharpea : they will disappear as soon as the dog gets older.
Photos of Thai ridgeback puppies
How much does a Thai ridgeback cost
Thai ridgebacks are rare and therefore very expensive dogs. Basically, breeders visit European countries to knit ridgebacks, so the cost of animals pays for the additional costs. The price of puppies from the kennel starts from $1000 and increases to cosmic amounts of a $10000! Of course, you can save money by purchasing a "purebred" dog at the bird market or by hand, but it's not a fact that you will get a healthy and balanced pet. If this price is disproportionate to the budget, pay attention to less expensive breeds – you will not be left without a best friend in any case!