How to teach a dog the command "Fu!"

The "Fu!" command is not as simple as it seems at first glance. During training, most often dogs are trained to perform specific actions that their owners require of them, and in the case of "Fu!" pets learn to stop unwanted behavior on command, which in itself is an abstract concept. You can train a dog from the age of 6 months, while in a playful way the puppy is able to learn from 3 months. Be sure to train your pet – no one is immune from situations when a timely executed command is able to prevent danger. How to teach a dog the command "Fu!" at home and on the street, for which cases this skill is suitable and how it differs from "Impossible!", as well as an analysis of typical mistakes and useful tips – in our article.
Why teach a dog the command "Fu!"
From the first days of the puppy's stay in the house, you need to set boundaries so that the baby understands what can not be done. The command "Fu!" refers to the basic and is mandatory for the development of all breeds of dogs. Natural intelligence, comely appearance and easy-going nature do not guarantee that one day an animal will not behave incorrectly. Raising a dog is the responsibility of its owner. So that the pet does not harm himself or others, teach him the command "Fu!" and consolidate this skill.
With the help of the "Fu!" command, you can stop various actions of the dog, which sooner or later any owner faces.
- A pet can pick up leftovers from the table, among which there will be sharp small bones or products that are contraindicated to it. In this situation, the command "Fu!" should sound immediately, because with a belated reaction of the owner, the dog will not spit out a tidbit, but will try to swallow it as quickly as possible.
- The dog's desire to gnaw shoes, furniture and wires should be fought from the puppy age. If you miss the moment, the behavior model will be fixed, and it will be very difficult to get rid of it. Using the command "Fu!" will save your nerves and finances.
- As a rule, all pets are very happy when their owners come home, and do not hesitate to express their delight. A bored dog waits for its owner at the doorstep, and when he comes in, jumps on him, tries to lick his face and puts his paws on his clothes. If the "welcome" from chihuahua or toy terrier won't bring big problems, then tibetan mastiff or alabai in a fit of feelings, it may well knock a person down and tear things apart. The same applies to pets who on the street begin to ask to take them in their arms and lean on the owner with dirty paws.
- Untrained dogs living in apartments can start barking at the slightest rustle outside the door. This is especially true of noisy breeds – mittelschnauzer , beagle , tax , jack russell terriers . Constant barking will drive you and your neighbors crazy. In order for silence to reign in the house, it is enough for a well-bred dog to hear "Fu!".
- During a walk, a pet can find something interesting on the ground for itself - scraps, garbage or a piece of glass. In addition, in large cities there is a risk of stumbling upon treats stuffed with rat poison and intended for baiting yard dogs. For an animal that does not know the command "Fu!", the consequences can be the saddest.
- Dogs have developed intuition and feel people. Passers-by are different. Drunk and smoking people, as well as deafeningly screaming children can cause a negative reaction in a pet. Obeying his instincts, the dog can bare his teeth and even rush at an annoying object. The command "Fu!", given in a menacing voice, will avoid conflicts with passers-by and communication with the police. It is especially worth keeping an eye on the representatives fighting breeds - cane corso , the Great Dane of Argentina , bull terrier , – after all, in case of an attack on a person, the dog will have to be put down.
This is not a complete list of problems that can be avoided by teaching the dog the command "Fu!". However, there is one caveat – in the eyes of a pet, you should look consistent. If the dog is ready to accept that it is never allowed to pick up garbage, then total control over harmless actions like sniffing trees or benches, which are sometimes prohibited, then allowed, will cause her misunderstanding and unwillingness to obey.
How to teach a dog the command "Fu!": step-by-step instructions
Dog handlers recommend starting dog training with the "Fu!" command on the street. Plan your route in advance, it should be familiar and calm, without crowds and active traffic. At the same time, the presence of "forbidden" in the form of pigeons, pieces of food and garbage is welcome. In the following days, the road will need to be changed, and the more often, the better.
Note: during the training of service dogs, specialists throw prohibited items on the path that the dog will follow. You can also arrange sausage circles in advance, or ask a friend to go ahead and do it unnoticed by the dog.
The first step in mastering the "Fu!" command will be training on subjects. Only after that it will be possible to hone the skill on contacts with animals and people. For a walk you will need a standard leash.
Move along with the dog along the chosen route. The speed should be slow enough so that the pet has time to navigate the terrain and react to the situation. At some point, a pet walking on a sagging leash will notice an object of interest to him – ordinary garbage or a bait left by you – and will go towards him. Strictly command him "Fu!" and pull the leash. It is important to calculate the strength of the jerk, based on the size of your dog. If she did not respond to the command and again reaches for the forbidden thing, repeat "Fu!" and pull the leash harder than the first time. In the case when the pet did not obey on the second attempt, slap him on the ass or neck with a folded newspaper.
Continue walking – the dog should be distracted for a second, and then continue moving after you. After walking a few steps, stop, give the pet one of the previously studied commands (for example, "Sit!" or "Lie down!"), praise and reward with treats. Unexpected braking and a jerk of the leash were a source of stress for the dog, and thanks to a new team and a treat, she will switch her attention and relax.
Important: never reward a dog for executing the command "Fu!".
During the first walks, it is enough to command "Fu!" 5 times. Do not overdo it, otherwise the pet will get tired. The skill can be considered fixed when the fluffy pet will always execute the command and from the first repetition. Having stopped picking up prohibited items, the dog continues to learn the command "Fu!" in busy places. Now she must stop contact with relatives or people on command.
