Exotic cat

Exotic cat is one of the most popular breeds in the world. The secret of her success lies in her kind, friendly nature and, of course, a very cute expression of her muzzle.
Brief information
- Breed name: Exotic cat
- Country of Origin: USA
- Birth time of the breed: 1960s
- Weight: 3-6.5 kg
- Lifespan: 12-15 years
- Exotic shorthair cat is a fairly young breed, but it has managed to become popular all over the world.
- The animals were obtained by crossing American shorthair and Persian cats. The characteristic appearance of the Persian in combination with the plush structure of thick soft wool – these are the main features of the exterior of this amazing creature.
- Representatives of the breed get along well with children and other pets, willingly devote time to outdoor games.
- Exotics are peaceful, friendly and patient, which makes it possible to call the breed one of the safest for home maintenance.
- Exotic shorthair cats are easy to educate and are even able to perform simple commands.
- Exotics are very smart and teachable. They are characterized by an increased need to be in society, which is not typical of many of their relatives. These lovely creatures simply suffer from loneliness.
- Animals are unpretentious in maintenance and care, they are quite healthy.
Exotic Shorthair cat is a cherished dream for many people, thanks to her large expressive eyes that make her look like an anime heroine, a cute snub nose, a round muzzle and plush wool. Exotics resemble soft toys that you want to mess around with all day! Because of the lively mind and natural curiosity, representatives of this particular breed with enviable regularity become the heroes of humorous videos. Exotic cats are sociable and completely non-aggressive, so they are suitable for families with children or pets.
Breed characteristics
History of the exotic Shorthair cat breed
The appearance of the exotic shorthair breed is attributed to the 50s of the last century. Frankly speaking, the first kittens appeared completely by accident. Wanting to get new coat colors and eye colors, breeders American shorthair crossed their pets with persian cats . Another goal of these attempts was to make the physique of "American women" more dense. The task was not solved. The offspring, to the surprise and disappointment of the breeders, turned out to be very "Persian" – all the animals were born with characteristic "doll" faces. And the rest of the kids were more like parents "from the East." Only the wool has become noticeably shorter and has acquired a more dense plush structure. As a result of crossing, it was not possible to improve the breed American shorthair cat , but completely new kittens with outlandish appearance were born.
Already in 1966, Jane Martink introduced a new breed, which was given the name "exotic shorthair". Accidentally bred cats achieved recognition for a long time. Ambitious breeders of the "Persians" were critical of the "exotics", believing that they encroached on the purity of this breed. It got to the point that they refused to mating their elite pets with exotic shorthair, and they did it consciously and in an organized manner. Fortunately, there were also far-sighted owners of the "Persians" who saw the prospects and took part in the selection. Among them, Doris Valkinstik and Caroline Bussey should be singled out, whose merits in the formation of a new breed can hardly be overestimated.
Representatives of the russian blue breed and burmese cats . The experiments were stopped only when the shorthair gene was firmly fixed. Since then, the mating of exotics is possible only with Persians.
In 1990, felinologists came to an agreement that the breed standard completely duplicates all the requirements for a Persian cat, with the exception of the length and quality of the coat. Based on these agreements, all changes that are made to the standard persian breed , automatically become relevant for the exotic shorthair cat.
Video: Exotic Cat
The appearance of an exotic
The ideal exotic shorthair cat looks like a well-balanced animal with a strong, even somewhat heavy backbone. The wool cover gives the outlines softness and roundness, the expression of the muzzle conveys complacency and calmness of character.
Round shape, quite massive. The skull is very wide with a round bone structure. The chin is well developed, rounded in shape. The jaws are strong and wide, the cheeks are full.
The eyes of an exotic cat are located far from each other at the same level. In shape – large, round.
Small size, rounded shape. Set wide and low on the head, slightly tilted forward. The base is not very open.
Wide, short and upturned. The "stop" is clearly located between the eyes.
The body of exotics is medium or closer to a large size. Squat, with well-developed muscles, without signs of obesity. Chest – wide, shoulders – massive.
