How to teach a dog the command "Sit!"

The command "Sit!" refers to the basic in the general dog training course. Her training is not aimed, of course, at teaching the dog to sit, he is perfectly able to do this without any lessons. First of all, the training of this team forms in the animal such qualities as endurance, obedience, attentiveness, discipline. The ability of a dog to sit down on demand will be useful if the owner needs to monitor her behavior especially carefully. Also, the command "Sit!" is used to calm the pet, prepare it for the execution of subsequent, more complex orders.
Ways to teach a dog the command "Sit!"
In the process of teaching the dog the command "Sit!" conditional and unconditional stimuli are used. The first include a verbal order-a command and a gesture, the second – mechanical and food stimuli. Mechanical stimulation is manifested in stroking, pressing on the lower back of the animal with the palm of the hand, pulling with a leash of different strength; food – in encouraging treats with various types of treats.
You can teach the dog to sit exclusively with the help of food, or by turning only to mechanical action. A combined method of teaching is also practiced, it is called contrast. Each option has its pros and cons.
Training exclusively with the help of treats increases the activity of the animal and develops positive emotions in it, which are subsequently associated with the execution of this command. In most cases, it is difficult to do without this technique at the initial stages of training.
Seating a pet only with the help of mechanical action strengthens its subordination, develops the ability to execute a command without tasty encouragement. By the way, in some cases it may not interest the animal. Such a situation happens, for example, when a trained dog reacts too emotionally to fellow tribesmen during group classes or is distracted by extraneous stimuli.
Teaching the command "Sit!" with the help of combined (contrast) exposure will develop your pet's willingness to obey without fear and resistance. Experts believe that the skill formed on the basis of the contrast method is the most persistent.
Dogs of different breeds react differently to the application of methods of teaching them the command "Sit!". So, for example, active and fidgety risenschnauzers or dobermans resist when they try to apply mechanical action with their hands by pressing on the sacrum. And calm and good-natured newfoundlands , Bernese mountain dogs , St. bernards are completely indifferent to such an action. The reaction of a dog to mechanical action also depends on its muscle tone. To malleable, "soft" dogs can be attributed, for example, golden retriever , belong to the tense dobermans and ridgebacks .
Many pets are very greedy for treats, often such dogs are called foodies. They easily execute the command "Sit!" in the hope of getting the coveted treat. The main thing is not to let them snatch the tidbit prematurely. A tasteful technique is very effective when training puppies and too vicious dogs. However, some animals are quite indifferent to encouraging goodies, for them the best reward is the praise of the owner.
At what age to teach a dog to the command "Sit!"
Command "Sit!" the puppy may well begin to master when it crosses the 3-month age limit. Usually at this tender age, well-mannered dogs are already familiar with the commands "To me!", "Place!", "Nearby!", "Lie down!".
The purpose of the puppy's initial mastering of the "Sit!" command is not that he learns to immediately and masterfully execute the command. In childhood, the dog just needs to learn how to respond correctly to the owner's demand. Over time, the acquired skill will gain a foothold.
Puppies are trained using feed. While learning a lesson with a dog, you can slightly hold it by the collar. Mechanical influences (palm presses, leash tension, leash jerks) are applicable only to an already physically strengthened animal. Training according to strict rules is carried out after the dog turns six months old.
How to teach a dog the command "Sit!"
The training of the dog to the command "Sit!" takes place in stages and in different conditions. His goal is to ensure that the dog unquestioningly obeys the order at home and on the street, next to the owner and at a distance, on a leash and in a free run.
Call the puppy by calling his name. The dog should come and stand at your left foot. The right palm, in which you will hold the tasty food, bring it to his muzzle, let him sniff the incentive prize. Then, confidently commanding "Sit!", slowly raise your hand up, so that the treat is above the baby's head, slightly behind. Without taking his eyes off the tempting object and trying to get close to him, the puppy will most likely lift his head up and sit down.
If the dog takes more active steps in the hope of getting closer to your palm, hold him by the collar, not allowing him to jump. Get him to raise his head and sit down. As soon as the dog sits down, even if unevenly and uncertainly, encourage him with words – "Good!", "Well done!", stroke and give out a delicious prize. Taking short pauses, duplicate the lesson 3-4 times.
After your pet has formed rudimentary skills of executing the command "Sit!" in the walls of the house, you can safely start practicing the command on the street. Find a quiet corner where nothing will distract the puppy.
