American Bully

American bully is a bodybuilder in the world of dogs. When looking at this squat, sturdy man with a predator's grin, it's hard to believe in the friendliness and meek disposition of the animal. However, down with the stereotypes!
Brief information
- Breed name: American bully
- Country of Origin: USA
- Weight: 30-58 kg
- Height (height at the withers): 40-57 cm
- Life expectancy: 8-12 years
- American Bully is a young breed, but has already managed to fall in love with dog breeders: a formidable appearance coupled with an affectionate character surprises many.
- In addition to unofficial, there are four registered breed types: standard, classic, pocket (pocket) and XL.
- These dogs join any family "collective" and tenderly treat every person, and especially the one they consider their master.
- It's hard for American bullies to come to terms with constant loneliness, but the absence of the owner during the working day will not cause indignation in animals.
- Being owners of a good–natured nature, dogs still tend to dominate others, so they need a firm hand - both for education and for training.
- Bullies are not bad guards, but they lack aggression towards strangers to get into the rating of the best guard breeds.
- "Americans" get along well with children of any age, but with the maintenance of representatives of this breed in families with other pets, you should be careful.
- Novice dog breeders cannot cope with these obstinate giants.
American bully - a native of the last decade of the last century. The personality of this intimidating athlete hides confidence, good nature and a rare but charming ability to get into funny situations. Bully fits the description of "my affectionate and gentle beast" perfectly: his loving and loyal attitude to family members surprises even dog breeders with experience. At the same time, the animal is always ready to demonstrate power and remarkable strength – especially when it comes to protecting those who are dear to him. Do not get in the way of an angry dog: playing with fire will turn into tragic consequences.
History of the American Bully breed
Despite the recent origin of the breed, at that time the fame of its progenitors had not subsided for two centuries. The reason for this is the relevance of bull–batting, a bloodthirsty entertainment with the only possible outcome: a dog attacked a bull chained to the ground. This sight delighted casual onlookers and participants of the underground sweepstakes. Universal soldiers of the bloody arena were dogs obtained as a result of crossing a terrier and an Old English bulldog.
With the prohibition of bull baiting in 1835, lovers of cruel games found a replacement for her in the face of dog pits. At the same time , through careful selection , new ones were bred fighting breeds - candidates for participation in bullying: bull terrier and Staffordshire bull terrier . The latter, having migrated to the USA, acquired a new name – American pit bull terriers .
Thoughts about creating a breed (according to another version, improving the character of an existing one) We have been visiting breeders since the 1980s, but breeding work began a decade later. Her goal was to create a companion dog that would retain an intimidating appearance, but would acquire an easy-going and friendly character. The task seemed impossible considering the "material", because the controlled mating involved not decorative breeds, but fierce four-legged fighters. Aggression is so firmly rooted in the nature of the pickling dogs that breeders had to spend more than one year to completely eradicate it.
Documentation on breeding work on American bullies does not have reliable information, therefore, potential progenitors of the breed include not only pit bull terriers and Staffordshire terriers , but also the bulldogs – french , english and even american . Many founders of nurseries (in particular, Razor's Edge owner Dave Wilson) the incest of representatives of more than two breeds was denied, but the fact remains that the genotype of the American bully absorbed the traits of at least five breeds.
The history of the breed's origin is notable for the fact that more than one dog breeder or club was engaged in breeding work. Hundreds of American specialists worked on the creation of improved animals. They mostly lived in the states of Southern California and Virginia, but soon the fashion for dogs spread throughout the country. The future breed was given a name – bully, which means "bully, bully" in English.
Since the breeders of American bullies did not share the results of breeding work and did not unite in groups for further breeding of dogs, the exterior of the animals differed significantly. Among the first bullies there were large and smaller individuals who had different proportions, structure and body type. The palette of colors consisted of more than a dozen options. However, the similarity of dogs with their distant ancestors still caused confusion and hindered the further development of the breed. This was the impetus for the creation of tribal organizations and clubs. Among them are the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC), the United Bully Kennel Club (UBKC), the Bully Breed Kennel Club (BBKC), the United Dog Association (UCA), the United Kennel Club (UKC). Europe was no exception: the European Bully Kennel Club (EBKC) was founded here. Branches of the latter are located in Italy, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and France.
