Alaskan Kli-kai

The Alaskan Kli-kai is a miniature copy of the husky and the lucky owner of a remarkable charm that will melt your heart! You will not hold back a smile, looking at such a charismatic pet.
Brief information
- Breed name: Alaskan kli-kai
- Country of Origin: USA
- Birth time of the breed: 1970s
- Weight: standard – 10 kg, mini - 7 kg, toy – 4.3 kg
- Height (height at the withers): standard 38 – 43 cm, mini 33 – 38 cm, those less than 33 cm
- Life expectancy: 13 – 14 years
- The Alaskan Kli-kai is a relatively young breed that is famous for its friendly nature with a piquant share of stubbornness.
- There are three types of dogs: standard, mini and toy, which differ in size and body weight.
- Kli-kai love to frolic in the fresh air, so the choice between sleeping on the couch and walking in the city park is obvious.
- Alaska natives are sociable, so you should not leave them alone for the whole day if you do not want to see "ruins" instead of a house.
- The barking of the kli-kai is more like unintelligible human speech, so "communication" with a pet will become even more entertaining.
- Representatives of the breed get along well with other pets and easily find a common language with children.
- An Alaskan kli-kai can make a good watchman, but do not expect him to furiously protect the entrusted property.
- Animals are perfectly amenable to training: all that is required of you is to acquire patience and the desire to teach your pet something new.
- The Alaskan kli-kai is not suitable for novice dog breeders and people who lead an excessively or insufficiently active lifestyle.
Alaskan Kli-kai is unique in every way. Firstly, it can be considered an ideal alternative to its larger counterparts – siberian husky . This compact dog is the best suited for keeping in an apartment. Secondly, representatives of the breed are distinguished by an accommodating character, which allows them to get along with any four-legged "collective". The Alaskan Kli-kai is a miniature gentleman who will bring only positive emotions into the life of his master. A distant resemblance to a tame wolf cub gives it a special zest that will appeal to even the most demanding dog breeder.
Breed characteristics
History of the Alaskan Kli-kai breed
In comparison with other people from the North, the Alaskan tribes can be considered quite young. The history of the breed dates back to the 70s of the last century and is associated with a resident of Alaska - Linda Sparling. One day she and her husband decided to visit relatives living in Oklahoma. The couple was met by a real miracle – a charming and unusually miniature husky, who followed the guests on their heels and showed lively interest. The nickname of the animal was quite consistent with his character: Curious means "curious, unusual, strange" in English. Despite the fact that the dog was smaller than its relatives, all the signs of a husky could be traced in its appearance – color and exterior.
Even then, Linda came up with the idea to create a new miniature breed, and the woman persuaded her relatives to give her a dog. In her hometown, walks with Cueries constantly attracted the attention of passers-by. They often stopped, wanting to take a closer look at the animal, and wondered if it was a puppy. The reason for the lively curiosity was simple: at that time there was a peak of interest in sled dogs. Many Americans wanted to get these amazing pets, but not everyone could keep a large dog in their apartments, which also required long active walks and was distinguished by a rather difficult character.
Linda Sparling has developed a rigorous breeding program, painstakingly selecting individuals for mating. Involved husky , eskimo dogs, Alaskan malamutes and the huskies. It took almost twenty years of hard breeding to eventually get a dog that looked like a reduced husky. All this time, Linda did not inform anyone about the direction of her work. The first person who could not just get acquainted with the new breed, but also get permission to photograph, was the mother of one of Linda's comrades – journalist Eileen Gregory. It was she who insisted that it was time for the dogs to be "brought out".
The appearance in public in 1987 of one of the puppies, which was given by Sparling to close friends for Christmas, had the effect of an exploding bomb. Hundreds of letters and phone calls poured in: many people wanted to become the owners of such a four-legged friend. There were constant news reports on television and radio, articles and photos in the media. All this contributed to such an influx of visitors that Linda even had to have a special guest book and record everyone who wanted for a certain time. The Sparling breeder's house has become a local attraction for tourists coming to Alaska.
All potential hosts were interviewed. They agreed to provide photos and information related to the pet's development and changes in its behavior as it matures. Since the breed was rapidly becoming popular and the new owners themselves turned into breeders, Linda took retaliatory measures aimed at preserving and consolidating the signs. After the description of the standard, the American Club of Cliques was created.