As soon as your four-legged friend turns 6-8 months old, you should start practicing the command "Sit!" on a short leash. Placing the dog at the left foot and turning half-turned to him, hold the leash 15 cm from the collar with your right hand. Your left palm should lie on the lower back of the animal, touching the sacrum, the thumb is directed towards yourself. Having ordered the dog to sit, press the lower back with your left palm, pulling the leash up and slightly back with your right hand at the same time. Having achieved the desired result from your pet, cheer him up with the words "Good!", "Well done!", caress him, reward him with a treat. The lesson is duplicated 3-4 times, making approximately five-minute pauses.
Having secured the completed stage of training the pet to the command "Sit!", start practicing this skill at a distance of several steps. Place the dog in front of you 2-2.5 meters away, holding it on a leash. Attracting the attention of the animal, call out to him and command: "Sit down!". As soon as the dog perfectly executes the command, as in the previous stages of training, encourage him verbally, treat him to a tasty treat, stroke. Repeat the lesson 3-4 times with short time intervals.
If your pet ignores the command "Sit!" at a distance, duplicate the order emphatically strictly. If this does not have an effect, approach the pet, again sternly tell him to sit down, press the lower back with your left hand, pull the leash up and slightly back with your right, forcing the rebel to obey. Again, move away to the same distance, turn to the negligent student and repeat the command.
The dog should sit for 5-7 seconds. After they expire, you need to approach him or call him to you, encourage him, then let him go, commanding: "Walk!". If he jumps up before the specified time and rushes to you without permission, immediately take him on a leash to his original place and duplicate the exercise.
After the dog masterfully masters the command "Sit!", being located up to three meters away from you, the distance should be increased by releasing the pet from the leash. In the process of training, sitting the dog, it is necessary to systematically change the distance separating you. However, no matter how far away the dog is from you, you need to approach him every time after showing him a good result, and encourage him with a word, a caress or a treat. This is extremely important so that the dog does not lose the sense of the importance of the command given to her, depending on whether she is in close proximity to you or at a distance.
Teaching the command "Sit!" by gesture
After the dog acquires the initial skills in the execution of the command "Sit!" given by voice, it is advisable to proceed to reinforce the order with a gesture. The dog should be located opposite the owner about two steps away. In advance, you should turn the collar with the leash carbine down. Holding the leash in your left hand, pull it slightly. Quickly pull aside the right arm bent at the elbow, lift it up, opening the palm, and command: "Sit!". A well-executed team, of course, will require a traditional reward.
The gesture used when landing can be not only a palm raised up, but also a finger. At the same time, the delicacy is held with the thumb and middle fingers, while pointing the index finger upwards.
In the future, you should seat the pet, synchronously using a verbal command and gesture. However, periodically duplicating commands need to be separated, that is, the order should be given only by word or only by gesture.
According to the standard, the skill can be characterized as developed if the dog instantly, without hesitation, sits down from various positions at the first command and gesture of the owner, being 15 meters away from him. It must remain in this position for at least 15 seconds.
What not to do in the learning process
- Encourage the dog if he sat down, but immediately got up.
- Get distracted by forgetting to give the pet the command to complete the landing (the dog will probably change the position at its discretion, disrupting the course of training).
- Give the command "Sit!" in a loud, sharp, shrill voice, demonstrate impetuous gestures, take threatening poses (the dog will certainly be scared, alert and refuse to execute the command).
- Say the command "Sit!" several times before it is executed by the animal and your incentive action, since the dog will most likely not follow the order the first time in the future.
- Push the sacrum too hard or pull the leash sharply, thereby causing pain in the dog.
Tips from dog handlers
When choosing a playground for outdoor activities, make sure that everything is clean, there are no objects that could injure the dog. You should not force your pet to sit on dirty, wet or even wet ground.
Give the command "Sit!" in a commanding tone, but calmly. If you repeat the request to execute an unfulfilled command, the tone should be changed to a higher, more insistent one. However, avoid scandalous notes or shades of threat in the voice. There should be affectionate notes in encouraging words.
As the dog performs the command "Sit down!" more confidently and habitually, the number of treats as a reward should be reduced. Praise the dog, stroke him for a perfectly executed command should always be.
Each execution of the command "Sit!" must end with encouragement and the submission of another command, the dog is not allowed to jump up arbitrarily. After the dog executes the command "Sit!" and the subsequent praise, pause for 5 seconds and give another command, for example, "Lie down!" or "Stand!".