The appearance of a new breed caused a wave of indignation among fans amstaff and pit bulls . They considered American bullies to be nothing more than an unceremonious interference in the breeding of classic fighting dogs. According to breeders, representatives of the new breed could not boast of either the exterior or attractive working qualities. In addition, the unscrupulousness of individual breeders would entail the appearance of mestizos – owners of similar appearance, but weakened immunity and health.
Recognition of the breed took place in 2004. ABKC, UKC and EBKC became the first cynological organizations that added "Americans" to the official register. They also fixed the bully standard, which includes four varieties of dogs. Some small associations have developed their own classification of the breed, based on the exterior and size.
At the international level, American bullies are still not recognized, although the number of dogs is growing every year. The main part of the fans of these giants is focused on the historical homeland of the breed – the USA. European countries do not have a rich selection of nurseries where bullies are bred, for example, there are no more than a dozen on the territory of Russia. Despite this, dogs are increasingly valued for the qualities of irreplaceable companions and the ability to perform their tasks flawlessly.
Video: American Bully
American Bully Breed Standard
American bully belongs to medium-sized breeds. In the external appearance of animals, there is a distant resemblance to their ancestors – pit bulls and amstaffs , – except for a more powerful and stocky physique. Despite the impressive mountain of muscles, dogs are quite compact and agile, so they are able to give odds to many representatives of fighting breeds – both in speed and endurance.
Depending on the height at the withers, American bullies are divided into four categories.
- Standard (Standard) – the standard of the breed. It is considered the most numerous. The height of males varies between 43-51 cm, females – 40-48 cm.
- Classic (Classic) is a lightweight version of the "standard" bulli. Differs in the most obvious similarity with pit bulls and Staffordshire terriers . The height of the animals at the withers is similar to the "standard" type: 43-51 cm (males) and 40-48 cm (females).
- Pocket, Pocket (Pocket) – the smallest of all the "Americans". The growth of males reaches 36-43 cm, females – 33-40 cm. Otherwise, the appearance of the dogs fully complies with the breed standard.
- XL is a giant among American bullies. Males grow up to 51-57 cm, females - 48-54 cm–
In addition to the main categories, there is also an unofficial classification of "Americans". Bulli, which are lower than representatives of the pocket type, belong to the "Micro" variety. The largest dogs belong to the XXL category. Previously, the number of types fixed by the standard included the fifth – "Extreme" (Extreme). Over time, it was abolished on the initiative of the Cynological Club of American Bullies for demonstration purposes.
The body weight of dogs depends on their height at the withers, but generally varies from 30 to 58 kg.
Head and skull
Bully's head is square in shape and of medium length; it seems massive and heavy, clearly outlined. Never looks out of proportion to the body of the dog. The broad skull is notable for its pronounced frontal part. Relief muscles are felt under the dense skin, especially the muscles in the cheeks are developed.
Wide and weighty; its shape is close to a square. The structure of the muzzle does not interfere with the free breathing of the bully. Its length is less than the length of the skull, is not less than ¼ and not more than ⅓ of the total length of the head. Minor creases are acceptable. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is deep and distinct, but not as much as in brachycephalic dog breeds. The back of the nose is wide and straight, "passes" into a large lobe with developed nostrils. Pigmentation in any color is acceptable for her, except for reddish shades (indicate albinism). The animal's lips fit snugly to the teeth; it is permissible to "sag" in the area of the corners of the mouth.
The ears are slightly pointed forward, as if the American bully is always worried about something; they have a high set. Cupping of the ears is allowed to create one of four forms: combat (battle crop), short (short crop), exhibition (show crop) or long (long crop). Many dog owners refuse this procedure because "natural" ears are not considered a disqualifying defect.
American bullies have medium-sized eyes; set wide, deep and relatively low in relation to the animal's skull. The shape of the eyes is almond–shaped or oval. The conjunctiva of the lower eyelids is almost invisible. Let's assume any color of the iris, except blue and blue, if it is in harmony with the color of the bully.