Significant assistance in the recognition of the breed by the cynological community was provided by Eileen Gregory, who herself became the owner of a pair of cute puppies. Thanks to her efforts, the British Kennel Club, and with it the International Cynological Organization, recognized the Kli–kai. In 1988, the American Cynological Union added animals to its register. In 1994, Alaskan kli-kai took part in the pet show in Denver for the first time (dogs eventually received such an official name). The audience liked them so much that they received an invitation to the next exhibition.
The American Association of Rare Breeds added fluffy beauties from Alaska to its register in 1995, and two years later the United Cynological Union did the same. The new breed has finally received worldwide recognition.
As the popularity of the clans grew, the number of people wishing to acquire a representative of an amazing breed also increased. Some breeders, for the sake of quantity, put pressure on Mrs. Sparling, offering to soften the high requirements. For a long time she was adamant, carefully checking the puppies from each litter. The culled individuals were sterilized. By the mid-90s of the XX century, the pressure had increased so much that Linda Sparling was forced to voluntarily leave the club after two decades of work on a new breed. Nevertheless, her idea still came to life: the world received a miniature copy of the Siberian huskies.
Video: Alaskan kli-kai
The appearance of the Alaskan kli-kai
The Alaskan Kli-kai belongs to medium-sized dog breeds, is harmoniously and compactly built. This is a charming baby with an expressive look, a "carnival" mask on the muzzle and a tail playfully wrapped in a bagel.
The standard provides for three varieties of dogs.
- Standard. The height of the animal at the withers varies between 38-45 cm, weight – 7-10 kg.
- Mini. The dog 's height reaches 33-39 cm . The same Kli-kai weigh from 5 to 7 kg.
- Toy. The height of the animal is surprisingly small: up to 33 cm. The mass of these live toys corresponds to their parameters and does not exceed 4 kg.
Head and skull
The shape of the head is closer to a triangle than to a wedge. Its integuments are distinguished by the absence of skin folds. The forehead is rounded, the occipital protuberance is moderately pronounced. The skull tapers to the nose.
The muzzle of the Alaskan kli-kai is slightly elongated. Its main distinguishing feature is the "mask", which contrasts with the main color. The forehead of the Kli-kai is slightly longer than the bridge of the nose. In comparison with the latter, the shape of the nose is quite even, and the lobe itself seems convex. Pigmented in a black shade (sometimes with a pale pink stripe). The stop is characterized by moderate depth and smooth outlines. The cheeks are plump and dense. The lips are adjacent to the jaws, so the animal does not seem to be flaky. Pigmentation in black or liver tint is acceptable. The latter is possible only for dogs of white-red color.
The ears of the Alaskan kli-kai are two neat triangles placed close and quite high. Their tips are smoothly rounded. When looking at a dog, it seems that its ears are disproportionately large compared to its head, but that's how it should be. The auricles are open and wide, characterized by a dense coat on the outside.
Non-convex, medium-sized. They have an oval, almond-shaped or round shape. The iris can be pigmented in various colors, but amber, blue or brown are the most preferred options. Often there are clays with different eyes (a manifestation of heterochromia), but this is by no means a defect of the breed. Dark eyelid outline is mandatory.
Jaws and teeth
The lower jaw is stronger and more powerful than the upper one. The bite is scissor-shaped. Teeth sit tightly in the jaw. The enamel is strong and white.
The dog's neck looks graceful, has a smooth curve and an average length. In motion, the Alaskan kli-kai holds her outstretched, thereby bringing her head forward. The rest of the time, the neck is "set" exactly.
The case has a rectangular format. In profile, it becomes noticeable that the height of the animal is less than the length of the trunk. An even back turns into a strong lower back (a slight bend is noticeable at this point). The thorax protrudes forward due to the oval front part. In comparison with the shoulder line, the pelvis of the Kli-kai looks narrower. The stomach is tightened.
is placed quite high in relation to the lower back and twisted into a full-fledged ring. Preferably, the tip of the tail should be painted in a dark color. It lies perpendicular to the spine line or slightly tilted to the side. Covered with thick fur.
The limbs are quite elegant and thin, they look proportional to the trunk. Flexible and strong joints provide a powerful push. The elbows are placed parallel to the body of the dog. Oval paws have developed pads, the space between which is "occupied" by thick fur.