Having fixed the skill, proceed to the next step – train your pet at a distance. To do this, you need to replace the standard leash with a long one. You will no longer be able to spank your pet with a newspaper in case of insubordination, and he understands this perfectly well. To teach a dog to execute the command "Fu!" from a distance of more than 10-15 meters, you will have to be patient and spend a lot of time.
After completing the exercise with a long leash, start practicing without a leash. First, give the command "Fu!" on a familiar deserted route, from a short distance. Then gradually complicate the task – similar to training with a leash.
The final stage is the consolidation of the "Fu!" command. In a situation where a command is needed, use it, and do not drag the animal on a leash. This skill requires a consistent and systematic approach, do not forget to hone it regularly.
The difference between the commands "Fu!" and "You can't!"
A common misconception among dog owners is that the commands "Fu!" and "No!" are the same thing, respectively, it is enough to teach a pet only one of them. However, they are not interchangeable, although they serve to prevent undesirable behavior of the dog.
Learning the "Fu!" command occurs earlier than the "Can't!" command. The command "Fu!" means a categorical ban. Certain actions the pet will never be allowed to do, for example, tear wallpaper, gnaw furniture, attack relatives or pick up garbage on the street.
The command "Not allowed!" is used for a temporary ban and subsequently requires a cancellation command. If the dog acquires this skill, it will become disciplined and will be able to overcome its natural instincts. In order for the animal not to pounce on the food and not tear it out of his hands, before feeding, command "No!", and after a while – "You can!", "Eat!" or "Eat!". In the case of the offering of an abandoned object, you can leave the pet motionless for a few seconds with the word "No!", and only then give the command "Aport!".
Both commands must be executed fully, from the first time. The difference in whether the ban is temporary or permanent does not make the command "No!" less important than "Fu!".
What not to do during training
By making a number of mistakes, you can negate all the progress in teaching the dog the command "Fu!". But, as the Latin wisdom says: "Forewarned means armed," so let's look at the most common mistakes.
- It is impossible to teach a puppy the command "Fu!" in parallel with the training of another team. This is not an easy skill that the pet needs to fully focus on. Also, do not give up studying the "Fu!" command without going through all the stages, and do other exercises.
- While practicing the command, keep track of how fast you are going. Distracted, you can speed up the step too much, and it will be more difficult to control the dog's behavior. It will also be more difficult for a four-legged friend to understand what is wanted from him.
- In the process of training, take breaks, it is enough to repeat the command once every 10 minutes.
- It is important to remember that the command "Fu!" means a complete and permanent ban, not a call to slow down. Do not use it when a different command is required. For example, if a pet does not give you a shoe, command "Give!"; when the dog pulls the leash, say "Next!".
- Another typical mistake is the late submission of the command "Fu!". When an animal is completely carried away by prohibited actions, it will be problematic to stop it only with the help of a command. So, by commanding "Fu!" in the midst of a dog fight, you will achieve nothing but lowering your own authority – the dogs need to be pulled apart.
- Don't abuse the "Ugh!" command. It serves to prohibit undesirable behavior at a particular time. Novice dog breeders often try to prohibit in general all actions that they consider potentially harmful or dangerous, up to sniffing the bench.
- For no good reason, do not use too strong jerks of the leash. You can't yell at a pet and hit it. This can harm the psyche of the animal, and you will lose contact with it.
If you show firmness and perseverance, but do not cross the boundaries in punishment, you will command in a timely manner and for good reason, and then work on consolidating the skill – you will definitely be able to teach the dog the command "Fu!".
Tips from dog handlers
If you are unable to train your pet yourself, contact specialists, but do not give up training. Classes with a dog handler will help to correct the dog's behavior. Professional advice may be useful to you.
The dog does not react to the jerk of the leash – what to do?
During the training of the "Fu!" command, the dog may not react to the jerk of the leash and, accordingly, it does not stop it, which is why all the efforts of the owner go to waste. This usually applies to large and giant breeds of dogs – Great Dane, Newfoundland, bobtail. In this case, you can use a special metal collar with spikes or a harness running on microcurrents. A newspaper slap will also be effective.
The main thing is to always follow the sequence: the command "Fu!" – a jerk of the leash – a slap with a newspaper. If a strict collar disciplines the dog while pulling the leash, then it is no longer necessary to use a newspaper.
If the puppy shows disobedience, and there is no way to influence him with a leash, lift the pet by the collar and shake it slightly, then attach it to the ground by pressing on the shoulder blades. So you will show your dominant role.
How to teach the command "Fu!" to a puppy?
It is not recommended to teach the "Fu!" command to puppies younger than 3 months of age. In the range from 3 to 6 months, you can start training at home, in an easy playful way. The main thing is to keep the baby's psyche stable and not expose him to stress.
Start training with the command "Give!". When the puppy picks up a forbidden object from the floor, squat down, stretch your hand forward, palm up, and say "Give!" ("Give!"). When the kid gives you the lifted thing, praise him and give him a treat.
If the dog does not respond to the command and does not want to part with the object, carefully open the mouth and pull it out. After that, reward your pet with a piece of something delicious.
Over time, sometimes start replacing the command "Give!" with "Fu!". Pronounce the word in a calm voice, in the same key. So, the puppy will get used to obedience from childhood, and it will be easier to start street training.
Do I need to teach the command "Fu!" to an adult dog?
If you took a mongrel from the street, or you got an untrained dog in adulthood, it definitely should be taught to execute the command "Fu!". The learning process can be quite difficult, because you have to deal with an animal that has developed a certain behavior model, a character has already been formed, there is no genetic predisposition to training.
Despite this, work hard with your pet, because yard and abandoned dogs are far from both following commands and from basic education – they can eat out of the trash, show aggression to animals. If difficulties arise, do not abandon your pet – dog handlers will definitely help you.