Jaws and teeth
The strong jaws of the "American" form a scissor bite. At the same time, the lower jaw is stronger and "frightening" in comparison with the upper one; its conditional line is parallel to the muzzle. A complete dental formula is required.
Medium length, with distinct musculature; tapers from the back of the skull to the back. A small "arch" is noticeable on the back of the neck. The skin is dense and elastic. Flabbiness is allowed only for American bulli type XL.
The case looks massive, but at the same time compact. The format is square. The distance from the withers of the dog to the elbows and from the elbows to the paws is the same. The option when the second value is slightly less than the first is acceptable, but undesirable. The chest is formed by smoothly rounded ribs, does not protrude further than the shoulders. It looks very wide due to the huge distance between the forelimbs of the bully. The back is short and strong, can be raised in relation to the croup. The latter is slightly tilted to the base of the tail. The loin is short and wide. The bottom line is moderately matched.
Predominantly hook-shaped; a direct "analogue" is also acceptable. Planted low, tapers from the base to the tip. In a calm state, it is lowered to the level of the hock joints. In motion, it rises, continuing the top line. If the American bully is excited or alarmed by something, the tail can be "thrown" over the back, but in no case is it twisted into a ring.
Muscular and strong, slightly turned to the forearms. The humerus bones are laid back, connected with wide and long shoulder blades at an angle of 35-45 °. The elbows are tightly pressed against the chest, but a small gap is still acceptable. The pasterns are flexible and powerful, located at a slight angle to the surface. Paws are round and arched, proportional to the overall dimensions of the dog. Removal of the dewclaws is desirable, but not necessary.
Hind limbs
Strong and wide, when viewed from behind parallel and straight. They are notable for their developed muscular system (the latter is especially noticeable in the area of the animal's thighs). They should look proportionally in comparison with the forelimbs. The hock joints are low, well curved. Deviations are allowed only for American bulli class XL. The lowered pasterns are perpendicular to the surface of the earth, turning into rounded paws. If desired, you can remove the dewclaws, but their presence is not regarded as a disqualifying vice.
Manner of movement
American bulls move confidently and impressively, but at the same time they look as if they expect a sharp change of events every second. The gait is characterized by a strong push of the hind limbs. The lynx is powerful, but at the same time light and well coordinated. The line of the back remains straight, let's assume its smooth bend in time with the movements of the dog. The limbs do not go either outside or inside; they do not cross and do not "get tangled". As the speed increases, the legs move more and more closer to the center line.
Wool cover
The body of the American bully is covered with short and moderately stiff to the touch fur. It fits snugly to the body; there is not the slightest hint of a receding hairline. In any light, the glossy shine of the hairs is noticeable. The undercoat is missing.
The breed standard is loyal to the color of the "Americans". Any color combinations and shapes of points are acceptable. The exception is the marble color (merle).
Possible vices
Common defects of the American Bully breed include:
- light pink or reddish pigmentation of the nose lobe;
- excessively short or long tail;
- pointed and/or long muzzle;
- underdeveloped lower jaw;
- wavy or curly hair;
- elongated coat;
- naked third eyelid;
- weak and thin neck;
- clumsy movements;
- undershot or overshot;
- bulging eyes;
- twisted paws;
- creases on the tail;
- smoothed stop;
- straight bite;
- heterochromia;
- snub nose;
- amble.
Dogs are disqualified on the following grounds:
- bat-shaped ears (like a bat);
- one- or two-sided cryptorchidism;
- cowardly or aggressive behavior;
- marble coat color;
- docked tail;
- twisted tail;
- dwarfism;
- albinism;
- deafness.
The character of American Bully
Although American bullies look tough and bully big men, their appearance is nothing more than fertile ground for the emergence of frightening stereotypes. In fact, representatives of the breed are cheerful and balanced dogs who easily make contact and show genuine friendliness to others. American bullies do not avoid communication and affection, they will gladly turn over on their backs in front of you and close their eyes in anticipation of trembling strokes.
Animals are distinguished by an amazing ability to get along with all members of the "pack", as they say, from small to large. Bulli are able to catch the "weather in the house" and timely defuse the heated atmosphere with a funny and clumsy trick. Representatives of the breed are friendly to all family members, but they consider only one owner. With him, dogs are gentle to the point of insanity and at all costs strive to cause a happy smile on the face of a loved one. If you managed to find the key to the heart of a charming giant, be prepared for obsessive (and sometimes manic) persecution: American bullies do not like to let the owner out of sight.