Hind limbs
The hips are moderately muscular, the angle of the knee joints is well defined. The paws are tightly gathered into an oval; they have strong fingers that end in rough pads. The space between them is filled with long hair.
Manner of movement
The Alaskan Kli-kai moves smoothly and at the same time nimbly, without exerting extra effort.
Wool cover
The long coat was inherited by Kli-kai from the husky. A thick undercoat is required, which supports the outer hair in an elevated position. Its absence is permissible only during seasonal molting. The collar and charming "apron" on the chest are formed by a more "stuffed" undercoat. It is permissible to have elongated hair on the ears, lower body and tail, as well as on the back of the paws.
The Alaskan Kli-kai breed standard allows for different coat colors. The most common options are:
- gray – from light to dark;
- red, including "fawn suit";
- black.
Regardless of the primary color, the dog's neck, chest, belly and paws are predominantly painted white. The "mask" on the muzzle is a tone or two darker than the main color - another mark characteristic of the Kli–kai. A symmetrical and closed pattern is preferred. A white stripe that visually divides the forehead (and partially the bridge of the nose) into two parts, and light "eyebrows" above the eyes are welcome.
Possible vices
Any deviation from the standard is attributed to the defects of the Alaskan Kli-kai breed. Among the most common are:
- "torn" and/or asymmetric mask on the muzzle;
- bulging and/or close-set eyes;
- underdeveloped chest;
- excessively long hair;
- the presence of skin folds;
- light pigmentation of the eyelids;
- sagging belly line;
- direct bite format;
- constrained movements;
- flaky lips;
- stupid face;
- sharp stop.
Disqualifying vices are the same defects, but in a more aggravated form. In addition, they include aggressive or cowardly behavior, as well as cryptorchidism (non-omission of testicles in males).
Photo of the Alaskan kli-kai
The character of the Alaskan Kli-kai
Character is one of the main features that, along with the size, distinguishes the Alaskan kli-kai from the Husky. The temperament of this miniature copy is not at all the same as that of its progenitors – sled dogs. If huskies are distinguished by reasonableness, imposing movements, waywardness, and sometimes obstinacy, then Alaskan kli-kai are little merry fellows who prefer active games and like to frolic during walks.
Companionable and cheerful dogs do not tolerate loneliness. A logical conclusion follows from this: Alaskan kli-kai will not suit those people who are absent from home for a long time. Leave the mini husky for the whole day without attention - and out of boredom, the animal will splash out its energy on things and household items. Get ready to face such consequences of the Kli-kai's loneliness as gnawed furniture or, for example, torn shoes.
Remember: if your absence is still unavoidable, provide your pet with toys. He will switch his attention from interior items to more harmless balls and "bones".
These dogs are so sociable that after the owner returns, they will try to "tell" what happened in his absence within a few minutes. The barking of Alaskan kli-kai is very similar to speech sounds, a kind of dog language, and this is another distinctive ability of the breed. Four-legged friends show similar sociability and friendliness in relation to other pets, getting along well with dogs, cats and other animals. However, it is better to refrain from the company of decorative rodents and birds.
Representatives of the breed get along with the kids, and they adore the kids at all! The Alaskan Kli-kai will be a great babysitter for a child. However, it should be remembered that these dogs do not like rude treatment from older children. Kli-kai can faintly grin in response to pinches or kicks (although their husky progenitors tolerate such pranks). However, these incidents can be easily avoided if you explain to children how to behave properly with a pet. We must not forget that a dog is not a toy, but a living being.
Alaskan kli-kai are very loyal to the owner and strive to show their love in various ways. It is important to remember that this feeling must be mutual, otherwise your indifference will negatively affect the character of the dog and its further behavior. The animal will follow, demand attention, whine and try to "complain" to you about its difficult dog life.
Unlike huskies, who are not afraid of strangers and always welcome guests, Alaskan Kli-kai are careful about strangers in the house and try to stay away, staying alert. However, at the sight of a relaxed and positively disposed owner to a stranger, the animal's alertness is replaced by a trust-friendly attitude.
Although the Kli-kai acquired the ability to find a common language with strangers, this did not affect their protective qualities. The small size will not allow the dogs to give a decent rebuff to uninvited guests, but it will not be difficult for them to make a noise and attract attention.