Strong, short, massive. The front ones are straight, the rear ones are straight when viewed from behind.
The paws of exotics are large and rounded. On the front paws – 5 fingers, on the hind – 4.
is proportional to the length of the body, although it can rather be defined as short. No bends. It is kept by the animal at a level below the back.
The coat of an exotic cat is thick and plush, with a rich undercoat. Medium length. It feels very soft.
Disqualifying signs
Visible weakness of the hind limbs, tail defects, the number of fingers that does not meet the standard. Strabismus, asymmetry of the muzzle or head. Visible deformities of the spine. White toes on paws, as well as non-blue eye color for color points.
Photos of the exotic
Character of an exotic cat
The character of the exotic shorthair is surprisingly in harmony with her charming appearance. Friendliness, calmness and complaisance make this animal a wonderful friend and companion. Pets are capable of sincere affection for the owner, but they show their feelings so delicately and subtly that it is impossible to call them annoying. They will wait patiently until you finish your business, and only then will they remind you of their presence with a gentle, calm purr. Do not forget to give your friend enough time, because these cats hardly tolerate loneliness.
With such a "cartoon" and even somewhat clumsy appearance, exotics are quite active, inquisitive and mobile. Moreover, showing natural curiosity, cats of this breed are able to lose a sense of danger. To avoid unpleasant or risky situations, try not to leave your pet alone for a long time. Playfulness is distinguished by both kittens and adult animals. Many owners of exotic cats also note the presence of well-expressed hunting instincts.
The adaptation of exotics to new conditions due to their accommodating nature is not particularly difficult. Your household, as well as pets already living in the house, will easily find a common language with this cute creature if they are set up in a positive way.
Exotic shorthair cats practically lack any manifestations of aggression – in order to bring them out of a state of mental balance and serenity, you need to want it very much. The manifestation of hostility, and even then in the form of attempts to avoid close contact, is possible only to strangers.
Relationships with younger family members almost always work out well. Exotics themselves love to play, and will gladly take part in children's fun. You only have to control the degree of activity and safety of the game on the part of the "human cubs".
From the point of view of a combination of character traits, temperament and intelligence – an exotic shorthair can rightfully be considered a cat ideal for home maintenance.
Education and training
The exotic shorthair cat is very intelligent, receptive and well-trained. Practice has shown that exotics are able to remember simple commands and forbidding words. To achieve sustainable results, it makes sense to start training from the day you brought a kitten into the house. To simplify the assimilation of the simplest commands, you can accompany them with short exclamations or just a clap of your hands.
The main rule of training is no aggression. The psyche of exotic cats is very sensitive, so you will not find a better method of education than love and patience. Forcing an exotic kitten to do something with the help of force, threats and intimidation, you will not only lose his trust forever, but also cause serious harm to the baby's health.
Educational moments – teaching a kitten to a tray and a scratching post – usually pass without much difficulty. It is better to place the toilet in a quiet place where no one will distract your pet from his affairs. And so that the baby soon understands the purpose of the scratching post, try sprinkling it with valerian tincture or a special remedy purchased at a pet store.
Care and maintenance
Exotic shorthair cat is an absolutely unpretentious creature. Professional grooming is not required, which is why representatives of the breed are also sometimes called "Persians for the lazy." But this does not mean that you do not need to take care of the fur coat. The coat of exotics is very thick, voluminous, soft and well balanced with a soft undercoat. To make the wool look healthy and beautiful, it should be combed two or three times a week with a special high-quality metal comb. Like other representatives of felines, exotic shorthair cats take care of their appearance by licking themselves, so experts recommend having in a veterinary first aid kit means to remove lumps of wool from the stomach.
Exotics need systematic bathing, at least once a month. The features of the structure of the animal's muzzle require careful and attentive care – wipe it daily with a damp cloth, pay special attention to the condition of the eyes and tear tracks, as well as the cat's nose. Twice a month, do not forget to trim your pet's claws with a safe claw cutter. It is unnecessary to remind about the mandatory presence of a scratching post.