Due to the tendency to become attached to the family, these animals will not be able to spend most of their time alone. If spontaneous trips outside the city and the desire to put your thoughts in order in private are familiar to you, refuse to purchase an American bully. These dogs need constant attention, but still they will not destroy furniture and continuously howl at a locked door in the short absence of the owner.
Note: it is not recommended to leave bully in independent care often. Over time, the animal will stop seeing you as a leader whose words you need to listen to, and this is fraught with additional problems with the pet.
Despite the phlegmatic and good-natured disposition, "Americans" tend to dominate novice dog breeders. This is especially true of young males who seek to defend their rights not only among relatives, but also among people. Most often, bullies attempt to usurp power at the age of one and a half years. To avoid this, it is necessary to clearly define the hierarchy from the puppy age, otherwise the intervention of a professional dog handler will be required. If you have no experience keeping fighting dogs, pay attention to other breeds. American bulls and elderly people, as well as owners of a soft character, will not work.
Animals are known for developed hunting instincts, which makes them quite passable candidates for the role of guard dogs. American bullies often lack the aggressiveness to be considered ideal guards. The owners of the bullies laugh it off: this is not necessary, because the intimidating appearance of the dogs is enough to scare away strangers from the protected area. If any of the family members are in danger, the "Americans" turn into a killing machine literally at the click of their fingers. At this moment, bully does not care about the size of the enemy: the animal will protect loved ones to the last.
Representatives of the breed are ideal as family dogs. Animals show amazing love towards children and bravely tolerate their antics. Curiosity, playfulness, the desire for pranks and adventures are the main reasons why these big guys find a common language with young family members. American bullies are able to participate in active games for several hours without snapping or biting in response to painful shocks.
Important: It is highly undesirable to leave Bully alone with a small child. The impressive dimensions of the animal are quite traumatic.
Well-socialized dogs get along well with other pets. An exception may be sexually mature males who get involved in a fight for any reason – starting with territorial and ending with sexual. This is especially noticeable during a walk, when the American bully can show aggression towards relatives. Cats, decorative rodents and birds are not the best company for dogs. If possible, limit the contact of the "American" with these pets.
Bulli cannot be called real "lively", but they are also not considered lazy. Even an ordinary person will be able to satisfy the need of representatives of the breed for activity. It is enough to take a long walk (at least an hour and a half) twice a day. The owners of bully recommend occasionally going camping with dogs: a new environment, active games and communication with the owner will give the pet a lot of positive emotions!
Education and training
Despite the high level of intelligence and the desire to please its owner, the American Bully is not the easiest breed to handle. These dogs need socialization from the first day they appear in a new home. It is important to teach your pet to react calmly to everything that may be new to him: sounds, smells, animals and people. At the same time, a trusting relationship between the owner and his ward is extremely important. You have to become both a loyal friend and an unconditional leader for Bully, otherwise communication with the dog will give a lot of trouble.
The intervention of an experienced dog handler in the case of the American bully will not be superfluous. Representatives of the breed subtly feel the hierarchy of the "pack" and at the first convenient opportunity strive to take a dominant position. It is necessary to besiege the pet in time, thereby making it clear to him: the place of the leader is not disputed. The upbringing of an "American" should be moderately strict, without the use of physical force. If you act exactly the opposite, you can easily turn Bully into an embittered and disobedient creature.
Dog owners speak of the breed as quite burdensome for training at home. Once in the hands of a beginner, the American bully will eventually show obstinacy and disobedience. This rule especially applies to young males who express a tendency to dominate more strongly than bitches. For fruitful training, teams are recommended to resort to the services of an experienced trainer who has previously worked with fighting breeds. Watching the strategy of a professional, you will understand for yourself how to handle American bullies in order to avoid problems.
Please note: from the age of 6 months, it is necessary to enroll a pet in obedience courses. With the ZKS (protective guard service), you will have to wait until the dog turns two years old. Early classes are fraught with problems with the psyche of the American bully.
