Bombay Cat

The Bombay cat is a graceful and extremely affectionate pet with a spectacular appearance. It can become a real decoration of the house.
Brief information
- Breed name: Bombay Cat
- Country of Origin: USA
- Birth time of the breed: 1950s
- Weight: 3-5 kg
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years old
- The Bombay cat is a fairly young and rare breed for Russia, which means that the price for purebred kittens is high.
- Due to discrepancies in standards, "American" and "British" Bombay cats are conditionally distinguished, the latter were obtained without the participation of the American shorthair.
- The character of exotic pets is docile and friendly, so they will easily join the life of families with children.
- Compared to other purebred cats, they are undemanding to care for.
- Bombay cats are prone to overeating, so owners should control the amount of portions and the frequency of feeding.
- Pets prefer home comfort to free walking, although they easily get used to short walks in a helmet.
- Are very thermophilic, they do not tolerate temperature changes and drafts.
- Bombay cats can be called animals with good health, their average life expectancy is 13-15 years.
Bombay Cat is unusual in that it looks like a wild black panther, only several times smaller in size. And an even greater resemblance to this dangerous predator is given to the cat by copper-colored eyes (or, as they say in the homeland of the black Indian leopard, the color of a penny) and graceful gait. However, the word "Bombay" in the name of the breed indicates only that it looks like an Indian predator, since this breed has nothing to do with India. Despite the appearance of a predator, the cat's temper is not wild at all. A Bombay man's favorite pastime is to purr while lying on his master's lap.
Breed characteristics
History of the Bombay Cat breed
A large number of dates and facts cannot be found in the personal chronicle of Bombay cats. The main paradox, perhaps, is that they have nothing to do with either densely populated Mumbai or an island in the Indian Ocean. The first representatives of the breed were born on the border of the American states of Kentucky and Indiana. Enthusiast Nikki Horner from Louisville has set herself an ambitious goal – to create a "room" copy of a magnificent representative of the feline, which is now endangered – the Indian leopard. Yes, the teacher Mowgli, who is familiar to us from the "Jungle Book", is actually a leopard whose coat has a black tint due to a genetic mutation.
However, Breeder was only interested in visual similarity, not the habits of a large predator, so among the ancestors of Bombay, unlike savannah , kanaans, safaris, chausies and bengals , there are no servals, marsh lynxes, forest cats and other "savages". To create an unusual appearance, Miss Horner decided to use black American shorthair cat with golden eyes and burmese cat -champion sable color. Work on the hybrid began in 1953, and over the next few years, the "mother" of Bombay cats put a lot of effort into the process of selective selection and further crosses.
In the mid-60s, the first kittens appeared, whose exterior corresponded to the breeder's idea. They immediately made a splash among cat lovers from the USA, but they were able to take part in official exhibitions only a decade later. In 1976, the breed was registered in the influential American The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) and immediately became one of the winners of regional and national competitions. The International Cats Association (TICA) recognized Bombay cats in 1979. But the international organization for breeding and breeding of new breeds of cats, Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe), at the moment has not even included them in the list of previously recognized.
Crosses with are still allowed burmese cat (color "sable") and American shorthair (black color).
Video: Bombay Cat
Appearance of the Bombay cat
The Bombay cat belongs to the shorthair. As for the size, it falls a little short of the impressive dimensions of the wild prototype. The growth of young individuals finally stops by the age of two, although already at 6-9 months they become sexually mature. Usually Bombay cats reach medium size, from 20 to 30 cm in height. The normal weight of an adult male is 5-5.5 kilograms, cats are slightly lighter – 3-4 kg.
In general, the type is similar to burmese cat , but the body is more elongated, the paws and tail are longer.
The size is average, the shape is as close as possible to a circle, without protrusions and corners.
The muzzle of the Bombay cat is wide, pleasantly rounded, the divorces are smooth. Strong and strong chin. The jaws are powerful. The bite is correct, pincer–like - the teeth are even, do not go on top of each other, the incisors are directly closed.
The break is expressed quite clearly, but not sharply, does not go into a break so that the profile does not look "eagle" or snub-nosed. The tip of the nose is slightly rounded down.
The eyes of the Bombay cat are one of the unique features of the breed. They are widely spaced, have a rounded shape, large, generally of excellent proportions, bright, shiny. According to the American standard, only shades from dark amber to gold are allowed, and preference is given to the first - so the eyes are most similar to a copper penny, a one–cent coin. The British type also includes green-eyed cats.
