How long does a cat carry kittens

As a rule, cats become sexually mature, that is, capable of giving offspring, at the age of 6-8 months. But thoroughbred representatives of the feline family usually linger a little in their readiness for motherhood. The breed, as well as the number of future cubs, lifestyle, nutrition and even climatic conditions depend on how long a cat carries kittens. The average duration of pregnancy is 9 weeks.
Cat pregnancy Dates
The minimum period allotted by nature for a cat's pregnancy is 55 days, the maximum is 72 days. According to the observations of the owners, the average gestation time of a feline baby is 60-68 days.
The gestation periods of animals of different breeds vary, albeit slightly. Long-haired cats bear offspring a little longer than short-haired ones. For example, fluffy beauties from the breed maine coons we have to wait 66-68 days for a happy moment, and representatives of the Siamese-oriental group – only 59-64 days. Felinologists have determined the average duration of pregnancy for cats of different breeds. So, for example, it is for
- british shorthair - 63-69 days,
- scottish fold - 62-69 days,
- bengali - 61-70 days,
- sphinx - 63-66 days,
- Somali and Abyssinian - 63-65 days,
- persian - 63-66 days.
In cats carrying 1-2 cubs, the gestation period often reaches 72 days, and future mothers with many children can expect the appearance of offspring from the 58th day.
The duration of carrying kittens is often affected by stressful situations for pregnant animals – moving, repairs, long-delayed guests, noisy events. In such cases, childbirth may occur earlier or later than the moment set by nature.
How to determine that a cat is pregnant
It is highly desirable for the cat owner to know that his pet has become pregnant. It is important to establish the moment of mating, because it is from him that the countdown of the cat's pregnancy begins. It is not difficult for the owners, who themselves determine the "wedding day", to do this, and those whose cats arbitrarily decided to have offspring, left unattended, often find themselves caught off guard.
The fact of early pregnancy of a cat can be accurately attested only by ultrasound examination of its abdominal cavity. Already in the second week from the moment of conception, ultrasound equipment recognizes the fetal bladder, on the third – records the fetal heartbeat. Experienced veterinarians also manage to determine early pregnancy by palpation.
If you assume that the cat could get pregnant, watch her. The first suspicious signs appear around the tenth day after mating. You will be able to notice that kitty has become exceptionally affectionate, more demanding of your attention. Much less often, but it happens that the animal, on the contrary, tries to retire, avoids touching. The pet becomes sleepy, slow, in a word, her behavior changes noticeably.
The first signs of pregnancy are also manifested in changes in the taste preferences of the expectant mother. She may be interested in food that she didn't like before. The appetite of the animal is also an important indicator. At first, it may decrease, morning toxicosis is possible, but then the cat begins to demand more and more portions of food.
Noticing that the cat has swollen mammary glands and darkened nipples, you will confirm your suspicions. Such signs appear in the third week of pregnancy. There will be no doubt at all when, by the end of the fourth week, the cat's tummy begins to noticeably round, then increasing day by day.
Waiting for posterity
The gestation period of kittens is marked by several important stages.
The formation of embryos up to 1 cm in size occurs within the first three weeks from the moment of fertilization of the cat. This internal process does not affect the appearance of the animal in any way. But this particular period is marked by changes in the behavior of the pet, a decrease in her appetite.
Over the next two weeks, the cubs grow up to 4-6 cm. At this time, their bodies begin to be covered with tiny hairs. The cat's tummy expressively increases, acquiring pear-shaped outlines, by the 5th week it noticeably thickens. The cat walks waddling, with swollen sides, and it seems that the babies are cramped in her womb. However, if a kitty bears no more than two cubs, her belly does not increase too clearly. During this period, the ultrasound examination will give an accurate conclusion regarding the number of kittens. It is not necessary to independently determine the number of offspring by probing the cat's tummy. This is dangerous for both babies and their mother.
From the seventh to the ninth week of the "interesting situation" the cat is going through the most crucial period. The intrauterine development of her cubs is completed, the weight of each of them reaches an average of 100 g, the length is up to 8 cm. The bodies of kittens are abundantly covered with fur. They are active, constantly moving, which is why the sides of the expectant mother are noticeably moving. It becomes obvious that the cat is experiencing discomfort due to a heavy stomach. She tries to lie down longer, runs to the toilet more often, does not show increased interest in food, rejecting even her favorite treats. A week before giving birth, immature milk (colostrum) begins to stand out slightly, which dries up in the nipple area.
Approximately 3-5 days before the kittens are born, the kitty begins to show obvious anxiety, looking for a secluded corner where she could "make" a cozy nest. The owners can help the pet to solve this important issue by buying or making a soft, comfortable couch where the whole cat family would be accommodated. On the eve of childbirth, kitty begins to actively lick herself, her pulse quickens, trembling occurs. She follows the owners around, not wanting to be alone. At such a time, she especially needs affection and attention, benevolent instructions. Household members should not show nervousness, as negative emotions will only increase the animal's anxiety.
The gestation of kittens ends with childbirth. The process can take from several hours to a day. If during this period the cat was unable to get rid of itself, the help of a veterinarian will be required. Difficulties during childbirth are often caused by the fact that the owners fattened the pregnant animal, which is why the kittens turned out to be too large.
False pregnancy
It is important to know that a cat may have a false pregnancy when she believes that she is carrying kittens. Such pathology is caused by hormonal failures, which, in turn, are caused by various reasons, including unsuccessful binding, diseases of the reproductive system, stress, individual predisposition to such a factor.
It is difficult to distinguish a false pregnancy from a real one, because the external signs in both cases, at first glance, coincide. With an imaginary pregnancy, the animal's behavior also changes, sensitivity increases, appetite increases or decreases, colostrum appears. The cat may be looking for a place for the intended birth.
You can suspect a false pregnancy by noticing that the pet's belly has increased dramatically and sagged, as if the time for the offspring to be born has come. In a cat that really bears kittens, the belly swells gradually. In addition, cats who imagine themselves pregnant often suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. Having noticed such signs, go to a veterinary clinic, where with the help of ultrasound detectors you can find out whether the cat is really preparing to become a mother.