Contrary to the common misconception that training without the use of force is impossible, bullies need positive methods. At the same time, among the animals there are both dainties who are easily motivated by a "yummy", and sissies who cannot imagine learning without affectionate stroking behind the ear. In the situation with the "Americans", it is impossible to do with the basic truths of training. These dogs are motivated by the most unexpected things: starting with a walk in the park and ending with the purchase of a new squeaking ball. You will have to understand what pleases your pet the most – and then team training will go like clockwork!
Care and maintenance
Caring for the American Bully is not much different from caring for a representative of another shorthair breed. For a neat appearance of the dog, it is enough to comb out the wool weekly with a brush with coarse bristles or a furminator glove. Combs with sparse teeth are ineffective. Seasonal molting of the animal goes almost unnoticed, especially if you increase the frequency of combing up to twice a week.
American bullies do not need regular bathing. It is enough to wipe the dogs with a damp towel or "sprinkle" with dry shampoo to eliminate greasy shine. If your pet gets dirty, use a hygienic product without alkalis and acids, and then rinse the shampoo with warm running water. Bully's short "fur coat" dries out pretty quickly, so it's not necessary to scare the dog with a loud buzzing of a hair dryer. It is only necessary to allocate a secluded corner to the animal and monitor the absence of drafts. Despite strong immunity, American bullies are prone to colds.
Remember: it is not recommended to bathe bully more than once or twice a month! Otherwise, the wool will lose its protective fat layer, and the balanced work of the glands will be disrupted. This is fraught with the appearance of a specific smell, which is very difficult to get rid of.
Be sure to set aside time for a daily inspection of the ears of the "American". Dog owners do not recommend wiping the auricles for no apparent reason: there is a high risk of provoking inflammation by accidentally introducing an infection. Remove dirt and dust only as needed with a cotton swab moistened with a lotion with a drying effect. It is better to avoid using cosmetic sticks: careless movement can injure soft tissues.
The eyes of the American bully need regular inspection, especially after a walk in windy weather. Foreign particles are removed by swiping movements directed to the inner corners. To do this, use a cotton pad and a special solution. As an alternative to the latter, you can take strong tea. In case of excessive acidification, lacrimation or redness of the eyes, it is necessary to consult a specialist about treatment.
Maintaining cleanliness requires the oral cavity of the bully, which, due to its anatomical structure, is prone to plaque formation. For its complete removal, two procedures per month are enough. Instead of "human" paste, use its animal analogue (you can pamper your pet with a product with an unusual taste). Don't forget about a toothbrush or a finger attachment. In extreme cases, you can use a bandage tightly wound around your finger.
Preventive teeth cleaning is also important – with the help of environmentally friendly rubber toys or treats made of compressed bones. They will slow down the formation of hard tartar, which can only be removed in a veterinary clinic.
Despite the high activity of American bullies, the natural grinding of claws on a hard surface is not enough for the comfort of a pet. Get a claw cutter for large breeds – guillotine (for pocket type "Americans") or crescent (for bully varieties standard, classic and XL). Regularly shorten the "manicure" of the dog, not forgetting to smooth out the sharp edges with a nail file.
In winter, it is necessary to carefully inspect the pads of the paws: salt, which is sprinkled with ice, can provoke a chemical burn. Since the breed is distinguished by a high pain threshold, the pet will tolerate serious injuries without giving a sign.
One of the central roles in the full development of the American bully is played by its nutrition. Dog owners claim that pets can be fed with both high-quality industrial food (not lower than premium class) and natural products. It doesn't matter which option you choose, because the main thing in feeding bully is a balanced diet.
The advantage of ready–made feeds is the correct proportions of vitamins and trace elements that are necessary for the dog's well-being. The diet of natural origin implies the additional use of mineral supplements. Consult with a veterinarian about vitamins that are suitable for your dog. Amateur activity in this case is not welcome.
The basis of a natural diet should be dietary meat, ideally boiled beef without salt and other spices. It is recommended to combine it with cereals: wheat, buckwheat or rice. Legumes are undesirable because they cause bloating. The use of fermented milk products (yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir) is permissible no more than 2-3 times a week, otherwise the animal faces problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Don't forget to please the American bully with seasonal vegetables and fruits: they are not only delicious, but also useful. A tablespoon of vegetable oil, added daily to food, will improve the condition of the dog's skin and coat. Olive, corn, sunflower or flax oil will do.