Medium-sized, set wide apart, slightly forward-facing. The tips have a rounded shape.
Medium size. Elongated, proportional, with well-developed muscles. Well-developed broad chest, powerful shoulders and hips.
Medium length, slim, muscular. Paws are rounded, small.
The tail of the Bombay cat is of medium length, not thin, strong. It narrows slightly towards the tip.
Another business card of Bombay. Short, rather thin and very tight to the body due to the lack of undercoat. The pronounced shine and texture resembles natural silk.
It is the color that makes up half of the success of the Bombay cat in the eyes of the professional jury. Solid coal-black color from the tips to the roots of the wool. Any stains or medallions are a serious drawback. The nose lobe and the pads on the feet should also be black.
Bombay cat photo
Character of Bombay Cats
This is a rare case in which a hybrid breed has inherited the best features not only of appearance, but also of the inner world of the "parents". From American shorthair cat Bombay got restraint and poise. Your pet will never show aggression for no reason, even towards strangers, careless children and other animals. If the situation becomes uncomfortable, he will prefer to retire to a safe place.
On the other hand, Bombay cats, like their Burmese "cousins", are incredibly sociable, sociable and loving. They extend tender feelings and fervent devotion to all family members without exception, usually without singling out anyone in particular. They need human company and constant attention from their owners, and they are very sad when they are alone. Owners often affectionately call them clingers, because they shadow the household when they go about their business. You can be sure: as soon as you get home and sit down in a chair for a minute, a satin purr will immediately settle on your hands.
But you can't call them sluggards! One has only to invite a Bombay cat to run with the kids or show a new toy – she will rush into battle with great enthusiasm.
Care and maintenance
Bombay cats are unpretentious in care. Short smooth wool does not fall off even during the molting period, so it will be enough to use a rubber brush every few days. The Bombay people treat combing as favorably as other manifestations of affection, so you will not have any problems. Frequent bathing at home is not necessary. Before exhibitions or in case of contamination, it is recommended to use special shampoos for black wool.
Carefully monitor the condition of the eyes, respiratory tract and auricles, they need to be cleaned regularly with special means. Brushing your teeth with veterinary paste will prevent the appearance of tartar and gum problems.
Bombay cats are very domestic. They do not seek long absences, such as, for example, norwegian forest cats . But small outings in your company, provided the weather is good, will definitely give them pleasure. They get used to walking in a helmet quickly.
This breed is thermophilic, low temperatures and drafts can lead to colds and other infections, so it is better to organize their sleeping place where it is dry and comfortable all year round, but not in close proximity to radiators and central heating batteries. Especially your pet will be grateful for a cozy closed "house" at some elevation from the floor.
Combined nutrition should be avoided, preferring either ready-made premium and super premium feeds, or natural food. In the second case, the ratio of meat components and fiber should be 80% and 20%, respectively. From an early age, you need to learn to limit the irrepressible appetite of your pet, otherwise overeating will lead to obesity and health problems.
Bombay cats are very clean and for the most part are not particularly demanding of the cat litter filler, so getting used to the tray is quick and painless.
Health and diseases of the Bombay cat
In general, Bombay cats are considered a breed with good health, but together with genes american shorthair they got a tendency to a serious cardiovascular disease - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It does not manifest itself immediately. Alarming symptoms are shortness of breath and a sharp increase in sleep time.
Inherited from the second line of ancestors inherited a congenital pathology, the so-called "Burmese craniofacial defect". Kittens born with him are subject to immediate euthanasia. Unfortunately, there are cases of this disease in many purebred lines.
Due to the characteristic "foot" and the associated curvature of the nasal passage, breathing problems are possible. As already noted, Bombay cats are prone to colds.
How to choose a kitten
The Bombay cat is a fairly rare breed, we do not have a large number of reputable breeders and kennels with a good reputation. And of course, you should look for a pet only here, if you want to be sure that you are not just buying a yard black cat.
In addition to the official documents of parents, an important factor is the conditions of keeping babies. Kittens should have a good appetite, a desire to make contact with people, play with brothers and sisters. A good breeder will not give a Bombay kitten younger than 12-16 weeks to the new owners, although the reserve, of course, takes place in advance.
How much does a Bombay cat cost
The price of "domestic" Bombay kittens without pedigree and with external deviations from the standard that do not affect the character and health of the pet starts from $100. Show-class cats, whose chances of becoming the winner of the exhibition are quite high, cost $500 or more.