Equip your pet with a comfortable safe place where he could rest in peace. If this is a house, then buy it in such a way that the animal has enough space to lie down, curled up in a ball or stretched out at full length. Put an exotic cat closer to yourself – the pet does not tolerate loneliness. Some representatives of the breed are very fond of sitting or lying on cool surfaces for a long time, for example, on tiled floor tiles. To prevent the animal from catching a cold, try to limit these "cooling" procedures in time.
If you don't live on the ground floor, make sure there are safety nets on the windows. Exotic shorthair animals are large, in some sense even obese, and falling from a height can lead to the most severe consequences.
When deciding on the issue of nutrition, remember that adult animals are prone to obesity. To avoid such problems, already "from an early age" teach your pet to a proper balanced diet. On fatty foods and goodies from the common table, immediately impose a taboo. The basis of the diet should be protein products in an organic combination with cereals, vegetables and vitamin complexes. The use of premium dry ready-made feeds from leading manufacturers is completely acceptable.
Important: if you use both dry food and natural products, then never combine them. Alternate – you can, mix – no!
Health and diseases of the exotic shorthair cat
The exotic shorthair is an artificially bred breed that is essentially no different from its relatives – Persians (except for the length and structure of the coat). It is absolutely logical that the genetic diseases of these two breeds are almost identical.
Diseases of the respiratory system and eyes are most common in exotics. The reason is obvious – the unusual structure of the muzzle and the associated deformation of the nasolacrimal canal.
Clearly traced genetic predisposition to kidney disease and cardiomyopathy. The latter disease very often causes the death of animals of this breed at an early age.
The oral cavity of an exotic can also be considered a risk zone, and quite high. In the absence of proper care of the gums and teeth, gingivitis, periodontal disease and other inflammatory diseases may occur. Sometimes cats develop the lower jaw incorrectly, which can lead to problems with eating.
The best prevention of the occurrence or complex course of these and other diseases is proper care and careful monitoring of the condition of your pet. Timely vaccination, deworming, preventive examinations in a veterinary clinic – all these simple measures will help you avoid unnecessary problems and preserve the health of an exotic shorthair cat for many years.
How to choose a kitten
Life shows that in most cases we buy a cat "for home, for family", so often personal sympathy becomes the main criterion of choice. If you are planning to buy an exotic to participate in exhibitions or want to seriously engage in breeding a breed, then the selection criteria will be much stricter – it should be a kitten of a breed or show class, from titled parents with the appropriate documents.
However, in both cases, you should carefully evaluate the external indicators of the baby's health: feel the tummy, look into the ears, mouth and even under the tail of the animal. It is useful to observe the behavior of your chosen one for some time in order to make at least approximate assumptions about his temperament.
You should know that the combination of some signs in kittens of an exotic breed may indicate the presence of genetic problems. For example, a blue-eyed white creature with a high probability may suffer from hearing loss, or even be deaf at all.
We do not recommend buying a baby who has not yet turned 3-3.5 months old. By this age, as a rule, breeders finish the first routine vaccination, including the period of mandatory post-vaccination quarantine. Kittens at this age already have certain hygienic skills, and their digestive tract is ready for the transition from mother's milk to "adult food".
Before buying an exotic, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the breed, all its pros and cons, in order to make the right choice.
Photos of exotic kittens
How much does an exotic cat cost
The price of an exotic kitten depends on several terms. These include:
- compliance with the breed standard;
- "purity of blood" – the more elite the parents, the more expensive the kittens;
- color, its rarity and fashion;
- routine vaccination carried out.
Prices in professional nurseries are objectively higher than those of private breeders. Even cheaper exotic can be bought online or at the bird market. Although in the latter case, a certain cheapness is more than compensated for by possible numerous risks. There are even cases of selling a shorn Persian kitten instead of an exotic shorthair.
We recommend contacting trusted breeders or kennels, where the average price of an exotic shorthair kitten, depending on the class, may vary within $70 - $500.