If you live in a private house and plan to let your pet run around the yard, consider the fact that Alaskan kli-kai like to dig in the ground and can very easily dig a passage under the fence, which is fraught with escape and the loss of a friend. Obeying partially preserved instincts, dogs can tear up rodent burrows. Keep this in mind and do not forget to take into account that mice and rats are carriers of infection, which together with a bite on the nose can "reward" a curious hunter and cause a visit to the veterinarian.
Education and training
Alaskan kli-kai need socialization from the very first days of life in a new home. This breed is not a timid one, therefore, in the absence of proper upbringing, the dog is characterized by a tendency to show aggression and defend its territory.
The best way to learn the rules of behavior in society is to play. Set tasks for the fluffy baby, praise them for their successful completion, or, conversely, let the pet understand that you don't like the result. The main thing is not to flirt: this is fraught with a loss of authority in the eyes of the animal, and it will be quite difficult to regain the title of leader.
The inquisitive mind of the Alaskan Kli-kai facilitates the training process as much as it makes it difficult. The dog is smart and independent at the same time: he will gladly learn a new command, but whether he wants to fulfill it is already a rhetorical question. Do not give wishful thinking and expect that the Kli-kai will unconditionally do everything you ask him to: bring slippers or a newspaper, bark three times or tragically "die" better than any Hollywood actor. Huskies still endowed their "descendants" with an impressive share of stubbornness, so the manifestation of weakness is fraught with the fact that the Alaskan Kli-kai will take up your training himself.
Representatives of the breed need knowledge, so do not forget to teach your pet new commands. Stick to a clear order, otherwise the Kli-kai will not remember anything. A similar result awaits if you show aggression during the training process. A stern look and frowning eyebrows are enough: the Kli-kai will easily recognize your discontent. Shouting and trying to raise a hand on the pet will not speed up the assimilation of the command and will only set the dog against you.
It is recommended to alternate training with sports events. The most popular options are still chasing frisbee, obstacle course and jogging next to a cyclist (bikejoring). Freestyle is also recognized as useful – repeating commands to the beat of fervent music.
Training the Alaskan kli-kai to a leash is another important point in training. It is worth teaching the dog to respond to its own nickname, otherwise it is strictly forbidden to let the pet off the leash! Representatives of the breed are reputed to be masters of escape, so do not hide the leash in the box if you do not want to lose your pet.
Care and maintenance
Small-sized Alaskan kli-kai are great for keeping both in a country house and in apartments. Proper feeding will save you from the characteristic smell of the "dog" – and this is despite the long coat, which in most cases exudes an unpleasant "aroma". Plus, the cleanliness of dogs also adds to the karma of the breed: the Kli-kai always bypasses the foul-smelling garbage and does not feel the desire to roll out in it, which most of his relatives do.
Caring for a pet's fur will not be difficult, since these dogs spend the lion's share of time maintaining the cleanliness of their own fur. Sometimes Alaskan cats are compared to cats for their unique ability to wash with their front paws. Like representatives of the feline, miniature huskies like to take care of themselves: wipe the muzzle after a hearty breakfast or wash off the dust after an excessively active walk. Kli-kai do not need frequent water procedures – it is enough to bathe dogs two or three times a year using a special pet shampoo.
For combing wool, it is recommended to purchase mittens with silicone growths or a hard brush. The procedure is performed once a week. Of course, during molting, which occurs twice a year (in spring and autumn), you will have to do it every other day or even more often. This will help to avoid the formation of tangles from the outgoing podpushka. Contrary to popular misconception, Alaskan kli-kai do not need regular trimming. Nature has rewarded these dogs with the ability to do without human intervention to the maximum. However, this does not give you the right to put an end to the care of your pet.
In general, cats are not susceptible to colds, so it is better to hide winter clothes for other breeds. These dogs will happily "bathe" in the snow and lick the first icicle they can reach. But drafts are best avoided, especially after water procedures, since no one has canceled the poor immunity of individual animals yet.
Many novice dog breeders pay attention to the ears of pets in the last place, and in the case of Alaskan cats - this is a mistake. Representatives of the breed love to dig in the ground, so after a walk, take the trouble to examine the animal's ears. Dirt can get there, and this will cause the development of the inflammatory process. Wipe your pet's ears with a finger wrapped in wet gauze. In no case do not use cotton swabs: one careless movement – and you will damage the eardrums of the dog.