An American bully puppy aged 2 to 6 months is fed at least 5 times a day. During the period up to a year, the number of meals decreases to 3-4. It is recommended to feed an adult dog older than 12 months no more than 2 times a day. Moderate portions combined with physical activity will help to avoid obesity.
The animal's diet should not include:
- boiled, canned or raw fish (sea fish is acceptable);
- fatty, salty, spicy and pickled food;
- high-caffeine foods;
- bones of large animals, birds and fish;
- raisins, currants, grapes;
- raw and/or fatty meat;
- potatoes in any form;
- persimmons, peaches and plums;
- whole milk;
- onion and garlic;
- citrus;
- raw eggs;
- mushrooms.
The dog should have constant access to clean drinking water; ideally, bottled water, but it can also be replaced with running water, having previously insisted for 6-8 hours.
American bullies are heat–loving creatures who like the comfort of city apartments or a private house. For keeping in an aviary, it is better to opt for longer-haired breeds: german shepherd , scottish collie , bobtail or alabae . Keeping a dog in "greenhouse" conditions implies physical activity – small, but regular (at least 3 hours a day). Walking in special vests with a load is useful for building and strengthening muscles. Allow your pet to test his strength in more familiar "dog" sports: agility, aportirovke objects or weightpulling.
Health and diseases of American bullies
Since the breed appeared relatively recently, the breeders of American bullies have not come to a single conclusion about the health of these powerful dogs. On average, bullies are characterized by strong immunity, but are subject to certain ailments. Among them:
- intolerance to hot weather;
- optic nerve atrophy;
- joint dysplasia;
- dental problems;
- demodecosis;
- cataract.
Since representatives of the breed are susceptible to cardiac pathologies, an annual veterinary examination is mandatory. In addition, do not neglect regular vaccination, as well as treatment from external and internal parasites. This will help the American bully stay healthy for as long as possible.
How to choose a puppy
Buying an American bully can be a test in the spirit of an Indiana Jones treasure hunter: there are only a few nurseries in Russia that specialize in breeding the breed. They are mainly concentrated in the vicinity of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities.
Often unscrupulous breeders sell under the guise of bully pit bulls and amstaff : in puppy age, these breeds really look like each other. In order not to become a victim of fraudsters, contact European and American breeders who have established themselves as conscientious specialists. If there is no opportunity to purchase a "foreign" bully, it is worth using the services of an expert dog handler who has dealt with fighting breeds of dogs and will easily distinguish them from each other.
However, do not be upset: the relatively small number of the breed indicates that specimens with good genetics participate in the breeding program. First of all, decide on the type of American bully: standard, classic, pocket or XL. In puppy age, animals look the same, so if you need a certain breed class, pay attention to older dogs (from six months and older).
The placement of puppies begins from 1.5-2 months, when they no longer need maternal care. Healthy babies show activity (sometimes excessive) and curiosity about the world around them, look well–groomed and neat. The puppy you like cowardly tucks his tail and hides in a secluded corner? Refuse to purchase it: there is a great risk of getting a sickly pet, with which visits to the veterinary clinic will become a tradition.
When choosing a dog, ask the breeder to provide a passport with marks of primary vaccination. It is recommended to clarify beforehand the point regarding the conditions of keeping animals. At first, it is desirable to recreate the atmosphere as close as possible to the nursery, so that the four-legged friend quickly adapts to life in a new family.
The price of an American bully
The cost of the breed representatives is determined by the following factors:
- the status and location of the nursery;
- compliance with the standard;
- pedigree;
- by floor.
The price of American bullies starts from $1500 and often exceeds the mark of $3000. For culled dogs, a lower cost is requested, but these animals cannot participate in the breeding program. Natives of European nurseries are much cheaper: about 700 euros. However, the high price and the rarity of the breed only fuel the interest of dog breeders: American bullies are ideal friends and companions, without whom life does not seem so fun and exciting anymore!