Regularly check the eyes of the Alaskan kli-kai for the presence of foreign particles. To remove them, use a damp lint-free cloth or a cotton pad. As an auxiliary, a decoction of chamomile or chilled strong tea is suitable.
Do not forget about the pet's mouth. Soft foods can contribute to the formation of tartar and gum problems. Use special sticks for brushing teeth, which, in addition to the main purpose, will serve as a good treat for the dog. In particularly neglected cases, a special paste that can be purchased at a pet store will help.
The claws of the Kli-kai should be trimmed as needed with a special claw cutter. On average, this procedure will have to be resorted to once or twice a month. Do not forget to use a nail file to smooth out uneven edges.
The hard pads of the paws tend to crack in the absence of proper care, so do not forget to lubricate them regularly with a greasy cream. When wounds form, use an antiseptic to prevent inflammation.
Alaskan kli-kai can be called omnivorous and absolutely picky in nutrition. Choose for yourself: a balanced menu of natural products or an appropriate dry food of high quality. Combining both options is highly undesirable – it provokes digestive problems in individual dogs.
Exclude from the diet of the Alaskan kli-kai:
- raw eggs and heat-treated meat;
- dairy products (does not apply to puppies);
- spicy, fatty and salty food;
- lamb and pork;
- legumes;
- yeast dough;
- tubular bones;
- river fish;
- raw mushrooms;
- sweets.
Please note: babies have an accelerated metabolism, so be prepared for unpleasant "surprises". Try to walk the kids once an hour, after eating and sleeping. This will reduce the likelihood of unscheduled cleaning.
There should always be drinking water in the pet's bowl. It is recommended to use bottled water. You can also give tap water, after infusing it for 6-8 hours.
Alaskan kli-kai require constant physical activity, and it should not just be jogging in the yard without a leash, because the same type of schedule forces the dog to get bored. Try to get out into nature with your pet more often: here you can learn a new team, repeat the old ones, and just enjoy your leisure time together.
Health and diseases of the Alaskan Kli-kai
Due to the careful selection of animals for breeding, Alaskan kli-kai are distinguished by excellent health, like their Siberian ancestors. The breed also lacks genetic diseases. The exception is congenital poor blood clotting. Fortunately, it is quite rare – one dog out of a hundred is susceptible to the disease.
How to choose a puppy
First of all, the choice depends on the goals pursued by its future owner. If you plan to breed a breed or participate in exhibitions and competitions, then, without a doubt, you need to look for a puppy in proven and reliable kennels. In this case, you will be provided with all the necessary documents and certificates. Check that there are no "white spots" in the pedigree.
Responsible breeders monitor the purity of the breed. Puppies who have reached the age of eight months are checked for compliance with the standard. If you want your pet to become a champion at exhibitions in the future, buy a kli-kai only in specialized nurseries. Do you just want to get a four-legged furry friend who will delight your family? Are you not interested in awards and medals? You can try your luck and buy a puppy from the hands of an ad. However, the guarantee of the purity of the breed in this case will be in great doubt, and it is almost impossible to identify non-compliance with the standards of the baby. Besides, it is not a fact that you will get a healthy and strong pet.
It is desirable to choose an Alaskan Kli-kai puppy from a small litter. Pay attention to how he behaves among his relatives in natural conditions, how he communicates or plays with them. Monitor the behavior of the baby during feeding. Perhaps the puppy you like will reciprocate and show interest in you as a potential owner. If this happens, do not hesitate with the purchase: this will only delay the chance to get a devoted friend and companion for active games!
Photos of Alaskan kli-kai puppies
How much is an Alaskan kli-kai
A miniature copy of the husky belongs to a rather rare breed, and the demand for its representatives exceeds the supply. The fact is that the American Kennel Club carefully controls the process of breeding dogs and monitors their population, preferring quality to quantity. Representatives of the breed with deviations from the established standard are subject to sterilization. All this is reflected in the price of the puppy: you will have to pay about $4000 or more for it.
If you decide to buy an Alaskan kli-kai in a nursery (which, by the way, are not so many), you may have to "stand" in line. If these difficulties do not deprive you of the desire to become the owner of a fluffy and cute friend, – moreover, also a devoted one, – look for a suitable nursery and sign a contract!